Chaos demon sea.

Maitreya cave.

On the same night, Lubo cliff sat cross legged, bowed his head and played with a jade amulet.

The jade talisman surged with obscure fluctuations of the prohibition order, but gradually, these fluctuations of the prohibition order gradually disappeared.

In the end, the jade amulet also disintegrated.

Seeing this scene, luboya was relieved, took a long breath and murmured:

"Brother Tongtian, I borrowed your great grandson's hand to deal with the disaster of the Luo family. Isn't it a breach of the original oath?"

"In fact, even if you blame me for breaking my promise, I will do so. Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll have to spend my whole life in guilt and debt..."

Luboya looks calm and has clear eyes.

Over the years, he has been dormant in the sea of chaos and evil, and has only done three things.

First, open the sect and establish Maitreya cave!

Today's Maitreya cave has more than 100 successors, each of whom is a first-class Taoist master in the world. This is an extremely terrible power.

Second, collect and inquire about Luo Qingheng, Luo Xiao and Luo Tongtian.

He had already told Lintian about all the secret and news, which solved Lintian's doubts hidden in his heart for many years.

Third, prepare a killer mace for Lintian!

Before entering the chaos magic sea, luboya had learned that the "mysterious forbidden area", which is regarded as one of the three forbidden areas of the chaos magic sea, is covered with a congenital forbidden array derived from the power of order!

After years of exploration and exploration, he finally determined one thing, the mysterious forbidden area is distributed with nine innate forbidden order forces.

Every prohibition order has the power of terror.

Sixty years ago, luboya took action, broke into the mysterious forbidden area, exhausted all his knowledge and successfully surrendered to a "forbidden order".

This prohibition order is called "Prohibition"!

It is one of the nine forbidden orders distributed in the mysterious forbidden domain.

Unfortunately, we failed to subdue the spirit born in this "forbidden order".

Later, luboya knew that the spirit of order had already become one with the xuanjian domain, unless it had the power to suppress the whole xuanjian domain.

Otherwise, the spirit of order cannot be taken away at all.

After nearly ten years of hard work, luboya condensed the forbidden order into a Taoist sword, which was handed over to Lintian when Lintian left the cave.

This sword also became Lintian's mace for revenge at Luo's house!

"It's a pity that without subduing the spirit of order, the power of banning order cannot last forever. Otherwise, it can serve as the family order of Luo family..."

Thinking of this, luboya can't help feeling a little sorry.

The forbidden order is indeed terrible and can be called a rare nine grade order in heaven. However, because there is no spirit of order, the forbidden order, like a body without soul, will dissipate with the consumption of power.

There's no way.

The mysterious forbidden area is too scary. If it is Lubo cliff in its heyday, I still have the confidence to break through it.

But he still has the power of five bad ways and robberies in his body. He doesn't dare to go all out. Otherwise, he will suffer first before he subdues the power of order.

Luboya took out a pot of wine and drank it himself. He looked in a trance, as if he were in memory.

"In those days, brother Tongtian was like a tiger with gold and iron horses. Even if he was placed in the last era, he could be called a first-class hero, but unexpectedly, he was killed by a traitor at the last step towards eternity..."

"If you treat me as a national, I will repay it as a national. Now, finding a son has finally become a weapon. In the future, I will help him or her and avenge you for that year!"

After that, he drank the wine in the pot and grew up.

The Luo family has no internal problems, but there are foreign enemies!


The night is like ink.

Dragon Ridge Mountain, faint starlight floating.

In front of the collapsed Cuiyun mountain, Lintian looked away from the suppressed Luo Chong and looked at the old people in the distance.

"Predecessors, what do you think should be done with Luo Chong and others?" Lintian asked.

"Lintian, you are the great grandson of the Lord of heaven. Without your help tonight, the trouble in the Luo family could not be eliminated. The next thing is up to you."

A tall and thin old man, headed by him, spoke in a deep voice.

Other elderly people in the vicinity also nodded one after another.

If there were no Lintian tonight, they would still be imprisoned in FeiTing mountain. The internal troubles led by Luo Chong and Peiru were doomed to be eradicated.

It can be said that Lintian conquered the old people of Luo family with the strength he showed before.

What's more rare is that Lin Xun is the great grandson of the Lord of heaven, and can be regarded as the master of the Luo family!

"In that case, you are welcome."

Lintian said and clapped it.


When he was crushed, he was too high to fight with the God, and his blood was splashed.

It's too fast.

Kill as you say. You're welcome!

The big men in the Luo family branch were frightened, their faces turned white, and they trembled and said:

"Luo Chong is a traitor and deserves to be killed, but we are not traitors, and we have never betrayed the Luo family."

"Lintian, Pei Ru, Luo Chong and others have been killed. We only found out their conspiracy and face tonight. Those who don't know are not guilty. I hope you can give us a way to live. After all, we are all relatives..."

"If we had known Luo Chong was a traitor, we would never have tolerated him until now!"

"Lintian, the Luo family is in a troubled time now. We did a lot of stupid things in the past, but we promise that we will reform ourselves and make atonement!"

In the past, these people were in charge of the Luo family with great authority, but now they are all flustered. They all get rid of their relationship with Luo Chong and excuse themselves for fear that Lintian would kill them all.

Lintian said calmly, "the death penalty is avoidable, but the living penalty is inevitable. You have suppressed those old people in the main vein for countless years. Then I will give you a chance to make atonement. From today on, how about you all stay in FeiTing mountain?"

The faces of those important people suddenly became pale.

FeiTing mountain, which is a place to imprison clan sinners, is extremely dangerous. If it is suppressed, it will suffer countless torture and pain day and night!

"Lintian, you can't do this! Everything is Luo Chong's fault. Why should we all suffer? It's not fair!" One man shouted with great anger.

Lintian slapped it out in the air.


This man was killed on the spot. He was just an emperor. For Lintian, he could easily be crushed to death without using any mace.

This bloody scene also shocked the whole audience, which made those people in the main vein of the Luo family gasp and turn pale one after another.

Lintian's eyes were cold: "I don't want to say anything more. I'll either die or be imprisoned in FeiTing mountain. You choose."

Those Luo family members looked uncertain, and no one spoke for a long time. Obviously, they all accepted the end of being imprisoned.

Lintian said, "of course, that doesn't mean you can save your life. When my grandfather and uncle wake up, they will convict you."

In a word, let the hearts of those big people in the branch of Luo family sink to the bottom of the valley

Lintian didn't care what they thought. After all this, he looked at the old man of Luo family in the distance and said, "senior, what do you think of my handling like this?"

"Thank you for finding these bones for me!"

The tall old man bowed.

Other old people in the main vein also saluted together, looking solemn and serious.

Then, in this dark night, the Luo family's main pulse people distributed in other areas saluted one after another at this moment, excited and grateful.

They knew that it was Lintian who helped them turn the world around tonight and changed their situation in one fell swoop!

Lintian didn't feel anything and accepted it calmly.

"I can only ask you to deal with other things. I will stay in jianjiafeng until I leave Luo's house." Lintian said and walked away.

Jianjia peak.

It was originally the retreat residence of his mother Luo Qingpeng and uncle Luo Qingheng.

Shortly after Lintian left, after a night of turbulence, the Luo family started a big clean-up under the auspices of a group of old people who were the main source of his hometown.

Those important people were escorted to FeiTing mountain and imprisoned.

The clansmen who were distributed among the clans were also captured one by one and waited for their fall.

The whole Luo family spent the night in this busy and turbulent situation.

Lintian ignored these.

He didn't want to get involved in the trivial things of the Luo family.

In the final analysis, he was not surnamed Luo and didn't say much about his sense of belonging to the Luo family.

After arriving at Jianjia peak, he settled his saved uncle Luo Qingheng and grandfather Luo Xiao and carefully healed them.

When they finished, Luo Xuanfu and Luo XuanZhen brothers came in a hurry.


They saluted together, looking excited with deep awe and admiration.

"What else?"

Lintian asked with a smile.

The two shook their heads together, and Luo Xuanfu said, "uncle, we hope you will be the leader of the Luo family and take charge of the power of the Luo family in the future!"

"Yes!" Luo XuanZhen said seriously, "this is not our idea, but that most of the Luo family's main lineage people are looking forward to their cousin being in charge of the Luo family."

Lintian was stunned, shook his head and said, "No."

He is not interested in taking over the Luo family, not because the Luo family's power is extremely declining and the situation is extremely unbearable, but because it is difficult for him to have a sense of belonging to the Luo family in his heart.

That's the key.

"Are you worried that the old people won't agree? But we can see that as long as you show your attitude, the old people will certainly not refuse." Luo Xuanfu said.

"Needless to say, in the future, my grandfather will be the patriarch. Even if my grandfather can't, my uncle can."

Lintian was firm, "what's more, for Luo family, my surname is Lin after all."

Seeing this, Luo Xuanfu and Luo XuanZhen could not help lamenting, but they had no choice but to leave in a hurry soon.

Seeing them leave, Lintian smiled and came to the top of Jianjia peak. He lay lazily on an ancient willow tree and narrowed his eyes comfortably.

The stars in the distance are floating, quiet and tranquil.

For many years, this was the first time Lintian was so relaxed.

So easy again.

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