(there was a bug in the previous chapter, which has been revised. The Nan, Gu and Li families of the four families of the Eastern Emperor occupy the Qingguang star domain, and the Yun family occupy the Ziwei star domain.

The above does not affect the plot.)


Jun Huanwen said in a voice, "the top priority is to let younger martial brother you enter the ancestral court of Yuan religion smoothly and smoothly. Other things are secondary."

Lintian said, "elder martial sister, teaching the Zhuang family will not affect my entry into the ancestral court of Yuan religion."

Jun Huan said, "but once our identity is exposed at this time, I'm afraid there will be many people coming to deal with us in the seventh heaven. Of course, I know you're not afraid of these storms, but there will be many accidents in the end, which is not worth it."

After a pause, she said: "what's more, if you let Zhuang Shiliu know that when you enter the ancestral court of Yuan religion, you will be embarrassed everywhere. After all, this guy is the deacon of Yuan Qing Pavilion and a local snake. If you want to deal with you, there will be many moths."

Lintian suddenly stretched out his hand, pressed Jun Huan's shoulder and said seriously, "elder martial sister, what trouble and trouble do I fear from killing thousands of battles to now? I also know you are good for me, but the Zhuang family bullied you. I can't bear it."

His voice was calm and unquestionable.

Looking at his Qingjun face close at hand and feeling the firmness in his tone, Jun Huan couldn't help being in a trance and temporarily absent-minded.

Half a ring later, she slapped Lintian's hand on his shoulder and said with a smile, "you are so kind to me, do you want to chase me?"

Lintian had a black line on his forehead and couldn't cry or laugh.

I'm talking about business!

How could you be mistaken by elder martial sister

"Well, it's up to me."

Jun Huan smiled and said, "we Fangcun mountain descendants have been dormant for so many years. Why haven't we been angry? But whether it's me, the Third Elder martial sister, or the eldest martial brother, they all know that when the top ten immortal giants are overturned one day, who else in the world dares to underestimate?"

Lintian was silent for a moment and said, "OK, I'll take back the green bamboo land later."

Jun Huan smiled and said, "that's good."

Lintian: "

In the eyes of elder martial sister, are you a child!?

Just then, there was a sound of footsteps outside the courtyard.

Immediately after, an old voice sounded: "I dare to ask if you are here? I, Zhuang Xiuwu, come to visit you."

Jun Huan and Lintian looked at each other and frowned.

What did the Zhuang family send for at this time?

"Don't act rashly. Ask him first."

Jun Huan gave a voice warning and went straight forward to open the door.

Outside the courtyard, an old man with white beard and Chinese robes stood. When he saw Jun Huan opening the door, he immediately showed shame and said, "when I was in the green bamboo blessed land, those bastards of the clan were too rude. Please forgive me."

Jun Huan said calmly, "if you come to apologize, you don't have to."

The old man who claimed to be Zhuang Xiuwu hurriedly said, "Taoist friend, I know the whole story. I specially invited Taoist friends to visit the green bamboo blessed land. First, I made an apology, and second, I wanted to make up for my mistakes."

Jun Huan raised his eyebrows and said, "how can you make up for your mistakes?"

Zhuang Xiuwu arched his hand and said, "the reason why Taoist friends came to visit is to get the help of Zhuang Shiliu, the ancestor of our family. I can make a decision and promise Taoist friends about this. In addition, if Taoist friends need other help, they can put forward it. As long as our family can do it, they will not refuse."

Not far away, Lintian came and said coldly

"The change of attitude is too fast. Why?"

Zhuang Xiuwu glanced at Lintian and said with a smile, "I think this is the disciple of Fang Cun. It was our family who did wrong before. Unfortunately, I was a little late when I learned about it, so I came to apologize in person."

He is an immortal.

But when facing Lintian, he didn't take any attitude.

Jun Huan hesitated at once, and Lintian said with a smile: "elder martial sister, the elder generation has come so sincerely, we can't refuse, so we'll go to the green bamboo blessed land."

Zhuang Xiuwu immediately smiled and said enthusiastically, "Taoist friends, please come quickly."

Then he led the way ahead.

Just as Jun Huan wanted to say something, Lintian took his arm and followed him.

"Elder martial sister, no matter what tricks he plays, it doesn't matter if he really apologizes sincerely. If he doesn't apologize sincerely, don't blame us for being rude." Lintian preached.

Jun Huan was so smart that he couldn't guess Lintian's intentions. He couldn't help saying, "younger martial brother, I can see that you are eager to play some tricks by the Zhuang family?"

Lintian smiled but said nothing.

Jun Huan saw this and said nothing more.


Green bamboo land.

A vast undulating world of mountains and rivers, green bamboo forests all over the mountains and fields, lush, Shenxiu and far away.

Here, there are auspicious lights and thousands of shinning lights. The ancient and primitive chaos is dense, and every plant and tree is crystal clear, just like a legendary miracle.

It is said that the green bamboo in the green bamboo blessed land contains chaotic Leiyan, also known as Leiyan green bamboo, which is the first-class divine material between heaven and earth.

This bamboo can only grow one section in a thousand years and become useful in ten thousand years.

Leiyan green bamboo of 100000 years can even breed immortal materials and act as immortal divine materials. It is extremely rare and precious.

After Zhuang Xiuwu took Lintian and junhuan into the green bamboo land, the whole person seemed much more relaxed. He smiled and pointed out the scenery they saw along the way.

Jun Huan looked indifferent and didn't respond much.

Lintian was interested and kept asking, looking curious.

In fact, he was really shocked.

This green bamboo blessed land is worthy of being a blessed world of "bell heaven and earth are beautiful and cultivate the original origin". Only the primitive chaos filled in the air is far from being comparable to the outside world.

If you practice here, you are a pig. You can open your mind and practice the Tao!

This metaphor is no exaggeration.

At least in Lintian's opinion, this place is more than enough to meet the immortal level of cultivation. If you grow up here and cultivate here since childhood, you don't have to worry about making rapid progress on the road!

Compared with one, the sixth Tianyu Dragon Ridge holy mountain occupied by the Luo family is not enough to see.

A long time ago, the Luo family also occupied the seventh heaven region, and occupied one of the twelve caves, the "Lotus boat cave", which is more beautiful than this green bamboo blessed land and belongs to the top pure land in the seventh heaven region!

It was also at this time that Lin Xun realized why the old people of the Luo family had never forgotten their life in the seventh heaven.

Dragon Ridge Mountain can't be compared with green bamboo blessed land at all, let alone Lianzhou Dongtian, one of the twelve Dongtian.

It is worth mentioning that today's Lianzhou cave is occupied by Yun, one of the four families of the Eastern Emperor.

That is, the clan where yunmuzha is located.

"Elder, do you have 100000 years of Leiyan green bamboo in your hand?"

Seeing Zhuang Xiuwu talking about Lei Yan's green bamboo, Lintian asked curiously.

"Of course."

Zhuang Xiuwu didn't think about it.

"Can I have a look?" Lintian asked.

Zhuang Xiuwu hesitated, smiled and took out a piece of Lei Yan green bamboo and handed it to Lintian: "little friend, please see."

The bamboo has thick and thin arms and is green and transparent. Occasionally, strands of immortal white thunder flash on the surface of the green bamboo, emitting an amazing smell of destruction.

In my hand, it weighs 100000 Jin!

Lintian looked around and said with emotion, "this green bamboo blessed land is worthy of being one of the thirty-six blessed lands. It can produce such mysterious immortal materials that I can't put it down. I just don't know if you will give it to me?"

Nearby Jun Huan was stunned and his eyes became strange.

Zhuang Xiuwu picked his eyelids, pondered for a moment, and said with a laugh: "since you like it, just take it. Although this baby is rare, there are still many survivors in my hand."

Although the words are forthright, the heart is about to bleed.

Lei Yan green bamboo, which was given to Lintian for viewing, has a heat of 200000 years and is extremely valuable. It was originally one of his immortal materials. It was also taken out to show off and make Lintian and Jun Huan open their eyes.

Who thought that Lintian didn't play cards according to the routine and asked for it shamelessly!

This makes Zhuang Xiuwu both painful and contemptuous. Now the descendants of Fangcun are getting worse and worse.

At this time, Lintian was surprised and said, "Sir, do you still have inventory?"

Zhuang Xiuwu trembled in his heart and said vaguely, "it's just some ordinary goods, which can't be compared with the baby in Xiaoyou's hands."

However, Lin Xun showed an embarrassed look and said, "senior, I have an unkind request. Can you..."

Zhuang Xiuwu had guessed something and his face was stiff. He wanted to cover Lintian's mouth immediately!

But Lintian didn't realize it at all. He looked shy and continued: "can you give me more, not greedy, but thinking that if you see other senior brothers and sisters in the future, you can also give them these rare treasures in the world to let them know how extraordinary this green bamboo blessed land is..."

Zhuang Xiuwu heard it and felt his forehead congested. He wanted to strangle the little bastard in front of him. Are you Chinese cabbage when you are a hundred thousand year old thunderstorm green bamboo?

Can you ask for "some" casually?

However, he could not be angry at this moment. Even though he was so angry that he wanted to smash Lintian's "embarrassed" face, he could only endure it for the time being.

He coughed and said, "if you really need it, it's not difficult. Well, when you leave, I'll prepare a generous gift for each of you."

Lintian said, "I'm so sorry."

Zhuang Xiuwu stopped talking. He was worried that hearing Lintian's words again, he would be too angry to control himself.

Jun Huan kept smiling and listening. He did not stop Lintian, nor did he say anything.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the first choice for our family to entertain distinguished guests. Please."

Until he reached a towering and green mountain, Zhuang Xiuwu smiled and made way for Lintian and junhuan.

However, Lintian stopped and looked at the single peak and said, "this place is really good. It covers the power of order and arranges many forbidden arrays. Ordinary people can't enter at all."

Zhuang Xiuwu said with a smile, "this is nature. After all, it is the core of our family."

Lintian smiled and said, "but if you want to go out... I'm afraid it's not easy."

He looked at Zhuang Xiuwu. "What do you say, elder?"

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