Chapter 2682

In an instant, people disappeared,

Together with the kidnapped Da Chang and Lao Zhuang Xiuwu, they are gone!

The excitement drove them crazy.

"It's so mean to pass on people!"

Someone yelled with hate.

"He looks so beautiful, but he turned out to be a big liar!"

Someone's cheeks twitched with anger.

"My treasures... Are gone!?"

There are also people who are bleeding and lamenting the lost babies.

"What are you doing? Chase! Kill the two remaining evils and save the elder!" Zhuang Bibai made a startling roar.

He was angry and his eyes were red.

This time, their original plan was to capture Lintian and Jun Huan. Who would have thought that the elder was captured first, and then they were cheated away. Now the enemy disappeared

This series of blows made Zhuang Bibai cough up blood quickly.

The unprecedented sense of shame, anger and hatred hit his heart like a landslide and tsunami, making him tremble and blacken in front of his eyes.

If this matter gets out, their dealer must become the biggest joke in the seventh heaven!

An indifferent hoarse old voice sounded: "if the founder is so easy to deal with, I'm afraid he's already extinct."

When Zhuang Bibai turned around, he saw a figure like a five or six-year-old child with beautiful eyebrows and eyes walking out of the green bamboo blessed land.

"Lao Zu, how can you be shocked?"

Zhuang Bibai was stiff and saluted quickly.

It looks like a child's figure. In fact, it is an old antique of the Zhuang family, named Zhuang Longxiang, who is very old.

This is the breakthrough of the "ten thousand years of isolation" in Longxiang village.

"There is such a big movement that no one is disturbed?" Zhuang Longxiang looks like a child, but his voice is hoarse and old, with a taste of indifference.

"It turns out that my ancestors already know." Zhuang Bibai's cheeks were stiff and a strong sense of shame filled his heart.

Zhuang Longxiang looked at him and said, "this is over. There's no need to chase after him."

"But elder he......" said Zhuang Bibo.

"Life and death depend on life."

Zhuang Longxiang's tone was indifferent and seemed unusually calm.

Zhuang Bibai's face changed and said, "Grandpa, we have suffered such a great loss. Is that all?"

"Originally, you don't have to do this even if you want to make a clear relationship with Fang Cun's successor. Now it's better to completely annoy Fang Cun's successor."

Zhuang Longxiang's eyes are clear, as if there were no mood swings.

Zhuang Bibai said bitterly, "we also want to give the shepherd a surprise. Who ever thought that those two square inch evil obstacles were so cunning and cruel."

"Things have happened, no matter how regretful or angry they are."

Zhuang Longxiang said, "what you should consider now is how to deal with the aftermath."


Zhuang Bibai's pupils narrowed slightly, arched his hands and said, "please give me some advice."

Zhuang Longxiang Leng hum: "as the head of a family, let me teach you this kind of thing? Compared with your brother Zhuang Shiliu, you... Are really a little worse."

Then he turned and left.

Zhuang Bibai stood where he was, looking uncertain.

For a long time, he took a deep breath and returned to the green bamboo blessed land.

Before long, Zhuang Bibai ordered in the name of the patriarch to block all the news about Jun Huan and Lintian that happened today!

This is to avoid the experience of the dealer, becoming a joke in the world and damaging his reputation.

At the same time, he wrote a letter in person, wrote one by one what happened today, and sent it to Yuanqing Pavilion, the ancestral court of yuanjiao on the same day.

Zhuang Bibai knew that Lintian might be able to escape, but sooner or later he would go to the ancestral court of Yuan religion!

He wrote this letter to his brother Zhuang Shiliu.

Finally, Zhuang Bibai sent forces to spread the news to the outside world:

"Lintian, the remaining evil, has appeared in the seventh heaven and will participate in the public selection of the ancestral court of Yuan religion!"

When he learned this, Zhuang Longxiang, who looked like a child, could not help nodding secretly.

Zhuang Bibai did only three things.

Block the news of the robbery of the dealer, deliver the letterhead to Zhuang Shiliu, and announce the news to the outside world.

Especially the third thing, can be called LaoLa.

Over the years, Lintian's fierce name has been widely known in the eternal world. Many immortal forces regard him as an enemy. How can these forces who hate him sit idly by when the news about his presence in the seventh heaven comes out?

This is called adding fuel to the fire and killing with a knife!

Their dealer suffered a great loss, but as long as Lintian announced that he would participate in the selection of the ancestral court of Yuan religion, all kinds of killing and looting would fall on Lintian's head.

Even though Lintian saved himself from danger, escaped from killing and robbery and successfully entered the ancestral court of Yuan religion, there was revenge from Zhuang Shiliu to meet him!

As the deacon of Yuanqing Pavilion, did Zhuang Shiliu have the power that Lintian could contend with?

"Although Bieber didn't have Shiliu's great talent and foresight, his response and practice this time were good and didn't disappoint me."

Zhuang Longxiang nodded secretly.


Cold moon city.

A famous and prosperous city in the central main area.

Shouyun Zhai.

In the cold moon city, a refining shop, which is often searched, is located deep in the deviated alley.

In fact, although this alley is remote, it is not deserted. There are dozens of shops, including medicine shops, restaurants and tea shops.

Shouyunzhai has been closed recently, and the door is closed.

Inside shouyunzhai, there is an ancient well covered with moss.

With a wave of void, the figures of Jun Huan and Lintian appeared out of thin air.

When he walked out of the ancient well and looked at the simple and ancient courtyard, Lintian was stunned: "elder martial sister, where is this?"

"Hanyue city has been dormant here since they arrived in the seventh heaven region with the eldest martial brother."

Jun Huan said casually.

Lintian was confused: "how far is it from the green bamboo land?"

"At least a million miles away?"

Jun Huan said with a smile, "you, don't worry that the people of the dealer can catch up. Do you know what the jade talisman I just displayed is? It's called 'close at hand'. It contains the magical power of heaven level nine grade spatial order. As long as it is used, it can be moved here in an instant, no matter where in the central main area."

Lintian was moved and finally understood why they could get away so easily before the green bamboo blessing land.

It turns out that the black jade amulet is a wonderful treasure!

"Well, take away this' close at hand 'talisman, and I don't have much in my hand."

Jun Huan reached out and handed a black jade talisman to Lintian, "when the elder martial brother took us to the sixth heaven, he accidentally subdued a 'close order', and then the third martial sister refined the close order, and finally refined it into more than 70 'close talisman', which were distributed to everyone."

Then she pointed to the ancient well next to her and said, "the origin of order is sealed under this ancient well."

Lintian suddenly.

He carefully put away the close proximity talisman and said with a smile, "elder martial sister, I knew you had such a treasure. When you were in the green bamboo blessed land, you should have made a big fuss."

Jun Huan turned his eyes and said, "don't underestimate the dealer. If the fish die and the net is broken, we can't get out of trouble so easily by our means."

Then she took Lintian into the main hall of the courtyard.

The courtyard seems to occupy a small area, but in fact there is another heaven and earth inside, which is like a folded secret space, which is quite magical.

When he walked into the main hall, Lintian saw a flower in front of him, which appeared in a quiet and peaceful world, with green mountains and waters, fragrant plants and trees, and many buildings scattered in different areas.

According to Jun Huan, at the beginning, their descendants were dormant here.

"Younger martial brother, other senior brothers and sisters are not here now. How about you and me staying here together before the ancestral court of Yuan sect recruits successors?"

Jun Huan said, winking at Lintian with a soft voice, "that is to say, in the next period of time, we will live under the same roof."

Full of flirtation!

Lintian had adapted to the elder martial sister's speaking style and wisely changed the topic directly: "elder martial sister, what are you going to do with that Zhuang Xiuwu?"


Jun Huan understated, "what I hate most in my life is the ungrateful generation, and the dealer is not only ungrateful, but has already repaid the enemy with kindness. In that case, why do you keep that old thing?"

At this moment, Lintian couldn't help thinking of the praise of "in an instant, Kendo is the most romantic". It really deserved the name!

From this day on, Lintian and Jun settled in Huan Zhai.

It was only later that Lin Xun learned that the so-called "keeping cloud Zhai" means "keeping the clouds open and seeing the Moonlight", which represents a state of mind shared by all the descendants of Fang Cun——

Sooner or later, we will overthrow the ten immortal giants of the eighth Tianyu!

A few days after Lintian and Jun Huan arrived in hanyue city to guard Yunzhai.

A piece of news came out and caused a sensation in the seventh Tianyu——

Lintian, who appeared in the seventh heaven, will participate in the public selection of the ancestral court of Yuan religion!

A stone stirs up thousands of waves, and countless uproar and astonishment sounds sound.

"Lintian hasn't suffered yet, isn't it too strong?"

No one expected that Lintian, who had attracted worldwide attention in recent years and was hated by countless immortal forces, could live from the first heaven to the seventh heaven.

This was unexpected.

"This son is so bold that he plans to enter the ancestral court of Yuan religion. He doesn't worry that once he exposes his trace, he will be destroyed?"

There are also many people smacking their tongue, unbelievable.

"Where is Lintian now?"

"Who knows, it must be hidden."

"But as long as he dares to appear in the public selection of the ancestral court of Yuan religion, he will become the target of public criticism!"

Various voices of discussion were constantly heard in the central main domain and the four star worlds of the seventh heaven domain.

In short, Lintian's appearance really set off a huge wave and attracted the attention of countless eyes in the seventh heaven!

If you were any other person, even an immortal, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to make such a big noise.

But Lintian was different.

As early as outside the secret territory of the gods in the Daqian war domain, his fame has spread to the eternal real domain. In recent years, he has set off a bloody storm all the way from the first heaven domain, causing unknown sensation.

It's not hard for people to notice.

For the makers, this is exactly what they want to see.

The storm against Lintian has been raised. When will the swords in the hands of those enemies fall?

Zhuang Bibai is looking forward to it.

The whole dealer is looking forward to it.

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