Lin Xundu robbery succeeded!

This fact is like an invisible slap on the face of Rune Li. It hurts.

Before, they also lamented that they wanted to bury Lintian's ashes. Everything seemed to say that Lintian would die this time.

But at the moment, these words were like slapping on his face. It was strange that his face could look good.

It can be said that the success of Lin Xundu robbery is tantamount to making all their previous plans and efforts go to naught.

Lose everything!

For their enemies, the most intolerable thing was Lintian, a descendant of the Lord of measure waiting for eternity, who broke into immortality.

For this reason, they worked hard and painstakingly. Recently, they frequently attacked all the people related to Lintian in the yuan sect, and took action against other heirs and Luo family outside the yuan sect.

Even, he sent forces to the ancient path in the starry sky to capture Lintian's relatives and friends!

All these plans were to shake Lintian's mood and make him fail in the robbery.

But now, it has become empty talk.

Unspeakable frustration and unwillingness ferment in the hearts of these big people, making their faces more and more gloomy and ugly.

Many people were excited and cheering for Lintian.

This makes the silent Rune Li and them seem out of place. Of course, it also attracted the attention of big people such as Xuan Feiling.

Looking at the unlucky and smelly faces of Fuwen Li and others, they can't help laughing and the taste of planning failure. After all... It's not so pleasant

Under the sky.

Lintian stood alone, his figure was tall and straight, and his whole body was haunted with strands of crystal clear immortal breath, which turned into an immortal god ring, which was full of God and guarded him.

A suit of clothes fluttered in the wind, just like a relegated immortal.

At this moment, he is no longer the supreme emperor, but an immortal who has the way of longevity!

Live the same life as heaven, immortal forever!

He is meditating and sensing his Qi machine.

The robbery brought him unprecedented transformation. The brand-new Tao, law and power filled his whole body and made him feel satisfied.

"Junior brother Lintian, I congratulate you on your success in preaching and your success in becoming immortal. However, do you remember what you said last night?"

Suddenly, Qi Lingzhen opened his mouth in a deep voice, and the sound spread to the whole audience.

The eyes of big people such as Xuan Feiling with a smile suddenly coagulated and screamed bad.

And the Fuwen Li and others, who were annoyed and angry, suddenly remembered one thing as if they saw the sun through the clouds.

Make an appointment!

At present, Lintian had just broken the robbery proof, and entered the realm of longevity from the supreme emperor. With a new realm and new power, he could not really exert his immortal power in a short time.

At this time, Qi Lingzhen, a "veteran" who has been immersed in Tianshou for many years, can easily kill him!

The most wonderful thing was that Lintian's target was not only Qi Lingzhen, but also Zhong Liran, Gu Shaoyin and Fu Chaosheng!

Four young giants who have long demonstrated immortality for many years can't destroy a "newcomer" who has just broken through?

Thinking of this, the inner haze of Fu Wen Li and others was swept away, full of energy and bright eyes.

"Of course."

Under the sky, Lintian stood with his hands on his back, glanced at Qi Lingzhen and other four people, and said, "even if all senior brothers forget, I won't forget."

"Lintian, you have just proved that you have broken the boundary. Why are you in such a hurry to compete with others?"

In the distance, Xuan Feiling frowned and warned him that the future was long.

Fang Daoping, Dugu Yong and others also looked at Lintian, which obviously meant that they didn't want him to show off for a while, so they forbear for the moment.

"You guys, if you remember well, it was Lintian who took the initiative to fight last night, not Qi Lingzhen and other disciples who deliberately chose to make trouble for Lintian at this time."

Fu Wenli uttered a voice, but he smiled and didn't smile. "Qi Lingzhen asked me and Qi Xiaoyun's deputy cabinet leader about this matter yesterday. I didn't want to see the same disciples maiming each other, but according to Qi Lingzhen, Lintian was determined to do so, but I had no choice but to nod and agree."

Qi Xiaoyun said in a deep voice: "what brother Fu said is good."

"It's a fight, but it won't die!"

Xuanfeiling said coldly, "it's too hasty for you to make such a decision. I won't agree to it!"

If you want to separate life and death in the Tiandi arena, you need the unanimous consent of the three vice cabinet leaders of yuankong Pavilion. That is to say, as long as one person does not agree, such a battle cannot be carried out.

After all, they are all yuan missionaries. The battle between life and death is too serious. Under extraordinary circumstances, no one wants to see such a thing happen.

Fu Wenli and other dignitaries all looked gloomy.

"Younger martial brother, you can personally promise me last night that you will ask the deputy leader of xuanfeiling to promise this engagement, but now..."

Qi Lingzhen sighed, and the words were full of excitement.

Xuan Feiling was about to open his mouth when he stared. Lintian said ahead of him, "Sir, I hope you can complete the battle between me and your senior brothers!"

The words were calm and resounded throughout the audience, causing countless uproar.

It is expected that Lin xunqai has just broken through the environment, and there is no need for such an endless duel. With the inside information and strength he showed when preaching and the immortal path he embarked on, he is destined to shine in the future.

But who thought, Lintian insisted on fighting at this time!


Xuanfeiling is a little angry. Why is this boy so confused!

"Brother Lin, this is not a time to joke. Come on, just don't fight. Who dares to laugh at you?" Xuanjiuyin also advised painstakingly.

Jintianxuanyue was unconventionally not dissuaded.

A long time ago, she followed the waiter around Lintian and witnessed how Lintian reversed the world in an unfavorable situation again and again.

In her heart, she had a blind confidence in Lintian.

Just like this time, who could believe that Lintian could survive such a terrible disaster?

At present, Lintian dared to insist so that Jin Tianxuan Yue dared to believe that his son must be sure!

However, she was only one person after all, such as Dugu Yong, Fang Daoping and Qin Wuyu, but it was hard to understand why Lintian insisted so much.

"What if I don't agree?"

But Xuan Feiling said with a gloomy face.

Lintian was silent for a moment and was about to speak.

In the void, a snow-white jade slip suddenly swept out and came to Xuan Feiling. The latter was stunned and opened the jade slip.

Suddenly, Xuan Feiling raised her eyebrows and changed her look.

Everyone noticed the scene and was unsure.

And those big people present were awed and recognized that the breath on the snow-white jade slips came from the master of yuankong Pavilion!

Your excellency, what are you doing?

All eyes looked at Xuan Feiling.

Xuanfeiling half rang before he put away the jade slips, took a deep breath and said, "well, since you insist so much, I won't refuse any more."

The whole field vibrated.

A jade

Jane, unexpectedly changed the attitude of the Deputy cabinet leader of xuanfeiling!

And those big people also tumbled in their hearts and realized that it was the master of yuankong Pavilion who changed xuanfeiling's attitude!

However, no one knows whether he is helping Lintian or Rune Li.

However, Fu Wenli and others couldn't help laughing at this moment. They were happy and looked forward to it. They almost seemed to see the scene when Lintian was killed.

Lintian was relieved. To tell the truth, if Xuan Feiling insisted on not agreeing to the engagement, he would have nothing to do.

Fortunately, I finally got what I wanted.

Elder martial brother Qi, are you ready to see him in the distance

Qi Lingzhen said with a smile, "why prepare? You can go to heaven to fight!"

Zhong Liran, Gu Shaoyin and Fu Chaosheng couldn't help laughing.

They were also overjoyed that this engagement could be realized, and even a little incredible. After all, who doesn't know that Lin Xun had just broken the border?

In this case, isn't he looking for death?

"Go, go to the Tiandi arena!"

Fu Wenli and others can't wait. They are worried about what variables will happen again and take action immediately.

How could everyone present miss such a life and death duel?

It's like the tide of death pouring into the sky.

"Really sure?"

Dugu Yong looked at Lintian and asked.

Lintian smiled and nodded.

Dugu Yong, Fang Daoping, Xuan Feiling and others looked at each other with a sigh in their hearts. Knowing that they could not be persuaded anymore, they all took action.

"Childe, I believe you."

The golden sky Xuan moon came forward, her white clothes were fluttering, and her beautiful face was full of serious colors. In front of Lintian, she seemed very clever.

"Xuanyue knows me best."

Lintian couldn't help laughing.

Further away, Dugu Youran, dressed in a long blue dress, looked at the scene at the bottom of his eyes. He felt inexplicably uncomfortable and sour.


Tiandi arena.

Located on the Bank of yuankong mountain, it has been controlled by yuankong Pavilion.

This arena is huge and looks like a land floating in the void. It is dark and has a strange luster like metal. It is poured with thousands of immortal materials and covered with ancient prohibitions. Even the battle at the immortal level cannot destroy this arena.

At this time, all the great figures and successors of the yuan religion have arrived in great numbers, with dense figures around the Tiandi arena.

When Lintian arrived, a boy became the focus of the audience.

Everyone knows that once you set foot on the heaven disarmament arena, there is no possibility of repentance and withdrawal. You can either live or die!

Lintian's eyes looked at the Tiandi arena, and Qi Lingzhen's dignified figure had already stood on it.

"Younger martial brother, please!"

Qi Ling zhenlang said.

He was dressed in a bright yellow robe, with a handsome face and an immortal smell of law. He was like a God coming to the world, and his momentum was extremely amazing.

He has practiced for only three thousand years, and he is extremely young in the immortal level.

Of course, it's amazing.

But Lintian didn't act immediately, but frowned and said, "Why are you alone? I'm fighting with the four of you."

The whole audience was stunned and almost stunned.

What's the meaning of this?

Is he going to play one on four!?


PS: send the fifth watch first, and the sixth watch is being written. It will be a little late, about 10:30~

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