The contest between eternal characters!

In Lintian's cognition, this can be called the battle between the strongest in the world!

After all, in the eyes of countless practitioners, the imperial realm has been called an existence that can only be looked up to, and the immortal path is invisible like a divine dragon in the sky.

And eternity

That's definitely a legend!

Even for Lintian who had set foot in the immortal realm of longevity, the eternal realm was a realm that he didn't dare to think of now.

Up to now, the first eternal existence he sees is only taixuan, and it is the only one he sees.

At this time, outside the streamer forbidden area, taixuan's will law will compete with Liang Qiu's will law in the eternal realm, which made Lintian uncontrollably shocked and expected.

How terrible is the power of eternity?

At this moment, Lintian even worried that he could not see the scene of the duel with his own way.

In the distance, the seven super powers could not calm down.

Even in the ruins of fortune, it is extremely rare for such a level of struggle. Often, once such a battle occurs, it also means that a great turbulence affecting the pattern of world affairs will break out.

But now, the battle of this level will begin outside the streamer ban!


Liang Qiu tianwu wears a Taoist robe, and his sword moves all over his body.

He grabbed at the void.


The starry sky trembled. It was like the rules of heaven and earth. One piece was caught and fell into the palm of Liang Qiu tianwu, which condensed into an illusory sword Qi.

Understatement, refining the rules of heaven and earth into a sword!

The unparalleled power shows that the seven are out of the realm and breathe.

Lintian was completely shocked.

The rules of heaven and earth, just like the "way of heaven", maintain the operation of one party and the world.

Just like in the great Qin Kingdom, due to the different rules of heaven and earth, as soon as an "outsider" entered, his own Taoism was suppressed.

General practitioners, understanding the Tao, aim to constantly transform and transcend, and finally be able to compete with the rules of heaven and earth, even beyond the rules of heaven and earth.

For example, the reason why immortal figures beyond the realm are not afraid of the oppression of the rules of heaven and earth is that their Taoist behavior has the power to transcend the rules of heaven and earth, and they are no longer constrained by Qi.

But now, as soon as Liangqiu tianwu grasped the power, he refined the rules of heaven and earth for his own use!

This is undoubtedly terrible!

"The law of the great way is born in the power of order. The power of order is born in the rules of heaven and earth. It is beyond the realm and is not bound by the rules of heaven and earth in the era world, while the eternal realm can use the rules of heaven and earth to destroy or create, all in one thought."

In the distance, taixuan's clear and clean voice sounded, "little friend, in this war, I will use the sword in my hand to explain this situation for you. Even if I can't understand the mystery, I can observe its' form 'and feel its' God'. When you preach eternity, you can 'have both form and spirit' and truly understand the beauty of this situation."

He hunted in his clothes. When he spoke, a wisp of sword spirit rushed out of his fingertips and appeared in the middle of Lintian's eyebrows.

Suddenly, Lintian's sense and vision suddenly changed.

The starry sky is still a starry sky, but countless obscure and magical smells emerge, just like supporting the cornerstone and beams of a house to maintain the operation of the starry sky.

The obscure breath is everywhere, filling every inch of the void, and there are surging stars, dust, light and shadow, and even everyone.

The seven transcendental powers seemed to be detached from the omnipresent obscurity when the Qi machine was running.

On the bodies of taixuan and Liang Qiu tianwu, the obscure breath is like submission, which produces mysterious rhythm and changes with the operation of their own Qi machine.

Especially Liang Qiu tianwu, the sword Qi in his hand is transformed by the obscure breath power, which is like the Supreme Master in charge of the sword of heaven!

Lintian was shocked.

He knew that the ubiquitous obscurity was actually the power of the "rules of heaven and earth"!

Only in the past, he could only feel but could not "see".


Liangqiu tianwu attacked and stabbed the sword Qi out of his hand.

A simple sword.

In the starry sky, countless stars burst into pieces like a pierced ball. Those people who are beyond the realm are stiff all over and operate all Taoism, so as to dissolve the omnipresent atmosphere of destruction.

The sword Qi lingered in Lin Xunmei's heart, like a natural barrier, which dissolved all these effects, and through the power of this sword Qi, he could clearly spy on the track and breath of this sword.

However, after all, it is because the difference between Taoism and practice is too far, so that although he can see the power of this sword, he can't feel the mystery.

However, Lintian firmly remembered the power of this sword.

It felt like an immortal performing martial arts, and he was like a layman, his mind and spirit were attracted by a "potential".

Sooner or later, Tai Xuan also produced his sword and lifted it to the extreme.

But the power of this split seems to split heaven and earth, mountains and rivers and roads, giving people the power of God to block and kill God.

Liang Qiu tianwu's eyes narrowed slightly. The stabbed sword suddenly turned and rolled back into the sky. Taixuan saw the move and broke it down. The split sword was suddenly retracted and then swept away.

For a time, the two fought with swords. There were almost no redundant moves, such as stabbing, cutting, cutting, picking, rolling, collapsing, or rowing

They are the simplest and simplest sword movements. It feels like watching two swordsmen in the secular world fighting. There are no moves and secrets.

But the power released by each blow has reached the level of horror!

In Lintian's eyes, each sword was the best use of the power of the rules of heaven and earth, which all showed the terrible attainments of the two eternal beings on kendo.

If there are outsiders at this time, the scene we see is a scene of destruction, collapse and chaos, with countless stars falling and all kinds of roads collapsing!

"The ultimate of kendo, in the final analysis, is' one '. Within one sword, changes can be derived, such as the number of sands in the eternal river. The power of one sword can break the infinite law of the heavens."

The voice of taixuan sounded leisurely in Lintian's mind, "life is two, two, three, infinite, infinite, and return to one. It's like this eternal realm. The way in the past was born from one and constantly transformed and evolved. Finally, when the mysterious mechanism of breaking the rules of heaven and earth, everything can be eternal as one."

Lintian had a sense of enlightenment.

He gazed into the distance, and the figure of taixuan Weian killed with a sword, with a divine posture. The rules of heaven and earth changed with the sword, which was cut out in one sword.

The same is true of Liang Qiu tianwu. Every sword is extremely simple and contains infinite mysteries. It is unimaginable and beyond imagination.

Although Lintian could not understand the mystery, Lintian felt a real "form and spirit potential". He was immersed in it and forgot the time.

I don't know how long,

Lintian's heart suddenly trembled, and then he saw that the duel between taixuan and Liang Qiu tianwu was over.

The starry sky is still a starry sky. The previously destroyed stars and void are the same as before, vast and quiet, as if they had not suffered any damage just now.

But Lintian noticed that the seven people in the distance were shocked, frightened, confused, or stunned.

Their mind seemed to have just experienced the impact of a storm, and they couldn't calm down at this time.

Taixuan's negative hand is on his back, and hundreds of millions of auspicious lights flow behind him. His negative hand is on his back. His prestige is still so powerful that people can only look up to him with the feeling of tiny mole ants.

Liang Qiu tianwu sighed in the distance: "this sword way is really good."

There is emotion, satisfaction and reluctance in the voice.

Taixuan said with a smile, "absurd praise."

"Can you let them leave?" Liang Qiu tianwu asked.

Taixuan smiled and shook his head: "I set the rules. After three breaths, they have no way back."

Liang Qiu tianwu was silent for a while and said, "if so, I will fight my life and death with my Taoist friend's self another day."

Silently, on his will law, a sword mark appeared silently, and the figure was divided into two parts and disappeared.

Lintian's eyes suddenly narrowed, and then he realized that the battle was over because Liang Qiu tianwu had been split by a sword!

In the distance, Liang Qiushui and other seven transcendental powers are now as creepy as falling into an ice cave.

Liang Qiu tianwu's will and Dharma phase were all killed!


Yan'an Road and Yan'an bank moved at the first time and tried their best to escape.

Before, taixuan answered Liang Qiu tianwu's words. If they were sentenced to death, who would sit and wait to die?

At almost the same time, Liang Qiushui, Liang Qiuyun, Ying Xiaoyuan, Ying Qing and Qin Wenzhen all took action and fled faster than one.

Seven transcendental powers, run away at full speed together!

Such a scene also opened Lintian's eyes. At least in the past, he had never thought that such a terrible old monster would run away in such a hurry.

This undoubtedly proves that the threat of taixuan is so great that they dare not fight and struggle at all!

"Before I let you go, you didn't go. Now I don't let you go. You have to go. Why do you have to practice yourself like this?"

Taixuan sighed.

His wrist shook, and the Dao Jian in his palm went out of thin air.


At that time, countless swords were like a flood in troubled times, spread all over the starry sky, and the clang swords rang through the nine days and ten places.

840000 swords, swords all over the sky!

Lintian was immediately shocked.

Far away, there was a series of dull hum, scream, scream

Then everything fell silent.

The sword Qi covered with stars disappears silently like streamers of light.

"Dead?" Lintian couldn't help asking.

"I promise I won't live again."

Taixuan has a bright smile.

Lintian took a deep breath, then restrained the uncontrollable vibration in his heart and said, "Sir, is this the power of the eternal realm?"

Taixuan thought for a while and said, "strictly speaking, it can only be regarded as the power of will and law."

Lintian smiled bitterly.

He couldn't help thinking that a will and Dharma are so powerful, how terrible should the taixuan original be?


PS: the second watch is around 7:30 p.m. don't worry, there will be an extra watch tonight!

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