The visitor is dressed in a jade robe. His figure is as tall and straight as a pine. He raises his hands and feet like an immortal in the sky!

Lintian and thirteen were awed.

But when he saw the appearance of the visitor, Lintian was stunned, and his eyes blossomed, and he said, "it's the elder!"

The visitor is Chen Linkong!

The strange man who once called himself "burning immortal".

Chen Linkong said with a smile, "I've been waiting for a long time."

Then he looked at the summer solstice and said, "girl, we meet again."

The summer solstice nodded slightly.

"Elder, this is elder Chen Linkong." Lintian introduced to thirteen.

Thirteen said, "your surname is Chen. Does it have something to do with the 'Supreme man'?"

Chen Linkong smiled and nodded: "it's Chen's grandfather."

Lintian was shocked and remembered that Tai Xuan had said that the word Chen on the fiery red jade pendant hanging around his waist was left by Chen Linkong's grandfather.

According to taixuan's inference, Chen Linkong's grandfather... Is an incredible existence!

If you think about it, you can walk through many ages without fear of the shackles of time and space, and build a god city here, leaving a star dome in the world. Is this an ordinary person?

Thirteen couldn't help but say excitedly, "so you should also know that my lord suffered a great disaster that year?"

Chen Linkong said, "that great disaster, like the five bad road disaster, came from the behind the scenes in the era change, but it was aimed at the existence of the eternal level. Well, it should be called 'great silence and no life disaster'."

Great silence without life!

Lintian and thirteen both knew for the first time that in addition to the five bad ways robbery, there were such strange disasters, and they were the behind the scenes from the era change!

"Senior, who's behind the scenes?"

Lintian couldn't help asking.

Chen Linkong smiled, "don't you ask me to sit down and talk?"

Lintian realized that since Chen Linkong appeared, he had not invited him to his seat, so he took action quickly.

Until everyone was seated, Chen Linkong said, "a long time ago, I walked in the ruins of creation. Now, I have probably determined some things. Among them, the most important thing is the thing behind the scenes."

After a pause, he said: "it is clear to all of you that there are hundreds of ages in the ruins of creation, but everyone is trapped here and cannot leave from the ruins of creation. The reason is that all the creatures in the hundreds of ages are blocked by an invisible force of rules. Even those who are as powerful as the eternal environment cannot break such blocking forces."

"In short, this invisible rule force is like a cage, trapping the creatures of hundreds of eras. In this life and this world, even if the preaching is eternal, it is impossible to leave."

"At first, I thought that the invisible rule power came from the ruins of creation, but now I know that the invisible rule power came from the backstage of the era change!"

Hearing this, Lintian was horrified and said, "why did the behind the scenes do this?"

Chen Linkong said, "I don't know, but it's certain that my grandfather came to look for the man behind the scenes, but in the end he should also have found that the man behind the scenes is not in the ruins of creation."

"Where will that be?" Lintian asked.

Chen Linkong was silent for a moment and said, "in my opinion, in the four Avenue ruins, Guixu is the source of the ten thousand ways of the heavens and its way back."

"Even if it is now as powerful as the eternal real world, if the power of the avenue covered by it can be traced back to the ruins."

"Kunlun ruins is the main battlefield in every era change. When the era falls, countless people will seek vitality in Kunlun ruins."

"This ruins of creation is the place of imprisonment left by those behind the scenes. Even I don't know why hundreds of civilizations have been imprisoned here."

It was the first time Lintian heard such a shocking secret, so he was surprised.

Guixu is the source of all the ways in the world.

Kunlun ruins, the main battlefield of era change.

It's the ruins of fortune. Those behind the scenes turn this place into a prison.

This is shocking!

"What about the wonderful ruins?"

Lintian calmed down and asked.

Chen Linkong said, "the mystery is also the mystery, the door of all wonders, the place... I don't know, but I must go there in the future."

Lintian was stunned. He thought of the wonderful Taoist fire and the picture of Taoist riding cattle. He also thought of the owners of the two sword sharpening stones, which were "sharpening the heart like a blade" and "nourishing the heart like jade", who had entered the wonderful Taoist ruins!

However, no one can say a reason about the wonderful road ruins. Among the four Avenue fairs, many wonderful road fairs are the most mysterious.

"In short, no matter who is behind the scenes, whether he is influenced by a force of rules or an extremely terrible monk, I must find out his true face."

Chen Linkong whispered, with a firm color in his eyes.

"Taoist friends, let alone the behind the scenes in the era change, I dare to ask, do you... Master the method to resolve the 'great silence and no life robbery'?"

Thirteen, who had been silent, couldn't help opening his mouth.

Chen Linkong said, "that method is hidden in this God city of creation."

"What!?" Thirteen is like being struck by lightning.

Lintian was also stunned.

Chen Linkong said, "little friend, you have understood the mystery in the star dome of creation, and you should also know what the purpose of building this God city of creation is for."

"In order to protect the origin of nature from being destroyed."

Lintian thought about the cableway.

"It's true that the ruins of creation has not been completely mastered by his behind the scenes, because the origin of creation is still there, and the power of the origin of creation is enough to resist the 'great silence and no life robbery' from the behind the scenes."

Chen Linkong said, "when my grandfather realized this, he opened up the God city of creation with a Taoist practice and shrouded it with the rule power of Zhibao River map for shelter. In this way, the origin of creation here can avoid the control of the behind the scenes for countless years."

Zhibao River map!

Lintian suddenly remembered that the green man surnamed Chen had taken out a black round tortoise shell and threw it into the void after he had built the God of creation city, which turned into a taboo rule force to cover the whole God of creation city.

It turns out that all this is to resist the power of the behind the scenes and protect the origin of nature!

It is no wonder that for countless years, even the great power at the eternal level will be rejected and hit when trying to get close to the God city of creation.

How can the rule power of the Zhibao River map resist the power of the behind the scenes, and how can it not resist the role of the eternal level?

"So if my Lord had arrived at the city of God of creation, he would have avoided that great disaster?"

Thirteen looks changed and filled with grief.

Chen Linkong nodded.

Lintian could not help sighing.

At the beginning of the summer solstice, I obviously had found some clues and planned to come to the God city of creation, but I was robbed on the way, which was a failure.

What did Zeng daohuan realize about this matter

Chen Linkong smiled: "you have now become the master of this God city of creation. You don't know the mystery?"

Lintian was confused, shook his head and said, "please give me some advice."

"These hundreds of civilizations have survived in the collapse of each era, representing different cultivation civilizations and cultivation systems. When you master them one by one, you can know the height that each civilization has reached on the road."

Chen Linkong said, "after understanding these, you can understand how powerful the avenue realm at the top of an era is. In this way, you can really understand how powerful the behind the scenes force is."

Lintian was shocked.

How powerful is the avenue of civilization in the past era?

Lintian didn't know. He only knew that no matter how powerful these era civilizations were, they couldn't equal the power of the behind the scenes in the era change!

Then, if we can understand the strongest power of civilization in the past era, we can infer how terrible the power of those behind the scenes is.

In this way, we may have the opportunity to catch up with each other, surpass each other and defeat each other!

This is the reason why Chen Linkong's ancestor created the "creation star dome"!

"Although these are still a little distant for you now."

Chen Linkong said with a smile, "but these are not important. The important thing is that you are the first person to explore the mystery of the creation star dome in countless years. In the future, the road you take will also integrate the length of the past era and surpass the ancient and modern times."

"Anyone who has the potential to embark on this road can be regarded as my grandfather's' fellow believers'."

At the end, Chen Linkong also sighed.

Even he did not expect that this founder, who was once regarded by the golden cicada, could have such potential on today's road.

Lintian thought of a sentence that the green man surnamed Chen once said: "Chen is not the only one on this road!"

Chen Linkong whispered, "my grandfather acted like an old man. He made up his mind and made no plans. Since he had made such arrangements at the beginning, he must have deep meaning. In the future, after the little friend preached the eternal truth, he may be more clear about the significance of becoming the Lord of the God city of creation."

Lintian hesitated again and again, but he couldn't help saying, "Sir, can you tell me your grandfather's name?"

In his mind, the man wearing a green shirt and carrying an ancient sword is really incredible. The more he understands the things related to the God city of creation, the more he finds out how terrible the other party's Taoism is.

Think about it. What kind of person is a strong man who can dissolve the existence of "great silence and lifeless robbery", and build a god city of creation to fight against the behind the scenes in the era change?

How could Lintian not be curious?

Chen Linkong thought for a moment, took a deep breath and said, "well... Of course, but the Tao doesn't spread to six ears. I can only tell you to listen."

Lintian felt incredible.

Just a name, but it has been associated with "Tao"?

Also at this time, he thought of the master of square inch. Those senior brothers and sisters also said that the taboo of the master is like a road, unspeakable!

At this time, he saw Chen Linkong's rare look of Zhuang Su rise and bow his hand to the void, as if the younger generation would salute the elder again.

Then, Lintian suddenly heard a loud voice in his heart:

"Chen Xi!"


PS: the second watch is before 8:30.

Tonight's plot is very important and has a lot of information. No matter how late it is, it will be added.

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