
While thinking, Lintian offered the Wuyuan sword tripod.

In the tripod furnace, Nirvana order fluctuates, and in the world transformed by Nirvana order, unparalleled, netherworld order and Xiandao order are dormant, which are pregnant and nurtured by Nirvana order day and night.

In the state of longevity, Lintian began to understand the profound meaning of Nirvana order, so as to refine his immortal law.

This also put him in an absolute advantage by virtue of the power of the law understood from the nirvana order in these years of fighting.

But Lintian tried to refine the order of Nirvana into immortal law with the power of Nirvana level, but it was very difficult.

In seven days, only one trace can be refined!

If Nirvana order is a vast ocean, what he refined in seven days is a drop of water

it's too hard!

And it is difficult to see results in a short time.

However, this is also a good solution, that is, refining other order forces.

The immortal law that Lintian now possessed was condensed from the profound meaning of Nirvana order.

It is doomed that the order power refined in the future, no matter what grade and attribute, will turn into the purest power and become a part of his own immortal law, without changing the attribute of the immortal law.

In short, for nirvana, refining the power of order, just like refining the immortal divine marrow, will only be beneficial to their own cultivation and immortal law.

"Master, do you... Want to refine Shuanger?"

Nirvana order, dressed in white, pure as a girl's unparalleled nervous, pitiful, water Lingling's big eyes are full of worry.

Lintian then sobered up from his meditation, stroked his chin and said, "how much strength have you recovered now?"

"Heaven level six products..."

Unparalleled company hurriedly said, "but it will soon recover to the seventh grade of heaven!"


Lintian was lost in thought.

Unparalleled looked very nervous, with a white face and tearful eyes, as if he were a prisoner waiting to be sentenced.

Lintian couldn't help laughing: "you are a spirit of order, without emotion and wisdom, so you don't have to pretend."

Peerless peeped and said, "master, the spirit of order can evolve wisdom and emotion. It is by no means comparable to those plants and trees without spirit in the world. I hope the master will pity me. When Shuanger recovers his previous strength, he can definitely help the master."

She also seemed to know that what Lintian ate and drank for free these years did not reflect his own value, which was likely to cause Lintian's dissatisfaction.

"Don't worry, I'm afraid no one in this world will be willing to refine the spirit of order."

Lintian said casually.

Matchless breathed a sigh of relief and spit out his tongue. If he didn't know about her, Lintian couldn't help wondering if matchless had become refined.

"What about Xiao Ming and Xiao Xian?" Lintian asked.

Xiaoming and Xiaoxian were obtained by Lintian during the thousands of wars. They were the nether order and the Xiandao order, belonging to the Xianwu era.

Over the years, although these two order forces have been pregnant and nurtured by the nirvana order, they have little amazing changes. At most, they are only comparable to the order forces of the nine grades of the earth.

Unparalleled way: "master, I can feel that the original power of Xiaoming and Xiaoxian is recovering a little. One can evolve into the netherworld and the other into the fairy world, which may... Be of immeasurable help to you in the future."

"For example?" Lintian asked with interest.

Unparalleled way: "for example, suppressing the enemy in the netherworld can make him never free. Placing his relatives and friends in the fairyland can not only avoid all kinds of disasters, but also cultivate in them, and even avoid the disaster of the destruction of this era."

Lintian was shocked: "avoid the doom of the era?"

"Yes, because both the nether order and the Xiandao order belong to the Xianwu era. They have already experienced a five decline road robbery, and naturally will not be hit by the collapse of this era."

Matchless said quickly, "these are just some of my inferences. If the master wants to understand the real mystery of Xiaoming and Xiaoxian, he may know it when they really recover."

Lintian nodded.

The unparalleled proposal reminded him of what Chen Linkong said when he left the ruins of fortune——

At most a thousand years, there will be an outbreak of the danger of the collapse of the era!

It's absolutely useless if they can be used as immortals for a while.

After thinking for a moment, Lintian said with great interest, "unparalleled, what do you think I should do if I want to refine the nirvana order?"

The spirit of order is undoubtedly the one who knows the power of order best.


Unparalleled Ai Ai said, "master, Nirvana order is too divine for me to speculate."

Lintian sighed lightly, "if so, it's called empty treasure."

"But in my opinion, the master has understood the mystery of Nirvana order and condensed the immortal law. In the future, like Shuanger, he will refine some other order forces and believe that he can improve his own Taoism."

Lintian smiled, "that's what I thought."

In a word, Wushuang seemed to be greatly encouraged. He cleared his eyes with joy and said, "master, for others, refining a force of order may take a lot of time and effort, but for you, there is no such problem at all."

"Oh?" Lintian raised his eyebrows, "go on."

Unparalleled way: "the master controls the nirvana order, which is enough to suppress and refine various order forces. In this way, without the master's refining, he can obtain the purest order force through the nirvana order."

Lintian didn't think of this, but after getting the unparalleled confirmation, he finally dared to believe that it was completely feasible!

"Right now, it's just the power of order."

Lin Xun thought.

"Master, if Shuanger recovers to the previous peak period, it can also help the master find more order and strength, and help the master subdue them." Unparalleled voice clear way.

Lintian smiled and said, "don't worry, I will not lack you if I collect the power of order in the future."

How could he not hear the unparalleled worry?

"That pair will thank the host first!"

Unparalleled smile is sweet, especially pure and beautiful.


Next, Lintian began to meditate.

Lintian could not refuse to obey the punishment of the sect. He had no chance to go out of the cave in the nine years from now.

However, it was a good thing for Lintian.

Originally, he planned to shut down for a period of time, not only for cultivation, but also to take this opportunity to temper the Wuyuan sword tripod.

There is no Jiazi in the mountains, and the cold age does not know the year.

Three years have passed.

In a cave.

Yuan Changtian woke up from meditation, and the roaring Qi machine gradually quieted down.

Yuanxiliu, who has been protecting the Dharma on one side, smiled and congratulated: "Congratulations, little Lord, entering the later stage of Nirvana!"

It's hard to hide exclamation and relief in the voice.

"What's this? It's far worse than my eldest brother and third sister."

Yuan Changtian looks dull.

Yuanxi Liuwen said in a voice: "the little Lord is the ninth son of the patriarch. He has achieved his attainments today after only 600 years of practice, which is better than the eldest childe and the third young lady of that year."

After a pause, he continued: "although the eldest childe and the third young lady have already demonstrated that they are beyond the realm, they can not worry about catching up with you in the future according to your heritage and talent."

Yuan Changtian smiled and said nothing.

"Young Lord, do you want to participate in the immortal debate?"

Asked yuanxiliu.

Yuan Changtian thought: "of course, before I came to Yuan religion, my father had told me a secret, saying that in the ten magic regions, this time there will be an unprecedented great fortune, which is likely to be a force approaching the complete divine order!"

Yuanxi Liurong said, "if so, it is to seize it by all means!"

Divine order!

It has been a long time since it was placed in the Ninth Heaven.

If such a treasure is really born in the ten magic regions, it can be competed by the characters in the eternal realm at all costs.

Yuanxi runner: "fortunately, such competition is not big. Only the forces of the four ancestral courts participate. It's not a big deal to seize such opportunities by means of less masters."

"It's hard to say."

Yuan Changtian shook his head. "When I came to the yuan religion, there were also divine sons and goddesses in the Ninth Heaven region who entered the witch religion, Zen religion and spirit religion respectively, but I don't know which Protoss these guys are."

Yuan Xiliu's eyes flashed, "don't worry, I'll find out about it."

Yuan Changtian nodded and suddenly asked, "is there any movement in Lintian in these three years?"

Yuan Xiliu shook his head: "this son is very calm and never leaves home."

Yuan Changtian said in a deep voice, "keep an eye on him. He is a descendant of the founder of Fangcun who has been waiting for ages. He also inherits Luo Tongtian's talent of swallowing the abyss and dome. He can't be underestimated."

"Young Lord, don't worry. According to the countermeasures discussed by Rune Li and them, when the immortal Taoist war begins, Lintian will also be sent to the ten devil regions."

Yuan Xiliu's lips were cold. "It's hard to say whether this son can come back from ten directions alive."

"Witchcraft and Zen all regard him as a thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh. If he participates in it, he will indeed encounter immeasurable destruction."

Yuan Changtian thought, "however, we can't place all our hopes on others. At that time, we may have to trouble you to go there in person."

"The young master has promised to let the old slave do it?"

Yuanxi's eyes brightened.

Yuan Changtian shook his head: "no, it's enough for you to let as many enemies know the news about Lintian. It's best to scare the characters at the eternal level. In that case, maybe you can do it once and for all."


Source West flow is difficult to set the channel, "is this a bit of a fuss?"

"Grandpa, you don't understand. Just do what I say."

Yuan Changtian spoke calmly, and he didn't explain.

Yuanxiliu was not annoyed. Although yuanchangtian called him "Lao Zu", in front of yuanchangtian, he had to call himself an "old slave" and obey the will of the other party.

Because yuanchangtian is the son of God!

This is a rule that the Genji Protoss cannot violate.

"Grandpa, please step down first. I will continue my latent cultivation, refine the power of order, and strive to reach the great perfection of Taoism before participating in the immortal Taoism war."

Yuan Changtian goes with the mouth.


Yuanxiliu arched his hand and turned away.


PS: add more!

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