
Lifting the cloud cover was like poking Yun Tianming's heart with a sharp blade, which made his face change.

Because cloud curtain cover was his nephew and grandson, but he died in Lintian's hand in the examination of the recruitment of the yuan sect!

Lintian said with a smile, "I know that you are prejudiced against Lin because of the cloud cover. But don't worry, Lin won't argue with you because of these things in this operation, so as not to lose face in front of outsiders."

Yuntianming was so angry that his face became gloomy.

Yuan Changtian, who took a panoramic view of this scene, said with a hearty smile: "brother Lin's words are true. The gratitude and resentment in the sect in the past are ultimately our internal affairs. We must work together to win glory for the sect this time to participate in the immortal Taoist war."

"It's natural." Lintian nodded.

Yuntianming snorted coldly and said no more.

"Lin has seen Li Changlao."

Lintian came to Li Zhen and bowed to him.

Li Zhen nodded. His bronze skin, his figure hidden like a mountain, and his face like a rock was as cold as ever.

In the void, the figure of Fang Daoping and Yuan Xiliu emerged out of thin air.

With a smile, Fang Daoping said, "people have arrived. Let's start now."



Outside the yuan boundary, on the sea of ten thousand stars, a treasure ship carrying Lintian and his party broke through the air.

On the treasure boat, Lintian, Yuan Changtian and other five people each got a jade slip from Fang Daoping.

The jade slips record the list of the three great ancestors of Zen, witch and spirit to participate in the immortal Taoist war.

Lintian looked around and his heart was shocked.

On the list of the ancestral court of Lingjiao, there is the name of senior brother Jing Zhongyue!

Moreover, it is marked on it that senior brother Yue in Jingzhong has nirvana, great and complete Taoism, and his attainments in archery are superb.

"Last time Jiufeng talked about Tao, I saw elder martial sister Chengyu. This time I can meet elder martial brother jingzhongyue again. It's a surprise."

Lintian was excited.

The moon in the well is the first person in the arrow path of Fangcun mountain. Its arrow path has "the power of breaking the sky and startling the God", which is unique.

Lintian heard other elder martial brothers and sisters talk about these.

"Sure enough, the Ji clan, the Cang clan and the Wen clan also sent their God sons and goddess."

Not far away, also looking at the source of the jade slips, Changtian whispered.

"Elder yuan seems to have found something different?"

Cao Beidou asked softly.

Although he is also an elder of yuankong Pavilion, when facing yuanchangtian, Cao Beidou's words and demeanor are full of respect.

"It's not a secret."

Yuan Changtian said casually, "look at the list. Cang Fufeng of the ancestral court of the witch sect is the son of Cang, the divine family of the Ninth Heaven region. He is fierce and arrogant. He is also famous in the Ninth Heaven region. It has to be said that his talent is very rebellious and can resist the 'nine flame divine wind'. Ordinary people in the same environment can't stop the burning and killing of such gifted gods."

"Look at the Wenqiao water in the ancestral court of Zen, which also comes from Wen, the divine family of the Ninth Heaven. He reached Nirvana three hundred years ago and became a complete Taoist priest. I'm afraid he wants to seek an unusual road when he gets out of the realm of preaching. He is as calm as a mountain and as tough as a rock. If he encounters it, he is definitely a thorny enemy."

"As for Ji Shanhai in the ancestral court of Lingjiao, her name is like a man, but she is actually the youngest daughter under the knee of the head of the protoss Ji clan. She is also the most valued by the clan. She seems quiet and peaceful, but she has a great momentum of ruling heaven and earth. She is also deeply respected by her peers in the Ninth Heaven."

Speaking of this, Yuan Changtian's eyes couldn't help but look different, "there has been a saying in the Ninth Heaven that if anyone can capture Ji Shanhai's heart, he can get all the support of the whole Protoss Ji family. What's more, he rated Ji Shanhai as the fairy son who is' the most beautiful and the only one in the Qing Dynasty '."

This makes Cao Beidou and Yun Tianming, who have lived for an unknown number of years, listen leisurely and fascinated. It's impossible to imagine how an unprecedented woman can have so many auras.

"Alas, I didn't expect Ji Shanhai to come, which is really tricky."

Yuan Changtian sighed softly.

Cang Fufeng and Wen qiaoshui, like him, are all God level figures, but they are not afraid of anything.

But he has an unspeakable fear of Ji Shanhai.

In fact, Ji Shanhai is so famous in the Ninth Heaven that even some leaders of the eternal realm know that the protoss Ji clan has a pearl in the palm of "the only Qing Dynasty".

"Shao... Elder yuan doesn't have to belittle himself. The ten devil regions will compete and the winner will be known at last."

Source West stream light channel.

He almost shouted the word "little Lord" just now.

"Yes, we yuan sect elders are not afraid of these."

Cao Beidou laughed.

Yun Tianming nodded endlessly.

They have lived for a long time, but in the face of the source elder from the Ninth Heaven, they all put their posture very low.

"What does brother Lin think?"

At this moment, Yuan Changtian looked at Lintian.

"I don't know them well. What can I think?"

Lintian said casually.

Yuan Changtian smiled: "if others say so, it must be ignorant and fearless, but brother Lin said so, it can be called full of spirit."

Cao Beidou and Yun Tianming were stunned. They didn't think why yuan Changtian was so polite to Lintian.

Lintian said with a smile, "elder yuan, you are supporting and killing Lin. to participate in the immortal Taoist war this time, only you know the roots of those divine sons and goddesses. Whether you can win glory for our yuan religion depends on the ability of elder yuan."

Yuan Changtian smiled bitterly and shook his head: "we should act together and deal with everything together. If I'm alone, I'm doomed to be alone."

Lintian smiled but said nothing.

"I think we should obey the arrangement of elder yuan in this action. After all, he knows the strength of his opponent like the back of his hand."

Cao Beidou suggested.

"It's natural." Yuntianming agreed without hesitation.

Seeing that Lintian and Li Zhen didn't speak, Cao Beidou and Yun Tianming were unhappy.

"What do you think?" Asked Cao Beidou.

Lintian said, "if it weren't for you and Yunfeng master, maybe I would be happy to act with the source elder, but now I'm afraid I can't do it."

Cao Beidou and Yun Tianming looked gloomy. Lintian's meaning was obvious, but he didn't want to be with them!

Cao Beidou said coldly, "deacon Lin, you still focus on internal fighting and don't know to obey the overall situation. In this immortal Taoist war, if there is something wrong with the ranking of our yuan religion, you are the culprit!"

Lintian's eyes narrowed slightly. When he was about to say something, Fang Daoping, who had been meditating and meditating nearby, opened his eyes and said:

"Why argue about this? The ranking of the sect depends on the number of order wild beasts each of you hunts in the ten party demon domain, not on these oral disputes."

Speaking of this, he looked at Cao Beidou. "If you don't agree with anyone, after the immortal Taoist war begins, you'll have more order and more wild animals than anyone else."

Cao Beidou's face was gloomy and said, "what vice president Fang said is very true."

Fang Daoping ignored him. Instead, he glanced around and said with a smile, "you may not know. This time, no matter who you are, as long as you can win glory for the sect in the immortal Taoist war, you will get an unexpected reward when you return to the sect."

As soon as he said this, Yuan Changtian was stunned. Obviously, he didn't know the matter. He immediately hugged his fist and said, "dare you ask vice cabinet leader Fang, what kind of reward is this?"

Fang Daoping smiled and said, "let Fang sell a pass. In short, you won't be disappointed at that time."

Yuan Changtian looked at Yuan Xiliu, who shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"That's good. We will get this reward if we help elder yuan hunt wild animals in order."

Cao Beidou said and glanced at Lintian provocatively.

Lintian could not shrink back and said with a smile, "I'm looking forward to seeing how many wild animals Cao Changlao can help our sect hunt, and whether he can make the sect rank higher in the end. If Cao Changlao can do it, the reward of the sect will naturally belong to elder Cao."

Cao Beidou's face sank. As soon as he wanted to say something, he was stopped by Yuan Changtian.

He smiled bitterly and shook his head: "you guys, we should work together in the same boat in order to win a better place in the immortal Taoist war, but don't quarrel any more."

At the same time, Yuan Xiliu's eyes glanced at Cao Beidou and Yun Tianming. Both of them were cold in their hearts and didn't dare to say more.

Lintian was too lazy to talk to them.

Fang Daoping took a panoramic view of this scene and didn't say anything more.

Seven days later.

The wizarding world.

The land occupied by the ancestral court of witchcraft.

This is a world like the flood and famine period, full of primitive and ancient flavor. There are fierce birds and wild animals running in groups in heaven and earth, roaring like thunder, shaking mountains and rivers.

Shenlong hall.

The core of the witch world.

At this time, the sorcery cult stood in front of the Great Hall of God.

In the ancestral court of witch religion, it is divided into twelve veins and three parts.

The twelve veins are gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, Yin, Yang, heaven, earth and ancestor.

Similar to the nine peaks of Yuan religion.

Among the twelve veins are the witch Lord, elders, descendants of blood and descendants.

The three parts are the sacrifice department, the war department and the punishment department.

In the three parts, the posts of heaven sacrifice, earth sacrifice, elder, great Witch and witch were established.

The heavenly sacrifice is equivalent to the position of the leader of the three pavilions of the yuan religion.

The local sacrifice is equivalent to the Deputy cabinet leader of Yuan religion.

At this moment, those waiting in front of the Great Hall of Shenlong are the local sacrifices of the witch sect, each of which has a terrible path beyond the realm of great perfection.

In addition to them, there are three roles, such as elders, witch masters and witches.

"Report --! The strongman of the ancestral court of Yuan religion has arrived outside the boundary gate!"

Suddenly, a deep voice came from a distance.

Suddenly, there was a commotion in front of the Shenlong hall.

"Unexpectedly, Yuan religion was the first to arrive."

Someone's eyes flashed coldly, "that's good. I want to see what the founder named Lintian who suppressed Xing Jun in the nine peaks of Yuan religion last time looks like!"


There was evil spirit in the eyebrows of those great figures of the witch sect who died.

They are no stranger to the name.

There is an enemy relationship between their witch sect and Fangcun mountain, and it can't be dissolved!


PS: the word "long" means "Hou", which means "Houtu". The word "God long" means the protection of the gods.

Finally, I wish you a happy Qiqiao Festival on Tanabata~

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