
Leave the array by yourself.

The yuan missionary who guarded the transmission array was not aware of the existence of emptiness at all.

The return of Lintian, Fang Daoping and Li Zhen also caused the boiling of Yuan religion.

In front of the central hall.

Deputy cabinet leaders such as Xuan Feiling, Dugu Yong and Yu Xing, nine peak leaders such as Qin Wuyu, Yue wuchou and Cang chongxue, as well as familiar faces such as Tao Leng, fengqixi and liuyunfeng, all gathered here.

When Lintian and others appeared in the field of vision, they could not help smiling from their hearts.

"You guys, you've worked hard all the way!"

Xuan Feiling laughed and took the lead in welcoming Lintian and others into the central hall.

When they were seated one by one, the papers in front of everyone were full of delicacies.

This is a welcome banquet.

As for yuan Changtian, Yun Tianming, Cao Beidou and others who had participated in the immortal Taoist war with Lintian, they were directly ignored by tacit understanding.

"Come on, let me have a drink later."

Xuan Feiling raised his glass and smiled boldly.

The crowd cheered and drank together.

After three rounds of wine, Xuan Feiling asked about the immortal Taoist war.

Only Lintian and Li Zhen knew what happened in the ten devil kingdom. Li Zhen was always silent, so Lintian had to say it.

Lintian straightened out his mind and told some things that happened in the past ten years after he entered the ten devil kingdom.

When they learned that it was Yun Tianming and Cao Beidou who leaked the news of Lintian that they provoked the siege of Wang juehuan and other ten immortal giants, everyone here was furious and looked gloomy.

When he learned that Lintian had killed Yun Tianming and Cao Beidou, there was a cry of applause, saying that such traitors should be killed!

But after hearing Lintian's bloody feat of killing ten immortal giants, witch sect and Zen sect in the following years.

Everyone here was stunned and shocked. Their eyes looked at Lintian with a different color.

Until Lintian said a series of things happened in the devil Kingdom, everyone here was surprised and funny.

No one expected that Ji Shanhai and other transcendent goddess would give up the divine order!

I didn't expect that Yuan Changtian could bear it at that time when he suffered so many humiliations!

After hearing Lintian say all these things, the atmosphere in the hall was boiling.

"This immortal Taoist war, our yuan religion has won a great victory!"

"After many years, it's finally our turn to cheer up."

"Hehe, so it seems that witchcraft, Zen and the top ten immortal giants... But the casualties are heavy!"

Xuanfeiling, Dugu Yong and other old monsters laughed happily, and other people here were also very happy.

This immortal Taoist war, Lintian's performance, made yuan Jiao proud!

For a long time,

The lively atmosphere calmed down.

"What happened on the way back?"

Xuan Feiling looked at Fang Daoping.

Previously, they only received the news of Fang Daoping's help, and they didn't know what they had experienced along the way.

Others also looked at Fang Daoping.

After drinking a glass of wine, Fang Daoping told everything that had happened along the way.

From the battle of Jiayuan and Kaikun, the ten giants encountered the difficulties of Jiayuan and Kaikun.

In this process, the atmosphere in the hall was a little depressed and silent, and the faces of all living beings were also shocked, angry, dignified, unbelievable and so on.

Occasionally, they looked at Lintian with subtle changes.

It seemed that he realized that Lintian, who had just broken the boundary and proved to be beyond the boundary, turned out to be so powerful that he was only one person and killed many old monsters who were beyond the boundary!

Even, he once trapped yuan Xukun's will law with taboo magic powers!

For them, it was shocking and incredible, completely beyond all their imagination. If it hadn't come from Fang Daoping, they couldn't believe it.

Until Fang Daoping said that taixuan's will and law dissipated, all the big people here couldn't help killing their hearts, and their faces were particularly gloomy.

Even though I knew that Lintian's martial uncle took action in time to turn the tide and resolve the bloody robbery, everyone here still looked bad.

"They are deceiving me. No one in the yuan sect!!"

Dugu Yong was so angry that his voice was like thunder.

Knowing all this made them angry. It was not only about Lintian's safety, but also about the face of Yuan religion!

"For the sake of divine order, everyone will rob at all costs."

Take a deep breath, Xuan Feiling's eyes are cold, "whether it's Witchcraft, Zen, protoss Genji and the top ten immortal giants, this hatred must be settled with them in the future!"

"You must first settle down inside before hustling outside. This matter can't be urgent. At least now we can only bear it."

Dugu Yong on one side reminded him.

In a word, make the atmosphere of the hall heavy.

If their yuan religion is still as prosperous as before, how can they be treated like this?

How can you endure such pressure?

"Forbearance is not impossible, but we must do something. Otherwise, let alone revenge, the interior of the sect will be chaotic first."

Xuan Feiling's eyes flashed. Speaking of this, he looked at Lintian, "Lintian, you have made great achievements for the sect this time, and you have demonstrated your way beyond the realm. It's more than enough to take the post of elder in the three pavilions of the sect. Tomorrow, I'll join you and promote your position."

After a pause, he said coldly, "even if Rune Li wants to oppose it, they can't!"

Everyone could not help nodding.

With Lintian's achievements in the immortal Taoist war, not to mention being an elder, it was no problem to seek the position of deputy cabinet leader.

Just speaking of this, the restraining force covered outside the central hall fluctuated and rolled.

Xuan Feiling waved to remove the restraining force.

The figures of Qi Xiaowen and Li Xiaoqiu have long been outside the hall.

"We heard that brother fang had brought Li Zhen and Lintian back to the sect and came to celebrate."

Fu Wenli opened his mouth and said it was a celebration, but his expression was full of indifference.

Look at the look of others, it's mostly the same.

Suddenly, the atmosphere inside and outside the hall became silent and repressed.

Fang Daoping grew up and said calmly, "there's no need to celebrate. We're having a banquet. If there's nothing else, please come back."

A refusal, not polite.

Fu Wenli's face sank and said, "unfortunately, besides celebrating, Fu did have one more thing to ask Lintian."

With that, he took Qi Xiaoyun and others straight into the hall, which made xuanfeiling, Dugu Yong and other people present gloomy.

Fu Wenli didn't care about this at all. He came to Lintian's letter and looked down at him with a cold look in his eyes and said:

"Lintian, do you know the sin?"

In a word, the trial is full of flavor.

Lintian drank all the wine in the glass and put the glass on the letter. Then he got up slowly and said, "what's the crime of Lin?"

Fu Wen Li Leng hum: "do you really think others don't know? Did you brutally kill yuntianming peak leader and Cao Beidou elder?"

Xuanfeiling, Fangdao and other people understand that Fuwen Li and his party are clearly going to start a teacher and ask for punishment!

Lintian immediately smiled, "not bad."

Fu Wenli said coldly, "you still laugh. As the deacon of yuankong Pavilion, you commit the following crimes and kill the two old people of the sect with despicable means. You deserve to die! I'm here to take you away and punish you according to the rules of the sect, so as to comfort the spirits in heaven of Yun and Cao!"

"Rune Li, in your capacity, is so careless and bloody that you don't feel ashamed?"

Xuan Feiling couldn't sit still. He just got up with cold eyes. "Cao Beidou and Yun Tianming colluded with foreign enemies and trapped Lintian in a desperate situation. How can such a despicable and shameless person get into your mouth and become a good man wronged and killed?"

As Xuan Feiling got up, Dugu Yong and others in the hall also got up and glared at Fu Wenli and others.

The atmosphere has also become tense!

"Traitor? Xuan Feiling, have you ever participated in the immortal Taoist war and seen it with your own eyes?"

Fu Wenli said calmly, "everyone here, except Lintian and Li Zhen, doesn't know what happened, but it's certain that Cao Beidou and Yun Tianming were killed by Lintian, and Lintian just admitted that according to the rules of the sect, he killed his fellow disciples wantonly without trial by yuankong Pavilion, which is a heinous crime!"

"Is this what yuan Changtian told you?"

Lintian suddenly said.

Fu Wenli's eyes narrowed slightly and said, "it doesn't matter who it is. What matters is that you have violated the rules of the sect and should be punished."

Lintian smiled: "I expected that deputy cabinet leader Fu would not miss this opportunity to attack me, so please have a look at who these people are."

He waved his robe.

One after another, the yuan God who was completely imprisoned and fell into a coma appeared in the sight of everyone.

When he saw the appearance of these yuan gods, Fu Wenli's face suddenly changed. He raised his hand to put them away, but Lintian avoided them one step ahead of time.

Meanwhile, Fang Daoping stood beside Lintian and said coldly, "Fu Wenli, what are you doing?"

"These are the people of my Fu family!!"

"The body was imprisoned, but it was not forgiven by Lin Wenxun!"

Lintian said, "vice cabinet leader Fu is right. These are the strong men of Fu who participated in the immortal Taoist war. They wanted to kill me together with other soldiers. Unfortunately, they all suffered. Didn't you tell you this?"

Fu Wenli's chest heaved and tried to calm himself down. His eyes twinkled and said, "Lintian, let me Fu people go and I'll give you a chance to clean up."

The implication is that in exchange.

But Lintian smiled and shook his head, "Deputy cabinet leader Fu, you are wrong. I didn't take these yuan gods of the Fu family to threaten you. As the deacon of yuankong cabinet, Lin didn't dare to threaten a deputy cabinet leader."

After a pause, he glanced at everyone in the hall and said, "Lin just wants to tell you whether Cao Beidou and Yun Tianming are traitors. Just search the souls of these yuan gods and you can tell the truth!"

The voice resounded through the hall.

Suddenly, the faces of Fu Wenli, Qi Xiaoyun, Chi Wen and others suddenly changed.


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