The Prodigies War


After the breath was restrained, the people around relaxed a lot. However, Lintian\'s eyes were still full of fear and seemed to regard it as dangerous l ā

Lintian could do nothing about it. Fortunately, a spirit shuttle started soon and was about to sail.

After paying a silver coin, Lintian and a group of pedestrians rushed to the sky with the roar.

In the spacious carriage, Lintian\'s seat was empty around. No one wanted to get close to him. Lintian was also happy and quiet. He took this opportunity to count the harvest of these days.

In the seven days after leaving the blood wolf, he encountered three more deliberate ambushes.

For the first time, it happened in a jungle. There were 40 enemies, all of whom were good at jungle assassination. Each enemy was equipped with a special \"thorn crossbow\". They were distributed in different areas of the jungle and haunted like ghosts. Their whereabouts were erratic and extremely difficult to deal with.

However, in the face of Lintian\'s cruel role in the blood killing camp, the jungle attack tactics they adopted were basically pediatrics. Lintian directly fought back with the same attack and assassination tactics. Finally, only thirteen people escaped and the rest were killed.

After this battle, Lintian was wounded in seven places and harvested dozens of bottles of various kinds of pills, sixteen intact Thornwood crossbows and 23 kinds of spirit tools.

The second ambush took place in the swamp. There were 50 enemies who were good at array warfare. They tried to kill Lintian at one stroke with the help of a holy stripe killing array that had already been laid.

But obviously, their tactics were wrong from the beginning

If Xue Jin and Chu Feng knew that someone used the spirit array to deal with Lintian, they would definitely laugh. As long as they knew the details of Lintian, they would never do such a crazy stupid thing

The result of this battle was that Lintian turned his back on a holy stripe killing array that had been ambushed for a long time. Using his own holy stripe means, Lintian easily seized the control of the killing array and wiped out all the enemies ambushed in the killing array at one stroke

Lintian was not only unharmed, but also easily obtained an amazing booty.

The third ambush took place on a lake. The enemy mobilized a large number of ships to encircle Lintian on the water.

The enemy obviously learned the lesson of several previous battles. This time, he was extremely well prepared. There were not only ships, but also 200 elite practitioners and a large number of combat equipment.

However, to the surprise of the enemy, Lintian slipped away directly from the bottom of the lake by knowing the \"holy pearl of Tianshui\" in the sea. When the enemy noticed something wrong, Lintian already didn\'t know where to escape.

It\'s embarrassing to have a well prepared ambush and end up like this

Even Lintian thought of it at this time, his lips could not help but lift a strange arc. This was luck. When he was lucky, even God helped him. When he was lucky, no matter how full an ambush was arranged, he would end up without any trouble

Of course, after these ambushes, the enemy is bound to become more and more alert. When they go out again, the force sent out is absolutely no small matter.

Lintian knew this and was ready for it.

After counting all the booty, Lintian could not help feeling that the most brutal way to collect money in the world was to search for booty.

Just like now, the total value of the booty he collected all the way is at least more than 10000 gold coins

\"Brother, you have a lot of blood on you. My mother said she would give you this suit.\"

Suddenly, a sound of milk and milk woke Lintian, who was thinking. Looking up, he saw a little girl of three or four years old holding a stack of clothes and staggering towards him not far from the carriage.

The little girl is wearing a sky braid and her big eyes are very cute.

Lintian was stunned. When he glanced, he saw a woman in plain clothes looking at him with a smile not far away.

This warmed Lintian\'s heart and felt the warmth he had not seen for a long time. When he met by chance, he could be taken care of by strangers, which made Lintian feel.

\"Thank you, little sister.\"

Lintian squatted down, smiled and rubbed the little girl\'s head, and took the suit.

He is not short of clothes, but this gift has a kind warmth for him, which makes him unable to bear to refuse.

\"Goodbye, brother.\"

The little girl waved her hand skillfully and turned her head to the woman.

Lintian smiled and nodded to the woman, so he took the clothes carefully. He thought to himself that after the spirit shuttle passed through the Fengwan mountains, he would like to find an opportunity to buy some gifts for the mother and son. He should express his gratitude and kindness.

\"Brother, can I have a chat with you?\"

Suddenly, the little girl came over again and looked at Lintian with big black eyes.

\"Of course.\"

Lintian immediately smiled, held the little girl on his lap and said, \"little sister, what do you want to talk to your brother?\"

\"Brother, they are all afraid of you. Is it because you are fierce?\"

\"Well, do you think my brother is fierce?\"

\"Not fierce. I feel my brother is very beautiful, like the porcelain doll hidden in my house.\"

\"Beautiful hahaha, little sister, beautiful is not a description of boys.\"

The young girl was very happy. Lintian was also very happy.

Gradually, some passengers in the distance relaxed a lot, and their attitude towards Lintian was no longer as afraid and taboo as before.

All this is only changed after a child releases goodwill. This may be the power of warmth and kindness.

Forbidden City, in the ancient residence.

Xu Qianjing sat in front of the table and was analyzing information. His clear eyes were full of cool and wise colors.

On the desktop, there are detailed intelligence sent these days, and some are intelligence contents analyzed and summarized by Xu Qianjing himself.

Finally, Xu Qianjing came to three accurate conclusions.

Born in the blood killing camp, the target has extremely skilled and sophisticated means of raid and anti raid, and has extremely terrible keen insight into danger.

This can be seen from the jungle ambush a few days ago. This is a factor mentioned in previous intelligence, but it has not been paid attention to.

No one thought that the means the target learned in the blood killing camp could play so well and perfectly.

Including Xu Qianjing.

This also led to the final failure of a jungle raid tactics formulated a few days ago.

However, this did not affect Xu Qianjing\'s mood. A failure in exchange for a further understanding of the goal is enough.

What really surprised Xu Qianjing was the battle in the swamp

At that time, a holy stripe killing array was arranged in the swamp, called \"Jiulong bound holy array\". It was written by a holy stripe master of Chi family. It was an extremely powerful trapped array. Not to mention the practitioners of Rengang territory, even the practitioners of Linghai territory were trapped in it, they could not escape the bad luck of being killed.

In order to arrange this array, Xu Qianjing mobilized a large number of manpower and materials. He thought it was enough to make the target doomed. Who ever thought, but he failed in a mess in the end.

Xu Qianjing had also found out the root cause of the failure, which made him realize that the target was a holy tattoo master with profound attainments in holy tattoos in addition to his extremely strong combat effectiveness and skilled and sophisticated combat means

That\'s incredible.

When making this judgment, Xu Qianjing couldn\'t help doubting, but the fact of blood told him that it was true, otherwise the target would never turn away from the guest and take control of the \"Jiulong bound spirit array\" at one stroke, otherwise the battle might be wiped out

Having determined all this, Xu Qianjing was not at all frustrated, but became more and more interested in the action of encircling and suppressing the target.

To this end, he made another move and formulated a perfect plan to completely kill the target on the surface of a lake.

But Xu Qianjing didn\'t expect that the target would escape from the bottom of the lake quietly by hiding from the world

When he learned all this, Xu Qianjing couldn\'t help but be stunned. He didn\'t expect anyone in the world who can walk on the ground at the bottom of the lake. You know, even if the cultivation is deep, it\'s impossible to stay at the bottom of the water for a long time without the cultivation of Linghai level

However, the goal was achieved, and it was precisely to seize this point and narrowly avoided a killing.

After calculation, they have carried out four encirclement and suppression operations since the target appeared, but they all ended in failure.

Xu Qianjing didn\'t feel anything, but those deputies and subordinates couldn\'t sit still and quarreled endlessly. Some even thought that Xu Qianjing\'s title of \"tactical master\" was not worthy of the name.

Just like at this time, Xu Qianjing is analyzing information, but nearby deputies have been quarrelling, blushing and thick neck.

Some people think that we should gather all our strength and crush the target in the front, while others think that even if we don\'t mobilize all our strength, we should change our strategy and can\'t be as conservative as before.

In fact, both inside and outside the words revealed their dissatisfaction with the person in charge of Xu Qianjing.

They don\'t dare to make a lot of complaints, but they don\'t dare to make a normal decision.

\"It\'s just been reported that the target has taken the spirit shuttle and plans to cross the Fengwan mountains from the air. I wonder if Mr. Xu has come up with any clever tactics.\"

Someone asked in a strange way.

Other people\'s eyes also looked at Xu Qianjing.

Although his words were harsh, Xu Qianjing seemed unaware and said calmly: \"it\'s not too late for him to take action after he crosses the Fengwan mountains. I\'ve arranged some means for this. I believe it should surprise the target.\"

\"Hum, it\'s too conservative to do so. I remember there were six new models of Ziying warships ready for this operation. Wouldn\'t it be better to take this opportunity to send one directly to kill the target in the air?\"

Someone is cold hum.

Other people nodded in succession. The spirit shuttle car sailed in the air. Once it encountered the attack of Ziying warship, it would have no way to avoid. Taking advantage of this opportunity, it would not take much effort to kill the target.

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