Wang Zhongtian's words made the hall quiet.

in perfect silence.

All the patriarchs were stunned.

Send out all the forces of the ten clan war alliance!

I have to say, this is an extremely crazy and bold decision.

Originally, they would not send such forces to kill the nest of the yuan religion until they traveled to the North Sea to preach for eternity.

But now, Wang Zhongtian wanted to use such strength to deal with Lintian in the sixth heaven. Who wouldn't be surprised?

"In this way, we will be in an absolute advantage. We will destroy Lintian and defeat the layout of the yuan religion with the momentum of plowing the court and sweeping the hole!"

Wang Zhongtian continued, "of course, even if Lintian and the people of yuanjiao realized the bad and fled in advance, there would be no loss for us."

"OK, that's it!"

Fu chaolan gritted his teeth and agreed first.

In these years, their Fujia family suffered the most losses. The reason is that their Fujia family had operated in the yuan religion for countless years, and many people practiced in the yuan religion.

But now, they have long been killed by the great cleansing action of the yuan religion!

This makes the Fu family angry. No one can take this tone without revenge.


"In that case, let's do it."

"As long as Lintian can be captured and killed, all the efforts will be worth it."

Other patriarchs also promised one after another, murderous.

Seeing this, Wang Zhongtian said, "in addition, we also need to ask the will and Dharma of the three eternal characters. This matter will be handled by your Zhong Li, Zhong and Qi."

The patriarchs of the three immortal giants could not help but hesitate.

They also stand behind the eternal Protoss power of the Ninth Heaven, but if they want to move the will and Dharma of the characters in the eternal realm, they also have to pay a great price.

But in the face of the people's eyes, the three patriarchs immediately realized that they couldn't hesitate any more.

Otherwise, public anger will be committed.

They agreed immediately.

Wang Zhongtian said coldly, "we should let Zen and witch religions know about this. We can't just help us deal with yuanjiao and Lintian."

Hearing the speech, everyone agreed without thinking.



Central hall.

Seven vice cabinet leaders, including Xuan Feiling and Dugu Yong, gathered together.

They were also startled when they learned that the news happened on the sixth day.

Dugu Yong frowned and said, "Lintian is like stabbing a hornet's nest. I'm afraid the ten clan war alliance will have to make some crazy moves."

"Don't worry, even the will power of the eternal world can't help him."

Xuan Feiling comforted with a smile.

The other old monsters here look a little strange.

A great war destroyed ten old antiques such as Wang Daoxing, which made them feel a smack.

Although there were no battle details in the news, they were sure that cangjiansheng's will and Dharma were destroyed by Lintian.

"Can we just stay in Yuan religion and watch?"

Asked Fang Daoping.

Yu Xing was also worried and said, "after such a big loss, if the ten clan war alliance goes out again, it will exhaust all means. In this case, Lintian's situation is a little bad."

Xuan Feiling was silent, smiled and said seriously, "do you remember what Lintian said when he left? No matter what happened outside, we won't go out."

After a pause, he said, "what's more, even if he can't fight, with his ability now, he can escape back to Yuan religion alive."

Dugu Yong said displeased: "xuanlao monster, do you have the heart to let Lintian suffer alone in the outside world?"

Xuan Feiling smiled bitterly: "it's not that I have the heart, but that the situation is far from as serious as you think. What's more, you think that with our strength, even if we go to the sixth heaven to help Lintian, how useful can we be?"

After a pause, he said word by word: "only if we keep the yuan religion, Lintian can be completely at ease when fighting outside!"

Everyone looked at each other and fell into silence, with complex emotions in their hearts.

"Gentlemen, in the past, Lintian was weak and needed us to protect him from the wind and rain, but now he has more combat power than us. We old bones, just help him guard the door."

Xuanfeiling said with emotion, "I understand this son's mind. He just wants to do more things for our sect before the Lord of Beihai Pavilion proves eternity. He can't bear to suffer for the sect, so he resolves those disasters by himself..."

In the end, he couldn't calm down.

For a time, the old monsters in the hall also felt a lot.


Who would have thought that the young people who needed their shelter in the past years have now grown into a towering tree, which can protect the whole door from the wind and rain?

"That's it!"

Xuanfeiling clapped.

When he left the central hall, Fang Daoping followed him closely and asked, "old Xuan, are you sure you don't want to help Lintian?"

Xuan Feiling was stunned and said quietly, "of course not."

Fang Daoping immediately smiled, "I knew you were the one who couldn't let Lintian go!"



Lingxiao hall.

Third Elder martial sister ruosu gathered together with a group of descendants of Fangcun mountain.

"I promised younger martial brother that no matter where such a disaster happens, all we have to do is keep our camp. Otherwise, once we rush to the rescue, we are likely to be trapped by the enemy."

"Elder martial sister, we can't do nothing, can we?"

Chengyu couldn't help saying.

Others also looked at ruosu.

Ruosu whispered, "if you don't do anything, you won't make any mistakes. At least in this spiritual sect, we can protect ourselves with our strength, and as long as we don't suffer danger, younger martial brother, we can be at ease."

When they had something to say, they were interrupted by ruosu and said, "you younger martial brothers and sisters don't need to say more."

Until the crowd dispersed.

If Su's eyebrows were filled with sadness, he sighed faintly in his heart and said he didn't worry... It's all false after all


The sixth day.

Seven days have passed since the killing of Wang Daoxing and others.

Lintian's green wood Taoist body had been waiting at Tianyun mountain.

And his true self has left and went to other places to inquire about news.

Late at night.

Far away from the ruins of Tianyun Shenshan, many figures appeared silently in a piece of heaven and earth.

Headed by a man with long hair like ink and like a teenager.

Wang Daofeng.

An antique of the first immortal giant Wang.

He is in charge of the operation of the ten ethnic war alliance.

Behind him, three of the Wang family's transcendental giants and 36 of the other nine immortal giants were followed.

Together with Wang Daofeng, there are forty people.

This time, the three giants of the world have their own immortal will, and they can come out of the world!

The strong lineup can make any big force under the Ninth Heaven afraid!

Of course, this is not the full strength of the ten ethnic war alliance.

The reason is that in these years, among the top ten immortal giants, there are more or less detached and round antiques falling.

So much so that they can only dispatch so many antiques this time.

It should be noted that there are only seven outstanding people in the Wang family, the first immortal giant, and in this operation, four were sent at once!

Like other immortal giants, the number of super detached and well-rounded strong people is not even as good as Wang.

Now they have sent four such beings respectively. We can imagine how much money they have.

In fact, the lineup like this is terrible!

Even among the four ancestral courts, there is no one who can have so many strong people beyond the great circle!

"You guys, when we came here, we found out that Lintian had been in the area near Tianyun mountain and never left."

Wang Daofeng, the leader, looked coldly and said, "when we act later, as long as we find its trace, we don't need any nonsense. We'll kill it immediately!"

Behind him, all the old directors nodded.


Silently, Wang Daofeng took the people to move the void and plundered it to a very far distance.

The night is like ink.

The four fields were silent. The actions of Wang Daofeng and his party also didn't leak any breath. It was like a group of ghosts moving, not even a trace of wind.


On the ruins of Tianyun mountain, Lintian's green wood Taoist body sitting cross legged quietly opened his eyes.

At this moment, he noticed a cold and dangerous smell.

Immediately, he grew up and spread his huge divine consciousness. He immediately noticed that a group of figures were approaching this side silently under the far sky.

Although every breath was restrained to the extreme, Lintian could not hide it. He immediately judged that it was the full existence of forty people beyond the realm!

This made him feel cold. Did the ten clan war alliance send all the old people?

Lintian knew very well that although the ten immortal giants had a strong foundation, the number of detached giants in their respective clans was also extremely limited.

But now it's better to dispatch 40 such old guys at once!

"This is to complete the service with absolute strength..."

Lintian murmured in his heart and had a strong vigilance. It can be predicted that the ten ethnic war alliance has been completely broken out. He should take this opportunity to win himself at one stroke.

There is no need to doubt. With the lesson of last time, they must have prepared more cards and Maces!

"I really want to get rid of these guys in one pot..."

Lintian Qingmu sighed in his heart. Now he is just a separate body. If I and other separate bodies are here, maybe I can try to swallow them all.

But now it is almost impossible to rely on his separate strength.

It's not that there are too many enemies and the lineup is too scary.

But the enemy has unpredictable cards and killer maces in his hands. At this moment, it is enough to pose a great threat to him to sacrifice an eternal will Dharma.

Without hesitation, Lintian green wood Taoist body made a quick decision, turned around and left.

However, almost at the same time, Wang Daofeng and other antiques had noticed his existence and moved and killed him at full speed.


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