For ten years, Tang Jiang will often think of the master who brought her into the yuan religion.

She is no longer an ignorant child.

She already knew how high her teacher's status was and how powerful she was in the yuan religion.

Even the master of Mo Feng who dotes on her most will show full respect when talking about the master.

She also knows many past events related to the master, such as how he joined the yuan religion as the first, and how he rose step by step over the years.

Just like legend!

Occasionally, Tang Jiang even has the feeling of dreaming.

When she was a child, she was weak and considered unable to practice, but who could have thought that she had changed like a reborn bone in just ten years?

And her teacher is a mythical figure who is famous all over the world and looks like a god!

Everything seems too unreal.

Tang Jiang was afraid that when he woke up, all this was false.

"Good entry."

In the distance, Lintian and the summer solstice walked side by side. Looking at Tang Jiang who had grown to his shoulder position, he said, "when practicing in the future, we should stick to our own heart, don't aim too high, and don't belittle ourselves."

Tang Jiang nodded fiercely, "I listen to the master."

"These are some of my previous cultivation experiences. Take them and figure them out."

Lintian handed Tang Jiang a jade slip that had already been prepared, "remember, this is my cultivation experience, not necessarily suitable for you."

Tang Jiang quickly took it with both hands and showed a bright smile: "master is the best for me. In the future, I will not let master down!"

Lintian said with a smile, "practice is my own business. As long as I enjoy it, I won't be disappointed no matter how high or low I achieve in the future. Don't put any pressure on me."

Next, Lintian saw Molan mountain again, talked for a moment, and then returned with the summer solstice.

"There's something wrong with the little girl's life."

On the way, the summer solstice suddenly opened its mouth.

Lintian stared, "what do you see?"

The summer solstice said: "in my induction, her past karma seems to have been erased. It feels like a dead man, and all traces of the past have disappeared. Only in these ten years, a new causal fetter has emerged, and her fate has been completely reversed, which is impossible to infer."

Lintian was shocked and remembered the scene of "bringing Tang Jiang back to life".

There is no doubt that Tang Jiang was dead, so her karma was eliminated, but also because of herself, she opened her new destiny.

All this is due to the order of Nirvana!

"Is this a good thing or a bad thing?"

Lintian couldn't help asking.

The summer solstice thought: "of course, it's a good thing, which means that her future practice, her destiny is completely controlled by herself. Whether she lives or dies depends on her own creation. You know, fate is very mysterious. When you changed your life against the sky in the secret situation of heaven, your destiny was reversed. For that little girl, her experience is the same as yours."

After a pause, she said: "for ordinary practitioners, the fate is usually similar. Even if they achieve a high road achievement and do not prove the road forever for a day, their fate is doomed to be subject to all kinds of disasters and threats on the road."

"Fortunately, you can fight it with your own courage and resolve it."

"Unfortunately, almost all will die in the disaster."

Speaking of this, a trace of confusion appeared in the clear eyes of the summer solstice, "it's easy to say. In fact, up to now, I don't know the real mystery of the avenue of destiny..."

Lintian said with a smile, "don't worry, you can understand the mystery step by step in the future."

There was no peace in his heart.

Nirvana order is not only as simple as "bringing the dead back to life", but also can cut off a person's past life, reshape his life style and make him realize the transformation of changing his life against the sky!

Change your destiny!

How terrible should such forces be?

Lintian could not help feeling that if he hadn't met his disciple Tang Jiang, he would not have found that Nirvana order had such magical power.

Similarly, if it were not for the summer solstice, he would not be able to deeply realize how amazing the mystery of Nirvana order is!


After returning to the cave, Lintian continued to retreat.

The summer solstice was always with him, eating and sleeping, sleeping and eating. Sometimes when Lintian woke up, she would talk and chat with him, quiet as a vegetable.

Another eight years passed in a hurry.

This year, Lin Xunxiu took advantage of the situation and stepped into the great perfection of transcendence.

In this environment, there is no breakthrough.

One step away from eternity!

At the same time, Lintian was filled with all kinds of insights.

The three realms of longevity, Nirvana and creation on the road of immortality, and their immortal supreme potential, are completely released and integrated into one Taoist practice at this moment!

This is a real great perfection, a kind of supreme spirit born spontaneously. On the road of immortality, I am invincible!

Lintian could clearly feel that all the strength of himself showed a charm of fullness, freedom and detachment.

It's like a melting pot. It's unique!

Compared with the later stage of transcendence, when he reached the point of great perfection, he also sublimated his Taoism to a new level.

Not to mention the old monster beyond the realm level, it was the will and law of the eternal realm. Lintian was confident to win it easily!

This is a feeling that comes from the heart. It is the most profound cognition and judgment of one's own strength, not arrogance.

At the same time, in the past eight years, Lintian also refined the nirvana order to 80% level, and made him immortal, and the law also changed further.

He clearly felt that under the nourishment of his immortal law, the two order forces of Xiaoxian and Xiaoming, born in the last era, were also evolving and changing, and now they all have the breath of heaven's nine grades.

What surprises him most is that these two orders still have extremely amazing growth potential!

It was also this discovery that made Lintian realize that the "Little Fairy" that once covered the fairy world and the "little dark" that once covered the nether world were the power of divine order, and the ultimate form of its transformation was destined to be related to the fairy rules and nether rules.

This was something Lintian didn't know before.

Unfortunately, matchless was not there. Otherwise, Lintian could easily infer his potential and mystery based on his control of the mystery of Nirvana order.

Also in this first year, Tao Leng, who has been promoted to the elder of yuankong Pavilion, visited.

Lintian suddenly realized that something big might happen, otherwise, no one would bother his practice.

Sure enough, seeing Tao Leng's first face, he looked serious and said, "brother, please call you and other deputy cabinet leaders to meet in the central hall."

"The leader of Yanji Pavilion is out of the pass?" Lintian was shocked.

Tao Leng said, "no, it's just a phase of will law."

Lintian nodded and immediately told Xia solstice to wait in the cave, while he went straight to the central hall.


Central hall.

When Lintian arrived, Xuan Feiling, Dugu Yong and other seven vice cabinet leaders had arrived.

The figure is thin, the appearance is pure and ancient, and the silence of Yan is free to sit on the central main seat.


As soon as Lintian appeared outside the hall, Yan Ji's eyes stared at him like a pair of torches, and immediately showed surprise, "how many years have you been walking in this situation?"

As soon as this remark came out, Xuan Feiling and others were shocked and showed different colors.

Before that, they didn't notice the change of Lintian's breath. If it wasn't for Yan silence, they wouldn't have noticed it.

"Master, good eyesight."

Lintian bowed his hand and knew he couldn't hide it.

Yan Ji said with a smile: "the last time you closed for 55 years, you moved from the early stage to the late stage. This time you closed for 18 years, you broke the most difficult level in this situation and became a great perfect Taoist practice. This promotion speed is unprecedented in ancient times. You can't find a second one."

Xuanfeiling sighed: "Alas, you don't know something about yanlao. Since this boy stepped into the realm of detachment, every time I met, I felt uncomfortable all over and felt like I was riding on my neck."

Of course it's a joke.

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

Until Lintian took his seat, Yan Ji said, "this time, I'm calling you here for one thing. Six months later, the old man will preach the eternal truth. Some things should be prepared in advance."

Everyone looked serious.

"Judging from the time, isn't it still about three years?" Dugu Yong asked.

Yan Ji said, "there can be no exact date for such things as breaking the border. Yesterday, I got a message from Lao you. When talking about this, he was also surprised, but it is certain that this is also a happy event. After all, the eternal opportunity to preach has finally come."

Xuan Feiling said, "what preparations do I need to make?"

Yan Ji said: "at that time, I will personally protect the Dharma for Lao you. What you have to do is to protect the safety of the yuan sect. Once a foreign enemy comes, you must keep the yuan kingdom from being captured. Otherwise, the foundation of the yuan sect will be shaken, and Lao you's actions to prove the Tao will also be affected."

At the end, his face became serious.

"A few years ago, I went out for a walk to inquire about the news of witchcraft and Zen. It is certain that they will not miss this opportunity."

The square road is flat and deep.

The reaction was calm because it was what they expected.

Yan Ji asked, "is there any news from the eighth heaven?"

"They can't protect themselves. Even if they want to join in, they can't do what they want."

Xuan Feiling said, "the most elusive thing at present is the attitude of those eternal Protoss in the Ninth Heaven. If they also join in, there will undoubtedly be many more variables."

Yan Ji frowned and said, "this matter must be planned well."

Xuan Feiling nodded.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little dull, Yan Ji smiled and said, "you don't have to worry too much. There are many variables, and taixuan and I are here. When the door is really at the critical moment of life and death, just fight with them!"

It is the safest consideration to consider defeat before victory.

Seeing what Xuan Feiling and others were going to say, Lintian suddenly said, "predecessors, can you listen to me?"


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