The atmosphere is terrible.

The golden cicada youth who was stared at was not nervous at all. Instead, he sighed softly and said, "there are some things in this world that have to rely on fists to speak after all."

The beginning of the Yuan Dynasty said, "Taoist friends, if you don't do it together?"

The golden cicada shook her head: "let me do it."

As he spoke, his sleeve robe swelled, he stepped forward and said, "please give me your advice."


Tianwu took the lead, turned his palm and fingers, and a dark purgatory like world appeared, covering the sky and blocking the sun, filled with infinite eternal Qi.

As the founder of the open school of witchcraft, even if it is a will and Dharma, the power of the hand can not help but move the real eternal existence in the presence.

Too strong!

It is worthy of being a terrorist big man who has lived through many times of "great silence and lifeless robbery" and walked in many eras!

The golden cicada stood still, and the big road without a moment in his hand suddenly rang through.


For others, the bell is huge and shocking.

But for tianwu, it was no less than the most terrible blow in the world. The dark purgatory world released by him was like a leaf torn by a hurricane and turned into powder in an instant.


And his figure was like a sudden flash, staggering backward by the impact, and his face changed in this moment.

How strong!

The whole audience was shocked by this scene.

It should be noted that the weakest in the field have transcendental Taoism, and there is no lack of real eternal existence. Everyone knows how powerful the will and law of tianwu is.

But it's amazing that such a powerful existence can't resist the impact of a bell.

"Do it together!"

Zen founder Shi Qinghe.


His monk robes are bulging, and thousands of Brahma circles are condensed in front of him, filled with mysterious and vast rules, shining brightly through nine days and ten places.

"Get up!"

Yuan Feihu and other eternal beings also attack boldly at this moment.

Some coagulate the sound, some urge the divine sword, some call for wind and thunder, and some directly bombard with fist strength

For a time, the rules of heaven and earth here showed signs of collapse again. It was dark and shaking everywhere, just like the end of the catastrophe.

The will and Dharma of the two ancestors and the seven eternal realms work together. These forces can run rampant in the Ninth Heaven!

At this moment, at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty and xuyin, they looked at each other and were ready for battle.

But at this time, I saw the golden cicada's sleeve robe waving.


The avenue has no clock, and the vast and heavy clock body glows, followed by bursts of thunderous bells ringing through the world.

Dang ~ ~ ~ Dang~~~

As the bell rang, the attacks of tianwu, Shi and others were severely suppressed, and the crumbling world became stronger again.

Moreover, the bell generated an extremely terrible force, constantly impacting the figure of tianwu, so that each of their Taoism and power were suppressed.

It's like falling into the mire and feeling tied up. Even if you hit it with all your strength, you can't get away from the impact of the rolling and spreading bell!

Seeing this scene from a distance, Lintian couldn't help staring.

He also took the spirit of the instrument without a bell on the avenue to travel, but how could he think that this treasure, which was born in the Kunlun ruins, could be so terrible?


It should be said that the power of the golden cicada is too strong.

Otherwise, with only one treasure, how can we shake such a group of terrible bosses?

"Return to the road, please."

Dressed in sackcloth, the naked golden cicada whispered.

I saw him reach for it.


Tianwu's will and law phase was caught in the air.

"I hate that I am not here. Otherwise, how can you be so humiliated!"

Tianwu was shocked and angry, and his face was blue. He struggled with all his strength, and even tried to destroy the will Dharma phase to burn jade and stone with the golden cicada youth.

But all this is in vain.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break free. The whole figure seemed to be firmly held and thrown into the space-time portal suspended in the void.

In an instant, the will and Dharma of tianwu, the founder of the witch sect, disappeared.

They could not help but be moved by this. Their eyes were full of shock.

In the distance, Tu muhun, the old monsters of the witch sect, are all stupid. If they are struck by lightning, how can it be!?

It was not just them. The fighting Zen masters Shi and Yuan Feihu were shocked and shuddered.

Too strong!

The golden cicada is really as high as the sky as it is rumored!

At this time, they did not hesitate to attack with all their strength. Their breath soared one by one, and their terror was beyond imagination, but their strength was suppressed by the ringing bell.

The most thrilling thing is that the power of the avenue without moment clock still maintains the stability of the rules of heaven and earth at the same time. Otherwise, once the battle atmosphere spreads, it is destined to affect the whole seventh heaven.


The golden cicada youth touched his hand again.

Under the gaze of a crowd of shocked eyes, the will Dharma phase released by the founder of the open sect of Zen Buddhism was also caught in the air, and was also unable to struggle!

"You... How can you be so strong..."

There was an incredible color in Shi's eyes.

Even though it was the will law, he clearly felt that even if I was here, I would not be sure of winning against the golden cicada youth!


The voice is still reverberating, and the figure of Shi is also thrown into the vortex portal and disappeared.

At this moment, the past and future Buddha Jiaxiu and Buddha Jiajing of Zen Buddhism have changed. They sent out their own power. However, they are still suppressed under such circumstances. Why don't you understand that their accomplishments on the eternal path are very different from those of golden cicada youth?


Coincidentally, they chose to retreat.

At present, it is not a question of whether we can capture Lintian and destroy the yuan sect, but whether we can keep our whole life and leave here!

"Let you retreat for a while, and you are doomed to be a disaster all your life. No matter who you are, you can't leave until you end today's gratitude and hatred."

The golden cicada spoke calmly.

He pressed his hands.


The figure of Buddha Jiaxiu in the past and Buddha Jiajing in the future is covered by an illusory dark light, like a fish caught in a net.

In an instant, he was sent to the vortex portal and disappeared.

This scene shows that Jikong and other old Zen monsters are cold on their backs, like falling into an ice cave.

That's an eternal existence!

It's the power of this one!

In the eternal realms, it is the real existence of the ruling level of the heavens.

But now

But was captured like a bug!

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Xu Yin looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

"How high is it?" At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.

"I can't guess." Empty hidden sigh.

Then look at taixuan, Yanji and empty Jue. They are like gods one by one. Their eyes are bright and full of flavor.

Such style makes them look forward to it!

"Second elder martial brother, master Jinchan's Avenue is really higher than the sky?" Lintian murmured.

The mid autumn spread a message quickly, "it depends on where the 'heaven' is. He has been walking for many centuries, and it is difficult to reincarnate in the eternal realm. If you want to know how powerful he is, you may have to ask the master."

It's hard to hide the surprise in words.

Lintian couldn't help thinking about seeing the golden cicada in the mulberry forest.

At that time, the golden cicada did not show much powerful power.

But now Lintian knew that for golden cicada, every era was a reincarnation, and every reincarnation had to go through thousands of hardships. His strength was no longer measurable!

Even the founding fathers of the four ancestral courts have heard rumors about him. We can imagine how unusual the golden cicada is.

"Golden cicada, can you give me a way back? I promise I won't leave the Ninth Heaven half a step before the era robbery comes!"

In the field, only yuanfeihu, the five eternal beings from the Ninth Heaven, are left. But at this moment, they all have the intention of shrinking back.

"Before you, did you give the yuan education a retreat, or did you give this world a retreat?"

The young cicada looked calm. "However, you are worried. I just give you a chance to decide the outcome. When you arrive at the Kunlun ruins, you will be dead or alive, and I will not intervene again."

Having said that, Yuan Feihu's faces became more and more ugly and gloomy.


They went all out and tried to leave.

But in the end, it didn't help. The golden cicada caught it one by one and threw it into the vortex portal and disappeared.

So far, all the terrorists in the witch sect, Zen sect and the Ninth Heaven region were lucky to be sent to Kunlun ruins!

In the distance, Tu muhun and other witches, Jikong and other Zen believers were all devastated by this series of changes.

They were also stunned at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, xuyin and taixuan.

It's just a person. He captured a group of old guys who can be called the strongest of the heavens one by one and sent them to Kunlun ruins one after another. Such means are unparalleled in the world!

The golden cicada youth put away the road without a moment clock, turned and looked over and said, "everyone, this gratitude and resentment needs you to resolve after all. I'm not suitable to intervene. Please go on the road."

"Elder, why is this?"

Lintian couldn't help saying.

How could he want to see them go to Kunlun ruins in the early Yuan Dynasty, xuyin and taixuan?

"I can't do it."

The golden cicada youth, with a gentle voice, pointed to the depths of the sky, "if I blend in, no matter where I go and how many reincarnations I go through, I will be watched by the behind the scenes."

One word startled thousands of waves!

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Xu Yin seemed to understand. They arched their hands and said, "thank you for your help. We won't dare to forget today's kindness."

The golden cicada youth said, "I'm just entrusted by others. I can't stand such great kindness. You'd better act early. Don't let brother Bodhi wait for a long time."

"Second elder martial brother, is the master also in Kunlun ruins?"

Lintian couldn't help asking.

"It's just a will Dharma of the master."

Mid autumn whispered.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he xuyin no longer hesitated and went straight into the vortex portal.

Following closely, taixuan, Yanji, konjue, Dongli and Zhizheng of Lingjiao should act.

Lintian couldn't help saying, "elder, do you really need to leave?"

If there is no taixuan, who will take the seat of the yuan sect?

"Younger martial brother, don't stop. It's a good thing. I'll explain to you later."

Mid autumn whispers on one side.

He could see that Lintian didn't want taixuan to fight with them. He was worried that they would encounter danger.

However, there is another mystery behind this matter.

These people must leave now, or great disaster will come!


Add more!

Thank you for the award of the alliance leader of the brother "little brother and big base", and thank you for the reward and * * of your brothers and sisters!

To tell you an important thing, during the double * * period, there were three more alliance leaders. At present, the number of Tianjiao alliance leaders is exactly 50.

The road is fifty, and the sky is forty-nine. It seems that there is a coincidence in the dark?

Anyway, goldfish promised that there would be a big outbreak this month! Congratulations to the leaders of the alliance and the brothers and sisters who voted~

The above wordy words are free~

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