The man in silver suddenly said, "yes, it is said that recently, the seven forces stationed at the entrance of Guixu will launch a new round of attacks on the daozong of Yuanshi."

Xuan Jiuyin chuckled, "the more frustrated they are, the more brave they are."

The voice was full of contempt.

The man in silver robe said seriously: "elder generation, the action of the seven forces can not be underestimated. It is said that they will send all immortal characters together. Each immortal character will carry a powerful and unpredictable order secret treasure to break the 'Fangcun secret world' where the founder Taoism is located this time!"

Xuan Jiuyin said and looked at Lintian.

"Thank you."

Lintian threw a treasure to the man in silver robe, and took Xuan Jiuyin and them away.

The man in silver robe was stunned. Unexpectedly, he just answered some well-known questions and was rewarded.

He looked down at the palm sized silver flying sword in his hand, and his face immediately changed.

An immortal Taoist soldier!

The man in silver took a breath, glanced around quickly, and quietly put the silver flying sword into his bag. Thinking of the people he had seen before, his heart beat violently.

They all gave an immortal Taoist soldier. How terrible should those people be?

God hit me on the head with a smile!

For a great emperor like him, getting an immortal Taoist soldier is absolutely no different from getting a great fortune.


"Brother Lin, can you rest assured now?"

On the way, Xuan Jiuyin asked with a smile.

"You can't really feel at ease without seeing those relatives and friends."

Lintian said casually.

Zhao Jingxuan, Lin fan, Lin Zhong, Lao clam, ALU, AHU, Xiaoyin and Xiaotian came to mind.

Closer to home, more timid.

This subtle emotion also lingered in Lintian's mind at the moment.

Along the way, they also saw the figures of many monks flying away in the void and heading towards the ruins.

"Do the seven forces really want to make a move in the near future?"

"Over the past few years, the secret world outside the Guixu has been explored by the forces of the seven forces, and they have got a lot of supernatural creations. But if they want to go to the depths of the Guixu, they must first conquer the Yuanshi Taoism, which is blocked in front. They... Can't afford to wait."

"Is Yuanshi Taoism really so powerful?"

"It is said that this Taoist tradition was founded by a legendary figure named 'Daoyuan Emperor'. This person is a descendant of Fangcun mountain. Many years ago, he was the most famous ancient path in the starry sky and was famous all over the world. He has many legendary feats. He was known as xuanjiuyin of the ancient path in the starry sky. He couldn't help but look at Jin Tianxuan month, but saw that the latter listened quietly and there was nothing unusual. That was a sigh of relief.

Zhao Jingxuan was Lintian's original match and the first woman to be with Lintian. If he resisted her, there would be many twists and turns.

"For more than a hundred years, they still call the childe 'Emperor Daoyuan'. If you let them know the childe's cultivation and identity now, I'm afraid they must be frightened." The golden sky Xuan moon smiled and smiled.

Lintian smiled: "it's just more than a hundred years. For some old guys, it's not enough time to shut up. But for me, too many things have happened in the past hundred years. If I hadn't chosen to go to the eternal real world, I'm afraid I wouldn't have achieved what I have achieved today."

"Yes, now the ruins have changed dramatically. The ancient path in the starry sky has indeed become different from the past, but it is still much worse than the eternal real world."

Xuanjiuyin thought, "like me and xuanyue girl, if we didn't go to the yuan world at the beginning, it would be impossible to embark on the immortal road so easily."

"The present Guixu may not be as good as the eternal real world. You can't tell later."

Lintian thought.

In just ten years, the dramatic changes in Guixu have made the ancient path in the starry sky take on a new look. If time goes on, more and more changes will take place in the world.

"It's hard to say. Don't forget that the era disaster will come in a thousand years."

Xuanjiuyin said, "I doubt whether this sudden change in Guixu will be related to the coming of the 'era robbery'."

Lintian's pupil was slightly coagulated.

He also had such speculation in his heart, but he was not sure.

The horn sounded in the distance.

Woo woo~~~

The atmosphere between heaven and earth has become solemn, and the wind and rain are coming.

Lintian looked up and saw that there was a huge abyss in the far sea. The nearby sea water poured into it silently and disappeared without a trace of spray.

That's the entrance to Guihui!

It's a vast area.

In the area near the entrance of Guixu, there are dense figures of monks stationed in seven camps. Each camp has thousands of monks who control one side of the sea near Guixu.

Among the seven camps, the weakest ones have the Taoism of Jiujing ancestors, and there are countless Jue top emperor ancestors, with immortal figures sitting in them.

The vast lineup is just like the magic army from the heavenly world. The breath just sent out is frightening.

In places farther away from the Guihui ruins, there are also many monks who are watching from a distance and dare not approach.

Those monks who came like Lintian stood far away, with shock, fear and awe.

Those are the seven strongest forces from all major star planes in the world!

In these years, I don't know how many forces killed and tried to enter Guixu, but they couldn't break through the defense line of the seven forces. Instead, they buried an unknown number of powerful figures and dyed the nearby sea red.

So that now, no one dares to take another step.

"These lineups have almost caught up with the immortal emperors in the sixth heaven."

Lintian was surprised.

Of course, among the immortal emperors in the sixth heaven region, Nirvana exists.

This is unmatched by the seven forces, because the strongest of them is the perfect existence of tianshoujing.

Naturally, Lintian didn't care about these forces at all. A few years ago, he broke into the eighth heaven and killed his head. He didn't know how many of the detached realm died in his hands. Even the will and Dharma of the eternal realm could only be hated under his hands!

"Brother Lin, they blow the horn. This is a sign that they intend to charge and fight. Are they going to kill to the Fangcun secret world today?"

Xuanjiu yindao.

Between heaven and earth, it was full of the vast and powerful horn sound, which made the sea roll, the void roar, and the atmosphere of killing was overwhelming.

In the camp of the seven forces, one immortal figure after another rose into the air, and immortal rings emerged behind them, just like dominating the world, causing the whole audience to look sideways.

I don't know how many people show awe.


For the practitioners of all major star planes in the world, they can be called as the overlord of heaven.

"Don't worry, let's see." Lintian said casually.

He and the summer solstice, xuanjiuyin and jintianxuanyue all converged and stood far away without much attention.

"Ladies and gentlemen, together, we will break the barrier of Fangcun secret world in one fell swoop. I have only one small suggestion. After entering Fangcun secret world, I will trample down the Yuanshi Taoist sect that is entrenched in it!"

A man with red robes and black hair stood out of thin air, holding a jade tripod with purple light in his hand. He was awe inspiring and domineering.

"It should be so."

"A Daoist sect in the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty wants to monopolize the ruins. It has been preventing us from going to investigate these years. The behavior here has long made heaven angry and people resent. If we don't eliminate it today, it's hard to dispel our hatred!"

Some immortal characters are murderous and have no intention to hide their killing intention. Their immortal power soars into the sky and disturbs the situation in all directions.

All the practitioners who were watching from a distance breathed and realized that there would be an unprecedented war today!

How can the seven forces cope with the Yuanshi daozong together?

Seeing this, xuanjiuyin couldn't help laughing and was eager to try, "brother Lin, why don't I clean them up now?"

Jin Tianxuan Yue said, "you are also the cultivation of longevity realm. Can one deal with so many old guys?"

Xuanjiuyin didn't have a good way: "xuanyue, can our immortal way be the same as them? What's more, when I left this time, my ancestors gave me a lot of Maces. If I threw one, I could kill them hundreds of times a minute!"

Jintian xuanyue chuckled and stopped talking.

"Boast. After several years, you have been blocked here. Now you still shout like this. Don't you feel ashamed?"

Suddenly, a figure rushed out of the ruins, and the sound of laughter shook the sky. There was his echo in the sky and the earth, and a kind of arrogant and arrogant breath spread.

Dressed in green robes, with golden eyes, he was as handsome as a young man. He swaggered on the Guixu, glancing at the heroes present as if there were no one else.

That arrogant attitude attracted the attention of the whole audience.


We will continue to work harder tonight~

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