The place of burial.

An extremely mysterious world.

According to lingxuanzi, the fourth elder martial brother, in the past, the vitality here was exhausted and everything did not exist. It was no different from a place abandoned in ruins.

But as long as the doomsday of the era is coming, the place of burial will have amazing changes.

For example, the sudden change of Guixu is caused by the fluctuation of vitality in the place of burial.

"The changes here are really related to the coming of the era robbery."

It was also at this time that Lin xunqai finally dared to determine this point.

But then all kinds of doubts came to my mind, such as the origin of the visible remains and treasures, such as the mystery of the five mountains, and so on.

In the following time, he asked lingxuanzi for advice one by one.

Lingxuanzi naturally won't hide.

It turned out that before the fall of each era, people from all over the world would gather in Kunlun ruins in order to avoid the attack of the great silence and lifeless robbery, compete in Kunlun ruins, and hope to seize the opportunity to go to Zhongmiao road ruins.

Just like now, there are many eternal figures in Kunlun ruins.

Taixuan, Yanji and youbeihai of the pixel sect, like those eternal figures in the witch sect, Zen sect and the Ninth Heaven region, are now in the Kunlun ruins.

However, not every person in the eternal realm can avoid the killing of "great silence and no life", and not everyone has the opportunity to cross to the wonderful road ruins.

And every time the era collapses, all living creatures in the world cannot escape the slaughter of the five bad ways.

Similarly, there will be many people in the eternal realm who will encounter great silence and lifeless robbery and fall into the Kunlun ruins. Only a small part of them can survive the era collapse.

The remains and treasures of those eternal figures who fell into the Kunlun ruins in the era robbery are left in this "place of burial path"!

The five mountains in the place of burial are the birthplace of the core origin of Guixu. They are Yingzhou, Penglai, fanghu, Daiyu and Guanqiao.

Every mountain is distributed with an original rule order.

Like Yingzhou mountain, it spans 30000 miles up and down. The original rules on it can turn the blood and soul power of any creature in the world into the most original vitality.

Like Penglai mountain, there are 99000 miles. The rules of origin can turn the body power of any creature in the world into the purest vitality.

The original rules of fanghu mountain, Daiyu mountain and Yuanqiao mountain can refine "divine soul", "Taoism" and "foreign things" respectively.

Eventually, it will be refined into the most original avenue of vitality.

Therefore, the original rules contained in these five mountains are also known as the "five sequences of returning to the ruins".

Whenever the era is about to fall, these five mountains will refine all the forces of the eternal realm that fell in the last era into the original vitality of the avenue and feed the world back.

After the fall of the era, the eternal figures falling into the Kunlun ruins will be collected and stored in the place where they are buried.

It's like a cycle.

After knowing these secrets, Lintian was horrified and said, "so, the vitality that constantly rushed to the outside world came from those eternal characters who fell in the collapse of the last era?"

Lingxuanzi nodded and said, "it's like falling leaves returning to their roots and turning them into fertilizer for the earth to accumulate strength for the coming of the next era."

"It's not about the backstage, is it?" Lintian couldn't help asking.

Lingxuanzi shook his head: "under the heavens, every place may be affected by the power of the behind the scenes, but only the four Avenue ruins will not. Even the ruins of creation are just made into a prison by the behind the scenes, and the original power of the ruins of creation is still there."

Lintian nodded. The origin of creation was in the city of God of creation. Naturally, he knew it best.

"Similarly, although the origin of Guixu is exhausted, as long as these five mountains are there, it is impossible to be occupied by the behind the scenes."

Lingxuanzi continued, "and there are also original forces distributed in Kunlun ruins. This original force is related to Zhongmiao Dao ruins, so it will give those eternal figures a chance to go to Zhongmiao Dao ruins."

Lintian was surprised and said, "so the four Avenue ruins are not isolated from each other, but connected with each other?"

The bodies of the eternal figures who fell in Kunlun ruins will appear in Guixu.

Those who strive for success in Kunlun ruins will have the opportunity to reach Zhongmiao Dao ruins!

Lintian had to doubt that the ruins of creation and transformation should also be related to other three Avenue ruins.

Sure enough, the next moment lingxuanzi nodded and affirmed.

"The four Avenue ruins are really mysterious. The more you understand them, the more people will have different perceptions and feelings, and often subvert people's imagination."

Lintian sighed.

Lingxuanzi smiled and said, "now, younger martial brother, what else do you want to ask?"

Lintian thought of one thing and said, "elder martial brother, why is there no end tower in your hand?"

Lingxuanzi's smile stiffened and he immediately said with vigilance: "younger martial brother, this is what the master respected himself gave me for use, so that I can have the capital to seize opportunities in this place of burial. You can't rob it."

He also knew that Lintian had deep feelings for this treasure when he was a teenager.

Lintian said, "Why are you so nervous? I'm just curious. What's the virtual shadow that this treasure subdued just now?"

Lingxuanzi suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and said, "that's a 'blood spirit evil spirit' on Yingzhou mountain, which is transformed by the blood spirit power of the characters in the eternal realm. The combat power is extremely abnormal and fierce, which is ten times and a hundred times stronger than the will and Dharma of the eternal realm. In these years, if it wasn't for the endless tower, I wouldn't be the opponent of such evil creatures at all."

"Blood spirit is fierce? Doesn't it mean that the blood spirit power left by the eternal realm will be transformed into the most original Avenue power by the regular power of Yingzhou mountain?"

Lintian was stunned.

Lingxuanzi laughed and said, "younger martial brother, this sudden change of returning to the ruins has only lasted for more than 20 years. Can the power left by the eternal realm be so easily refined? If you come back decades later, you will never see these blood spirits again."

After a pause, he continued: "now for us, it's not just the blood spirits on Yingzhou mountain, but also the 'eternal fierce corpse' on Penglai mountain, the 'immortal fierce soul' on fanghu mountain, the 'Avenue spirit' on Daiyu mountain and the 'eternal fierce soldier' on Yuanqiao mountain!"

"How do you say that?"

Lintian asked.

Lingxuanzi said, "because if you subdue them and refine them, you can get the power of the eternal level!"

With that, he took out the endless tower of the avenue and moved in his heart.

A crystal clear, blood colored gem like object emerges. It is the size of pebbles, bright and shining, surging with eternal breath.

Lingxuanzi said proudly, "look, younger martial brother, this is the blood spirit subdued by the endless tower just now. It is the purest eternal source power and has immeasurable benefits to our cultivation. It seems that such treasures can't be found in the eternal real world!"

Lintian took it and looked at it, but he was moved. The eternal breath contained in this treasure was not huge, but it was rich and pure.

"This is an eternal blood stone, which is immeasurably beneficial to temper the power of Qi and blood in the eternal realm."

Lingxuanzi said quickly, "and like the eternal fierce corpse, immortal fierce soul, Avenue spirit and strange, eternal fierce soldier, they can be refined into four kinds of treasures: eternal law, eternal soul crystal, eternal Taoist stone and eternal divine material, each of which has different magical functions."

"Like this level of baby, that is, the characters in the eternal realm have to salivate and their eyes turn red when they see it!"

Then lingxuanzi grabbed Lintian's shoulder and said with great pride, "now, these opportunities belong to our martial brothers. With them, why can't we prove the eternal?"

Lintian's heart was also tumbling. There was no doubt that all this was amazing.


He looked at lingxuanzi and said, "elder martial brother, you have been here for many years and must have won a lot of good fortune, but why has your cultivation remained at the level of transcendence and perfection so far?"

Lingxuanzi looked sluggish and said seriously: "younger martial brother, no matter how many opportunities play an auxiliary role in proving the immortality of Taoism, only his own solid Taoism and perfect state of mind are the key to proving the immortality of Taoism."

Lintian laughed and said, "what elder martial brother said is very true."

Lingxuanzi couldn't stop smiling and said, "OK, let's say whether you want to join hands with me to hunt for opportunities."

Lintian thought: "of course."

"Come on, I'll take you to Yingzhou mountain." Lingxuanzi immediately got up and went to the outside of the cave.


In front of Yingzhou mountain.

Lingxuanzi stopped and said, "look, younger martial brother, there is a lot of mist on the mountain, and the blood is steaming. The occasional virtual shadows are all blood spirits and evil spirits. Don't make too much noise against these murderers, otherwise they will kill in groups."

After a pause, he said, "in the past, I stayed in front of Yingzhou mountain and used my own Qi machine to lure a bloody soul like fishing. After it was killed from Yingzhou mountain, I suppressed it with an endless tower. In this way, it was effortless and I didn't have to worry about danger."

After that, he glanced at Lintian and seemed to want to hear Lintian's praise.

But Lintian frowned and said, "in this case, what if the blood soul is not hooked?"

Lingxuanzi said, "wait, there will always be a time to take the bait."

Lin Xun shook his head and said, "it's too slow and a waste of time."

Lingxuanzi didn't have a good way: "that's the 'blood spirit and ferocious spirit' transformed by the Qi and blood power of the eternal realm. It's easy to kill our characters. If you don't do that, do you still want to kill the Yingzhou mountain?"

Who thought Lintian nodded and said, "if this can subdue more blood spirits, why not kill up the mountain?"

Lingxuanzi opened his eyes as if he didn't know Lintian and said, "younger martial brother, when did your tone become bigger than me?"

Lintian smiled and said, "elder martial brother, let me ask you, is this blood spirit intelligent?"

Lingxuanzi shook his head and said, "is that right? They are just the transformation of Qi and blood. Although they are evil spirits, they only have a cruel and incomparable killing obsession, and there is no wisdom at all."

Lintian said with a smile, "that's no problem. Let's go up the mountain and have a look."

Then he stepped forward.

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