Lintian didn't go out for ten years, but the summer solstice was always with him.

"In three months, I will preach forever."

Lintian put down his chopsticks, looked at the opposite summer solstice and said, "then you will stay in the yuan boundary with Jing Xuan."

"Why can't I protect the law for you?" Summer solstice doubt.

Lintian said with a smile, "I never need someone to protect me. Just listen to my arrangement."

The summer solstice didn't insist anymore and continued to eat.

Lintian took out a pot of wine and drank it.

After ten years of isolation, he only did one thing——

Sharpen your mood.

He combed through all his previous experiences and battles one by one.

He didn't deliberately suppress his inner mood fluctuations. He quietly understood everything from small to large, from embarking on the road of practice to today.

For ten years, I haven't had much insight and harvest.

But Lintian knew that there was no shortage in his mind.

Inexplicably, Lintian thought of a sentence: sharpening the heart is like a sharp edge and cultivating the heart is like jade.

"The elder who has great attainments in kendo, with only eight words, broke all the mysteries of the state of mind..."

He couldn't help feeling.

It was also at this time that he deeply realized what the Tao heart is like a front and what the Tao heart is like jade!

This is an extremely broad-minded and perfect state of mind. Publicity is like a sword in the air, and introverted is like a gentle jade.

"Lintian, why do you have to wait three months to prove eternity?" Suddenly, the summer solstice asked.

Lintian laughed and said, "because there was still one thing to do."

"What's up?"

Lintian's dark eyes were deep and he said, "lead out the opportunity of preaching that belongs to me."

"What are you going to do?" Summer solstice curiosity.

Lintian thought for a moment and said, "take yourself as bait and catch the secret."

Then he pointed to the sky, "others are waiting for an opportunity, but I want to seek an opportunity, which is above the heavens."

The summer solstice was stunned, shook his head and said, "I don't understand."

Lintian said with a smile, "it doesn't matter if you don't understand."


Time goes by, day after day.

Three months later, Lintian and the summer solstice came out of the cave.

"Where has everyone gone?"

Lintian was stunned. In his divine sense, he found that the whole Yuanqing mountain was empty, except him and the summer solstice.

"Let's go and have a look at yuankong mountain."

Lintian immediately moved the void and swept away.

Soon, we found xuanfeiling, fangdaoping and other old monsters in yuankong mountain.

"You boy, you've finally figured it out."

At the first sight of Lintian, Xuan Feiling rushed up and asked, "how are you prepared? How confident are you that this sermon will last forever?"

Lintian said with a smile, "we'll know when we cross the robbery. By the way, where are the others in our family?"

Xuan Feiling said, "as early as half a month ago, they were all placed in the secret territory of Tianyuan. Now there are only us left in the yuan sect."

Lintian was stunned and suddenly realized that he had missed something. He cried and laughed, "senior, I'm not going to testify in the yuan boundary this time."

Xuan Feiling and others were all in a daze, a little caught off guard.

They all thought that Lintian would preach eternal in the yuan world and worry about the suppression of the power of the divine order, so he would take action in advance and put everyone in the sect in the secret place of Tianyuan.

There is the original power of divine order in Tianyuan secret realm. It is not easy to destroy the original power of divine order even if you are killed by the enemy.

But who ever thought that Lintian didn't intend to preach in the yuan boundary!

"Where are you going to preach eternity?" Fang Daoping couldn't help asking.

"I can see the sea of stars."

Lintian said casually, "at that time, it's enough to withdraw the order power of the sea of stars to the yuan world."

When the great power of the Yuan Dynasty was suppressed, it was the eternal order of the Yuan Dynasty.

Lintian didn't want to deprive everyone of the yuan sect of shelter because he survived the robbery.


Xuanfeiling was the first to refuse. "What a great event it is to preach eternity. If there is a foreign enemy in the sea of stars, it is destined to interfere with you for the first time. Once your mood is bad, you can imagine how serious the consequences will be."

Other old monsters also began to dissuade.

But Lintian shook his head and said firmly, "the only thing that can affect my mood in this world is the safety of you and everyone in yuanjiao. As long as you are safe, I won't be in any way."

Xuan Feiling and they looked uncertain.

"Do you know that after the eternal disaster comes, it will be noticed by witchcraft, Zen and even the eternal Protoss in the Ninth Heaven for the first time. If they send people in the eternal realm to obstruct it at all costs, it will be a great disaster!" Fang Daoping looked serious.

"For this reason, as long as you hide in the yuan world and have the protection of divine order, you will not be threatened by such a great disaster."

Lintian didn't pretend to think about the cableway, "as for me... Ha ha, even if the eternal realm exists, do you dare to do it in the eternal disaster?"

Seeing that all kinds of persuasion could not dissuade Lintian, Xuan Feiling and them could only agree.

Lintian was relieved. He was afraid that he could not persuade these old monsters.

On that day, he left the yuan world alone and came to the Wanxing sea.

It is still the top of the absolute city.

Lintian stood up at random, dressed in moon white clothes, fluttering in the clouds. In the distance, there was a magnificent sea of stars, with dreamlike stars scattered.

At the beginning, when he traveled to the North Sea to preach the eternal, Lintian was alone here.

Today, he is still alone here, but this time he wants to cross the eternal disaster!

Gulu ~ Gulu~

Lintian took out the wine gourd and drank it. Then his eyes were like electricity and looked into the depths of the sky.

His towering figure suddenly released an amazing Qi machine, just like a magic sword that sealed the boundless years. At this moment, he rose up, pierced through the clouds and rocked beyond the sky.

His Taoist practice is also fully released at this moment.


The nearby sea area suddenly rolled, the water waves lifted and roared like a dragon. Between heaven and earth, the light and rain of the avenue poured down, just like a big stove, melting the heavens at this moment.

It was clear that behind Lintian, the immortal god ring was like an obscure abyss surging, and the surging immortal law power made the rule power between heaven and earth tremble and fluctuate, like being suppressed, producing a buzzing and wailing sound.

Yuan Jie.

Through the power of divine order, Xuan Feiling clearly saw this scene and couldn't help but stay there.

The immortal law is so powerful that it makes the rules of heaven and earth unstable?

This completely subverts their imagination, because in their cognition, only the power of eternal existence can achieve this step!

What surprised them most was that in the following time, Lintian's Qi kept rising and rising


On the vast starry sea, heaven and earth were boiling, and the power of rules was thundering. Hundreds of millions of light and rain came out of Lintian's towering figure, which was bright and countless in the world.

His Qi machine pierced the sky like a sword and rushed to the depths of the sky. It gave people the feeling that he was fighting and fighting with the great enemies outside the sky.

This situation continued for some time to come.

But until an hour passed, the eternal disaster they expected in xuanfeiling did not come yet

"Is it true that in the period of time before the era robbery, the eternal Qi mechanism of preaching can no longer appear..."

Xuan Feiling was stunned and couldn't calm down.

But Lintian didn't realize it. He wantonly released his strength, accomplishments, body, soul, road and state of mind... Without reservation.

Take yourself as bait and fish in the sky!

Fish are destined for the future. It's just a matter of time.

These could not affect Lintian's mood.

Just like the eight words left by the Supreme Being: "sharpen your heart like a Feng, nourish your heart like jade"!

Three hours later.

Suddenly, a depressing atmosphere of disaster quietly appeared in the depths of the sky and gradually lingered into a shadow.

Then the sky and the earth suddenly darkened, as if falling into the darkness of the eternal night in an instant.

The originally boiling and disordered forces of the rules of heaven and earth suddenly fell into a strange silence at this moment.

The boiling sea water and the void with violent power nearby are also like being imprisoned by an invisible hand.

The whole world seems to stand still at this moment.


In Yuan religion, xuanfeiling and other old monsters, who had been waiting anxiously, were shocked and their pupils dilated at this moment.

The eternal opportunity to preach has come, and the terrible disaster force is gathering in the depths of the universe!

Xuanfeiling could not tell them the mood at the moment. They were nervous and depressed, with unspeakable excitement and expectation.

Eternal catastrophe, which is enough to make any transcendence in the world full of love and hate.

Across it, you can set foot on the eternal path, stand at the highest point of time, admire the heavens, and control the power of the rules of heaven and earth.

Can't cross

You will lose your soul and disappear!

For xuanfeiling, they are naturally very clear about the horror of the eternal catastrophe, so they are so nervous and depressed at this time.

What excited them was that Lintian's opportunity to preach really appeared!

Lintian took the opportunity to preach, which was regarded as an impossible opportunity, but it was taken by Lintian. It was like breaking some taboo shackles!

"Finally hooked."

Lintian smiled on his lips. His breath suddenly restrained himself, like a sharp sword in the sheath, and became introverted and indifferent.

He took out the wine gourd and drank it again.

Deep in the sky, that eternal catastrophe is accumulating, and it will really break out soon.

But for Lintian, he was half successful in bringing this disaster!

The sky and earth are gloomy, and the rolling robbery clouds spread quietly, covering the sky over the sea of stars. The heavy iron curtain blocking the light is down.

Depressed enough to make all living beings in the world despair, the atmosphere of disaster began to diffuse, and everything was evolving silently.

Only Lintian was as calm as before, drinking alone between heaven and earth.

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