Lintian was surprised at the same time, the will and Dharma phase of Yang patrolling the sky was also shocked and angry, so he couldn't calm down.

With the power of his will and law, let alone suppressing the existence of beyond the moment, it is enough to occupy an advantage even for the role of the upper creation.

But now, the opponent is just a young man in the early stage of surpassing the moment, who has killed him equally!

Indeed, the other party used four separate moves together.

But you know, he exists in an infinite realm!

Even if it is just a force of will, the general existence of beyond the moment situation is that no matter how many, it will not have much advantage.

But obviously, Lintian was different!


The power of Yang patrolling the sky has become more and more frightening. The Taoism and power used are beyond the imagination.

Such beings as him can make rules for their own use and regard the rules of the heavens as nothing. If they are willing, they can easily destroy a large world.

At the same time, Lintian tried his best to kill red eyes and release all the means he had.

It was the first time he had met such a terrible opponent since he set foot in the eternal realm, but it also aroused his fighting spirit and fighting spirit.


Both of them fought fiercely. They wanted to get rid of each other as soon as possible. It was so dark that the Haori holy mountain was turbulent, and the divine order covering the surrounding heaven and earth was violently tumbling.

This situation lasted for half an hour.

Seeing that he couldn't win Lintian for a long time, Yang Xun couldn't help but be anxious. He was just a will method, and the power he mastered would only be consumed and weakened.

The longer it takes, the worse it will be for him.

On the contrary, Lintian was the one who sent out. His powerful power was far from being comparable to a will method, and he could fight for a long time.


Aware of this, Yang Xuntian suddenly began to work hard, ignoring the possibility of being injured, and urged all forces to wave the battle spear.


The regular power released by the war spear set off a light in the sky. When it swept out, Lintian and his body were very uncomfortable and were about to cough up blood.

"The old thing began to work hard!"

Lintian took a deep breath, and without hesitation, he suddenly displayed the magic power of "the blade of years" with his sword.


The sword Qi was brilliant. Although it was blocked by the sun patrolling the sky when it was cut down, the power of time released from it still swept his will and Dharma phase.

Visible to the naked eye, his momentum suddenly decayed!

But that's all.

The power of the blade of years was soon dissolved.

After all, Yang patrolling the sky is a boundless existence. It is difficult to really cut down the rule power and power mastered by the power of time.

But this sword surprised Yang Xuntian. How could he not know the terror of such time magic?

If the Buddha were here, he would not be afraid of these.

But at present, his promotion is only a matter of will and law. Under the siege of Lintian's original and four separate bodies, he is very vulnerable to the blow of such magic powers!

But the current situation has made Yang Xuntian think so much.


Lintian could not have wasted such an opportunity. He was restrained by the other four parts of the body, and his master kept making swords. One sword was faster than another, and one sword was more fierce and terrible.

The magic power of the blade of years displayed by his current practice of Taoism can only last less than half an hour in such a battle.

Lintian would not waste any time.

See you soon——

Countless dense sword Qi crisscross and tear open countless shocking cracks in the world. It is extremely fierce.

In addition, the containment and siege of the four Avenue body made Lintian's sword Qi. Although Yang Xun Tian blocked and dissolved a lot, many of them were still split on Yang Xun Tian.

Poof poof!

He saw a series of sword marks appear on the willpower phase of Yang Xun Tian. With each more sword mark, the power of his willpower phase suddenly weakened.

When sword marks appear continuously, the will and Dharma phase of Yang patrolling the sky is like a discouraged ball, and the strength of the whole body shows a visible weakening change with the naked eye.

He was so surprised and angry that he couldn't believe it. He couldn't even fight with all his strength, because Lintian's four parts would stop all his killing moves.

While Lintian himself would take advantage of the weakness and launch a fierce attack with Taoist sword.

Under such circumstances, there are more and more sword marks on his willpower phase, and his breath is becoming weaker and weaker


At the end, Lintian suddenly shouted, and I rushed forward with all my strength together with the four Avenue body.


The earth shaking explosion rang through.

Yang Xun Tian's wounded and weak will Dharma phase suffered a fatal blow and suddenly became unreal and blurred, tumbling violently and showing signs of collapse.

At this moment, Yang Xun sent out an angry roar: "Lintian, when you return, you will die!"

Every word is filled with incomparable hatred and resounds through the sky.

Then, his will method exploded and dissipated.

Looking at this scene, Lintian was relieved and relaxed completely.

At this time of the battle, he also consumed a lot and was about to be overwhelmed.

It has to be said that the existence of immeasurable territory is really too powerful. It is just a phase of will and law, and its power has far exceeded the general super moment territory itself!

This was also the most difficult battle since Lintian set foot on the eternal path.

Fortunately, he won in the end.

Feeling the signs of weakness all over, Lintian did not hesitate to decide to take a rest in Haori mountain until he resumed his Taoism and went to Ji's again.



Before long, Haori order covered around Haori holy mountain again, as before.

But no one knows that Haori mountain has already changed its owner.

Naturally, it is impossible for people to know that on this day, the eternal Protoss Yang family was conquered by Lintian alone!

The two old antiques of the eternal world, Yang holding the sky and Yang not moving, and the family leader Yang have been killed. Even the dog days array and Haori order have been completely subdued by Lintian.

The will and Dharma of Yang patrolling the sky existed in the boundless realm, which was also erased by Lintian!

For countless creatures in this vast territory centered on Haori mountain, what happened today is too scary and terrible.

Although they had never seen the scene of this war, the outbreak of Haori order force and the fluctuation caused by Lintian and Yang holding heaven and Yang Bu Dong fighting in the eternal realm affected the boundless territory.

No matter their accomplishments were high or low, they all felt the breath of destruction like a natural disaster, which filled the air between heaven and earth, and made them cold and tremble.

No matter how stupid or dull they are, they all realize that an unprecedented war has taken place in Haori holy mountain, where the eternal Protoss Yang is located!

"Who is so bold?"

"For countless years, the Yang family has been like the master of nine days, like this eternal Protoss. Why has such a thing happened?"

Until the end of the battle, all kinds of screams and uproar also sounded in this boundless territory.

Yang has ruled this territory for countless years, making hundreds of millions of creatures prostrate and submit. No one dares not to follow. No one can think that today, someone dares to kill Xiang Yang's nest!

Many forces attached to Yang's command sent strong men to approach Haori mountain for the first time, trying to find out the news.

However, what they saw was a devastated mountain and river, everything withered and destroyed, and there were shocking traces of battle everywhere.

It's like the ruins left by the battle of the gods. It's lifeless!

However, when we noticed that the intact Haori mountain still stood between heaven and earth, and felt that the power fluctuation belonging to Haori order was still diffuse, people were relieved, but also inexplicably had a trace of unspeakable loss.

"Yang family is an eternal Protoss after all. Can it be shaken by others? I'm afraid those enemies who invade have already been killed."

Many people sigh that this is normal. Since ancient times, the eternal Protoss can not be shaken!

"I thought there would be a sudden change today, but now it seems..."

Others have mixed feelings.

After being ruled by Yang for countless years, who has never had the idea of overthrowing Yang in his heart?

But the reality is cruel after all!

Even if a war breaks out today, the Haori mountain of Yang family is still there, and the Haori order covered by Haori mountain is still there, just like in countless years before, it has never fallen!

"I don't know who is provoking Yang's power today. No one knows his identity even when he is dead."

"Go back and deliver the message."

Many spies came to Haori mountain and then left in a hurry.

No one knows that things have changed in the haorishen mountain!


Late at night.

In the secret world deep in Haori mountain, Lintian woke up from meditation and his Taoist practice had recovered to its peak.

He waved his robe.

A round disc about the size of a palm, half black and half white, emerged.

Big Yin Yang wheel!

This is a treasure found from the relics of Yang cangsheng. This treasure has become the world of heaven and earth. Before Lintian entered Haori mountain, everyone in the Yang clan was placed in this treasure.

Of course, it also includes the wealth accumulated by Yang for countless years!

When Lintian refined the big Yin Yang wheel, he immediately controlled the life and death of the Yang people placed in the treasure.

However, this time, Lintian still didn't kill them all.

Just like dealing with the ten immortal giants in the eighth heaven domain, they only kill those characters who set foot in immortality and invalidate all the cultivation accomplishments that set foot in the imperial realm.

As for the other Yang people, he planned to let them all go when he left Haori holy mountain.

At that time, all living beings in the world who learned the news of the destruction of the Yang family, those strong people who have been controlled and enslaved by the Yang family for countless years, are afraid to take the bloodiest revenge on the Yang family at the first time!

Lintian didn't care how many people of Yang family could survive in the end.

Even if you survive without clan and divine order, you are doomed to never rise again in the future!

What really caught Lintian's attention was the wealth accumulated by the Yang family for countless years!


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