
The turbulent order force is pure and thick pale blue. When it is bombarded, it is like the whip of God, flashing a palpitating light.

Such power is enough to make any beyond the moment eternal fear.

When he first arrived at the Ninth Heaven, Lintian might also need to use all his strength.

But now

His figure was like a sharp blade, emitting dazzling light and rising in the air.


The vast initial order was like a waterfall, and Lintian's figure tore a crack straight, which was like breaking bamboo all the way.

In an instant, it was incredibly fast to reach the temple on the forbidden mountain.

When Ji he reacted, Lintian had come to him.

Her big and beautiful eyes suddenly expanded, her delicate and exquisite body suddenly tightened, almost instinctively offered a bright machete and cut out angrily.

This Sabre is long and narrow, curved like the waning moon. It has no sharp edge. When waved, it seems to be able to cut space and time.

But Lintian grabbed the knife, and the sharp blade rubbed with the palm of his hand, and the light splashed, making a sharp sound of tearing the eardrum.

At the next moment, he was firmly imprisoned and never broke Lintian's palm skin!

This made Ji He's face completely changed. Her whole body burst into a terrible eternal light. Just about to fight back, Lin Xun grabbed the snow-white and delicate neck. The terrible power imprisoned her whole body and couldn't move any more.

At the foot of the mountain, Ji wangtu was cold all over.

In an instant, break the initial order, block the machete, break the kill, and lock the throat!

Lintian's lightning bolt was so powerful that Ji wangtu was completely shocked and couldn't believe it.

Ji He is one of the three ancestors of the eternal realm of Ji clan, and controls the initial order, which is far from being comparable to other places.

But under such circumstances, Lintian caught him easily!

This is undoubtedly too scary, subverting the cognition of Ji wangtu.

It was at this moment that he finally dared to believe that the eternal Protoss Yang was trampled out by Lintian alone!

What about eternity?

What about divine order?

He is not the opponent of Lintian at all!!

"You can't talk well. You have to do it. Why bother?"

Lintian sighed.

Now he thought about it. If he hadn't been worried about the safety of Xi and Ji Shanhai, if he hadn't found out Ji's situation, he wouldn't have taken so much trouble. He had already killed him directly. It was impossible to delay so much time and waste so much tongue.

Ji He's hands and feet are cold. Her body is small and delicate, and she looks like a girl. At the moment, Lintian is holding her neck, and her pretty face is red as fire. She is extremely angry and frightened.

She can't imagine how she failed so quickly!

"Don't talk nonsense. If you want to kill or cut, just do it. Do you think I'll frown?" Ji he stared at Lintian and said with gnashing teeth.

Lintian said, "you should be glad that you have never been hard on Xi and Shanhai girl, otherwise you will die today. Now, I can only make you feel wronged first."

With that, he suppressed Ji He in Wuyuan sword tripod.

Then he turned and walked into the ancient temple on one side.

Lintian sensed that the original power of the initial order was in this ancient temple.

Sure enough, as soon as he entered the hall, Lintian found it.

It was an ancient Taoist altar in all directions. In the center of the altar was a pale blue jade ruler, emitting a strong and amazing order fluctuation.

Lintian took a deep breath, moved the profound meaning of Nirvana order, and grabbed the green jade ruler.


Yuchi was violently turbulent and tried to struggle, but it didn't help. In a moment, he was subdued by Lintian and became very docile.

Ji wangtu, who had just arrived in front of the main hall, happened to see this scene and stared round.

It was so easy to subdue Ji's divine order, which made Ji wangtu's heart churn again. How could he calm down.

"Don't worry, elder. I'll return this divine order."

Lintian turned around and explained softly.

Although the order of the divine order was good, Lintian would not occupy this treasure in the face of Xi.

Ji wangtu was stunned and said, "what are you going to do next?"

Lintian said, "I advise you not to act with me. Of course, if you want to follow me, I won't stop you."

With that, he had gone out of the hall and plundered outside the forbidden mountain.

Ji wangtu wanted to rush up several times. He was worried that Lintian would hurt other innocent people.

But in the end, he shook his head bitterly.

What can he change if he keeps up with this kind of thing?

Why don't you look!


Starting from the holy mountain, the central holy palace.

Here, decorated with lanterns and colors, is bustling and noisy.

The huge Taoist arena in front of the central shrine has long been filled with dense banquets. Many guests who came to visit and celebrate attended as nonvoting delegates.

There are more people who don't even have a place and can only stay in the nearby area.

At a glance, it seems that there is a sea of people near the central shrine, which is spectacular.

The people present here are all dignitaries, with extraordinary style.

Beautiful maids served on the scene like butterflies in flowers, and servants presented all kinds of delicacies like running water. There were also bursts of fairy music, drums, harps and Sheng, a scene of jubilation and excitement.

"Worthy of being an eternal Protoss..."

Some well-informed old people also secretly lamented on such occasions and were shocked by Ji's style scene.

"In this event, there are many immortal figures, but they can only attend the Taoist temple as nonvoting delegates. What kind of distinguished guests are those who are qualified to have a place in the central divine palace?"

Many eyes occasionally look at the magnificent central Dao palace in the distance.

On the 108 storey stone steps, a red carpet woven of auspicious and auspicious artifacts is paved. Incense burners carved with dragons and painted with Phoenix are arranged on both sides of the stone steps. Only the guests in the palace can have the same banquet.

This is naturally enviable, but everyone knows that the distance between the central shrine and this Taoist temple is a natural moat like gap.

In this Ninth Heaven realm, unless it is also a role from the eternal Protoss, others will never have the opportunity to enter the central temple in their life.

"It is said that today, some people of the Taihao family have arrived. Now they are in the central shrine and are discussing tomorrow's wedding with the two ancestors of the Ji family."

"I've also heard that there are other great figures from the eternal Protoss who come to watch the ceremony this time, such as pan Wu, Jue, ye, etc. it is said that the weakest ones have Taoist practices at the level of transcendence and perfection!"

"This is the inside story of the eternal Protoss. Ji and Taihao are married. Why don't other eternal Protoss come to celebrate?"

... in the Taoist arena, all kinds of comments sounded, and the voices were full of respect and envy.


In the most marginal seat, an old man in Python robe with hairy hair and Fairy Spirit was talking with the people around him. Suddenly, he glanced casually and saw a familiar figure.

It's that guy!

The elder Python robe recognized at a glance that the figure of JUNBA was a young man who entered the starting sacred mountain with himself. His combat power was incredible.

"What is he doing here at this time?"

Looking at each other's calm and leisurely posture, the old man was inexplicably flustered.

Meanwhile, Lintian also saw the old man, but ignored him.

His eyes looked far away at the towering central shrine in the distance, where the lights were decorated and the weather was bright. Tomorrow, the wedding team of Taihao family will pick up Xi here.

But only Lintian knew that it would not happen.

With his hands on his back, he walked along the main road in the center of the dojo. Many eyes swept along the way, but most of them didn't recognize his identity.

Of course, there was no movement.

But when he noticed that he was walking towards the central road palace step by step, he finally attracted a lot of attention.

"Who is that man? Is he also a noble being?"

"I don't know. It looks so strange that I haven't seen it at all."

Some comments sounded.

The python robed old man who had been paying attention to Lintian's action became more and more nervous. This guy... Is this guy going to break into the central holy palace!?

Only he knew that Lintian was not a noble guest at all. He didn't even have an invitation!

At this time, seeing Lintian approaching the central holy palace, a group of Ji's guards had noticed something wrong and stopped him.

"It's over. If Ji Shi finds out that this guy was brought in by me, I'm afraid my whole life will be destroyed..."

The python robe old man's heart is cold.

"Your Excellency, please stop. If you don't have an invitation, no matter who you are, you can't get close to the central shrine."

Ji's strong leader looked dignified. He looked up and down at Lintian, and his eyes were full of doubt.

Lintian looked at these people and said, "go away."

Then, the figures of these Ji's strong men seemed to be held by invisible big hands and retreated uncontrollably to both sides to give way to the spacious stone steps paved with red carpet.

These strong men of Ji Shi all showed a look of shock and anger, opened their mouths and shouted, but they couldn't make a sound. They struggled with all their strength, but they couldn't even lift a finger.

They were all nailed there like stakes.


Many people in the huge Dojo noticed this scene, their faces changed slightly, and they all noticed something wrong.

The originally noisy and lively atmosphere was much colder.

Many Ji people were also scattered around the huge Taoist field, and they couldn't help but look stunned at the moment.

Who's that guy?

They can't imagine who in the world dares to come to them at this time.

More importantly, this is the central divine palace, which is the core area of Ji family. At this time, I don't know how many big people gather in the central divine palace!

As long as the brain is a little normal, who would be stupid enough to go wild here?

While these Ji people were stunned, Lintian had stepped up the 108 stone steps leading to the central temple.


In front of the central shrine, naturally, there are also roles of guardians. Their clothes and armor are shiny and awe inspiring. When he saw Lintian climbing up the steps, a line of defense was formed at the first time to stop him.


Three even more~

First of all, ask you seriously**~

Then, solemnly say one thing, well, if there is no accident, Tianjiao will finish the book next month, that is, December.

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