Lintian looked down at the old man in ink robe and said, "give you a chance to live. Tell me why you want to escape?"

The old man in ink robe turned pale and said in a difficult voice: "the three Protoss of Liangqiu, Yingshi and Yan ordered that the little old man sit here a long time ago. Once he found anyone here, he would spread the news at the first time. The reason why the little old man ran away just now was because he realized that his predecessors were stepping on the eternal supreme existence. In order to protect his life, he had to run for his life."

"I see." Lintian nodded.

He knows the three Protoss.

When he first came to the ruins of fortune that year, he learned that the three Protoss sent immortal figures to sit outside the Liuguang forbidden area with the strong of the Qin Protoss.

In order to wait for the rabbit and wait for the Lord of heaven with the eternal boat to come to the door.

Later, with the help of Chen Linkong's will and Dharma, Lintian successfully entered the streamer forbidden area and rescued his trapped parents.

It was also at that time that Lintian got some secrets about the past life of the summer solstice.

But Lintian didn't expect that nearly a hundred years had passed since he left the ruins of fortune, and the three Protoss were still unwilling to send such a detached figure to sit here


Suddenly, Lintian realized a problem. How could the three Protoss be sure that they would return to the ruins of creation?

Are the three Protoss, like Ji Guizhen, Gaoyang Li and Jiang Jue, acting on the orders of the black hand behind the era robbery?

He looked at the old man in ink robe, "the three Protoss didn't tell you anything else?"

The old man in ink robe shook his head. "The three Protoss just told him to convey the news."

Lintian said, "where will the message be conveyed?"

The old man in ink robe took out a dark blue Bone Amulet and handed it to Lintian, "as long as you crush the bone amulet, the power of the three holy families will come at the first time."

Lintian took it in his hand and looked at it for a moment and asked, "why didn't you crush it at the first time before?"

The old man in ink robe said bitterly, "I'm worried that if I do this, once I can't escape, I'll die faster. It's better not to do it, and maybe I can get back a life."

"Smart people."

Lintian thought for a moment and said, "I will suppress you for three months. After three months, you will be free again."

The old man in ink robe was relieved and bowed: "thank you for your kindness not to kill!"


Next, the old man in ink robe was imprisoned in an underground cave by Lintian's suppression.

After all this, Lintian left straight away.

Now he didn't care what calculations Liang Qiu, Ying and Yan were making. He just wanted to save Lin Fan and Su Bai as soon as possible.

Therefore, the dark blue Bone Amulet handed over by the old man in the ink robe was also hidden by Lintian.

Otherwise, with his temperament, he would have crushed the bone Rune long ago, waiting for the three Protoss to send someone to come.


After tea time, Lintian quietly left the world of the Qin Dynasty and came to the vast starry sky.

This is the real scene of the ruins of creation. In this vast starry sky, there are hundreds of civilizations in each era. In each civilization, there are Protoss.

However, not every era of civilization has an eternal realm. For example, in the Qin Dynasty, there are no figures at the eternal level.

Lintian had known these things clearly as early as the first time he came that year.

It's just different from that time,

Walking in the vast starry sky at the moment, Lin Xun Minrui sensed an invisible power of taboo rules, which covered the boundless peripheral emptiness like a layer of shackles.

Moreover, Lintian felt very familiar.

The taboo rule power is the same as the "Taichu rule" suppressed by him, with the same strange and unpredictable power fluctuations!

Lintian immediately judged that the power of taboo rules was the power of the behind the scenes man covering the whole ruins of creation!

"No wonder master Chen Linkong had to leave the ruins of creation after he exposed his power. The power of the behind the scenes is everywhere. It covers the ruins of creation like a big net. Once it is watched by it, it is like a fish caught in a big net. It is impossible to leave..."

Lintian's black eyes flashed.

He's not worried about that.

The power of Nirvana makes him have the confidence to counter the "Taichu rule"!

However, if his eternal path is exposed, it will inevitably lead to the bombardment of this "Taichu rule". In this case, the consequences will be very serious.

So Lintian kept his breath moving all the way.

In the following time, he moved all the way, and each step was like the stars moving, shuttling through the boundless starry sky. It seemed that he was walking in a leisurely way, but in fact, the speed was so fast that it had reached the point of shocking the world.

Lintian had searched Ji Guizhen, Gao Yangli and Jiang Jue, and had already known all the situations in the era of the gods.

In the ruins of creation, the era of the gods is a well deserved civilization of the first era.

Jiang, Gaoyang and Ji are the three supreme masters of the era of the gods.

In the era of the gods, they encountered the "era robbery" and did not appear in the ruins of creation. The prosperity of the inside information of these three divine families is far stronger than the twelve eternal divine families in the Ninth Heaven of the eternal real world.

Every Protoss has many immeasurable figures, and the existence of creation is also common!

It can be said that compared with the overall details of the era civilization, the era of the gods is far above the Lingwu era where Lintian is now.

But such a powerful era of the gods was also destroyed in the robbery of the era

Before the era, the existence of the creation realm and immeasurable realm of the era of sentient beings had gone to the Kunlun ruins for crossing.

As a result, although the era of the gods has survived in the ruins of creation, the vitality of the three Protoss has been greatly damaged, and there is no fear of immeasurable realm and creation realm.

With the passage of time, many gods in the era have recovered.

This situation also appears in the civilized world of other eras.

These era civilizations suffered in the era of disaster and survived in the ruins of creation. After years of changes, they have survived until now.

Of course, there are exceptions. For example, the Xianwu era was completely annihilated in the robbery of the era and failed to survive in the ruins of creation and transformation.

For these era civilizations in the order of creation, the only drawback may be that the monks distributed in these era civilizations, regardless of their accomplishments, can not leave from the ruins of creation.

The reason is that the blockade and imprisonment of the behind the scenes forces make the whole ruins of creation like a huge prison.

It is worth mentioning that although many civilizations in different eras already have the seat of creation realm, there has never been an immeasurable realm!

The reason is also very simple. Only those who survive the great silence and lifeless robbery can demonstrate the boundless realm of Tao.

In the ruins of fortune, no one can withstand the attack of the great silence and lifeless robbery, either killed or failed to survive the robbery.

As powerful as the eternal night emperor, they almost suffered under this robbery. Finally, they can only reincarnate and rebuild a Taoist priest!

However, the eternal night God's suffering was special. Lintian didn't think that the eternal night God, who mastered the three supreme taboos of cause and effect, destiny and time, had never set foot in the boundless realm.

This is simply impossible.

According to Lintian's conjecture, the eternal night emperor should have gone through the great silence and lifeless robbery more than once!

Before the end of each era, the great silence and doom will come.

You know, the eternal night emperor has walked for many centuries before, and is destined to survive many times of bombardment.

It can also be inferred that she must have boundless Taoist practice.

It was just that a long time ago, when she went to the God city of creation, she couldn't withstand the bombardment of that great silence and lifeless robbery.

Even so, it was not erased, but hid in the streamer forbidden area and carried out an anti heaven reincarnation and reconstruction as the summer solstice.

From this, we can see how terrible the power of the eternal night emperor at his peak is!

Moreover, Lintian now knew that the boundless realm was divided into "small boundless" and "large boundless".

Small boundless territory is divided into three levels: one robbery, two robbery and three robbery.

In other words, a person who has passed through a great silent and lifeless robbery can be called "a robbery without limits".

Those who have gone through three great silent and lifeless robberies are called "immeasurable realm" existence.

Generally speaking, such beings have stepped into the ultimate stage of the eternal path, almost all of them have crossed away in the Kunlun ruins, and they can hardly be seen in the world.

According to the realm conjecture, in Lintian's opinion, the eternal night God, who is in charge of cause and effect, destiny and time power, is the weakest. It is also the existence of "small immeasurable realm", and it is even likely to have stepped into the level of large immeasurable realm!

Lintian didn't know why the eternal night God appeared in the ruins of fortune and which era he belonged to.

Perhaps these mysteries can only be solved after the summer solstice completely refines all the Taoist practices left by the eternal night God Emperor.

As he thought, Lintian's figure had disappeared into the vast starry sky.


The age of the gods.

This boundary is divided into three major boundaries, namely "demon territory", "divine light territory" and "Da Zhou territory".

These three territories are controlled by Jiang, Gaoyang and Ji respectively.

Every territory is vast, with countless small world planes dotted like stars.

Great Zhou region, Fengqi Shenshan.

The nest occupied by Ji's Protoss is also regarded as the first sacred mountain in the Zhou Dynasty.

Late at night.

In an ancient forbidden area in Fengqi mountain, the fire is fierce.

The figures of Lin Fan and Su Bai are tied to a black stone pillar respectively. The bloody God chain as thin as thumb tightly imprisons them all over, just like prisoners waiting for trial.

Both are disheveled and unconscious.

Further away, a sound of footsteps sounded in the middle of the night. Ji Bowen, the chief of Ji family, came with a group of great people


PS: thanks to old brother Xizhe for his reward * *!

We will continue to work harder tonight~

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