"We're gone. What should all living beings do in this world?"

Dugu Yong asked suddenly.

Lintian was stunned and silent.

Other old monsters also look different and have subtle thoughts.

There are hundreds of millions of creatures in the nine heaven regions of the eternal real world. In the future, once the era collapses, these creatures will suffer.

Beyond the eternal realms, there are thousands of worlds that will also be hit by the collapse of the era.

It can be said that this is a disaster that all creatures of a whole era have to face!

"We are too busy to care for ourselves. How can we care for others?"

Dugu Yong said in a deep voice, "it is indeed our bounden duty to help all the people in the world, but we have to wait until we have the ability to do so."

Fang Daoping sighed: "Alas, the truth is this truth, but it's uncomfortable to think that all living beings in the world are so innocent, but they have to lose their lives because of a robbery in an era."

"There are still more than 800 years before the era disaster. If possible, I will try my best to prevent the era collapse from happening."

Lintian suddenly said.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the hall was silent.

If others say such words, I'm afraid they must be regarded as crazy.

After all, I don't know how many eras have been destroyed in the catastrophe in the past years. If the catastrophe can be stopped, why hasn't anyone stopped it so far?

We should know that in the past era civilization, there are countless giants who can walk in many eras.

Didn't they stop it from happening?

Obviously, those who tried to stop all this failed without exception!

Now Lintian made the same decision.

How can this amaze the old monsters here?

However, knowing that you can't do it, you have to be moved and admired just by this responsibility and state of mind.

"Let's talk about the future. If we can do it, it will be better. If we can't do it, we don't have to force it. After all, the most powerful existence in the previous era civilization can't stop it."

Xuan Feiling made a sound, which seemed to encourage Lintian, but he didn't have much confidence in Lintian's decision.

The same is true of other old monsters.

Lintian smiled and said no more.

Of course, he doesn't have to stop the era robbery, but if he has a chance to stop it in the future, why not stop it?

same day.

Xuanfeiling and these old people took action respectively, summoned all the people in the yuan community to come together and tell the story of deciding to go to the ruins of fortune.

No one opposes. Everyone knows that such a decision is the best choice for them. Who may oppose it?

In less than a day, Yuan Jiao was ready.

Two days later, Qingyun lingzun from the ancestral court of Lingjiao also came with a group of big people. They also decided to go to the ruins of creation and transformation with Lintian.

Therefore, when I came here this time, I had brought all the people of Lingjiao.

Lintian was very happy about this.

On the same day, Lintian refined the whole yuan world directly and left the eternal world with everyone.

No one knows that Zen and witchcraft have been destroyed in the world.

No one knew that the yuan religion and the spirit religion had been taken away by Lintian and went to the ruins of creation and transformation.

For the world, the four ancestral courts are too far away from them, and it is doomed to be impossible to know that in this very short time, the four ancestral courts have disappeared from the eternal truth.


The ruins of fortune.

Lintian walked alone in the starry sky.

To achieve such a state of cultivation, he can cross a star region with each step. If he didn't have to suppress his own breath for fear of being eaten by the rules of heaven and earth, his speed would only be faster.


When he reached the starry sky where the God city of creation was located, Lintian suddenly felt something wrong in his divine consciousness.

Taking the area where the God city of creation is located as the center, many figures are distributed in the void in all directions.

These figures obviously come from different forces, each in groups.

These are not important. What is important is that all these figures knelt down in the void in the direction of the God city of creation!

At a glance, there are kneeling figures everywhere, men and women, old and young. The scene is spectacular.

Lintian was surprised, but after a little thought, he understood.

Shaking his head, he walked straight towards the city of God of creation.


"It's master Lin!"

"Master Lin appeared!"

Soon, someone found Lintian's figure. There was a shock and uproar in the scene. All the figures kneeling there subconsciously looked at him.

It felt like Lintian was a king who was worshipped by all the people.

"You are all Protoss from all ages, but now you kneel here and are not afraid of the shame of your clan?"

Lintian stopped and opened his mouth calmly. The voice spread to the starry sky.

Those figures knelt there, but their faces changed.

"If you are willing to wait for me, please forgive me!"

A white haired old man opened his mouth with a trembling voice, and his expression was filled with awe and anxiety.

"Please forgive me!"

"Please forgive me!"

For a time, all the figures kneeling in the starry sky begged for mercy, and the voice echoed in the void for a long time.

If people in the world see that scene, I'm afraid they must lose their chin.

These are the great figures of the major Protoss. How noble and dazzling they were in the past when they stood high and looked down at one era.

But now, they are all like prisoners at the bottom of the stage, fearing and begging for mercy!

"Sure enough, you are here for this."

Lintian's eyes showed a sudden color.

Obviously, the news that a group of eternal figures such as gaoyanghuai and Jiang Tao fell here has long spread, which made the protoss in the civilizations of all eras in the ruins of creation aware and made them aware of the danger of extermination. Therefore, regardless of face and life and death, they resolutely chose to come to beg for mercy.

"Elder, in the past, we have no eyes, offended your divine power and made a big mistake. We come together this time just to get your forgiveness. I hope you... Be kind!"

The old man with white hair trembled.

All the eyes on the scene also looked at Lintian with awe, fear, fear and entreaty.

They didn't care about their dignity and face. For the sake of the lives of the clan, they had to kneel down and beg Lintian to forgive them.

Otherwise, with Lintian's ability, it would be easy to destroy the protoss behind them.

After thinking about it, Lintian said, "the death penalty is avoidable, but the living penalty is inevitable. Give up the divine order in your respective clans, and Lin will let bygones be bygones."

Surrender divine order!

These words changed everyone's color and made their hearts bleed, as if they had been cut by a knife.

Divine order is the root of a divine family. Losing the protection of divine order will have little impact on their clan in a short time. In the long run, their respective forces will decline sharply, and the details of the clan will gradually decline!

But if you don't hand it over, I'm afraid you will face the anger from Lintian

"Why, not willing?"

Lintian laughed.

"I Pu's willing!"

Suddenly, a man in purple shouted, "as long as I can be forgiven by my predecessors, I Pu will send the divine order to the God city of fortune in seven days!"

"Yes." Lintian nodded.

Others present saw this and spoke one after another.

"I, Yan Shi, would also like to sacrifice the divine order."

"Liang Qiu is willing to obey the arrangement of his predecessors and hand over the divine order."

... at that time, more than ten Protoss promised to come down one after another.

Lintian was surprised that he spoke so well now?

It can be seen that the war a few days ago obviously scared these Protoss completely. Only in this way can they be so willing to do so.

"Senior, our family had no divine order a long time ago. What should we do?"

Others looked anxious and flustered.

Such a situation is not rare. Soon, there will be strong voices of other Protoss, hoping to compensate with other treasures.

"Then hand over the treasure of your clan."

Lintian didn't think about it.

Suddenly, those powerful Protoss without divine order were relieved.

"Senior, the divine order is too precious. We can't be the winner. We need to return to the clan for discussion. Can you... Can you give me some time to decide this as soon as possible?"

There are also a lot of people making noises.

"Yes, you must give me an answer within three days, and those who have promised to hand over the order of God and the treasure of the town family must be sent to the God city within seven days."

Lintian said casually.

He is not greedy for those divine order, but wants to use this matter to see whether the major divine families in the world are sincere atonement, which will determine his attitude towards these divine families!


Everyone agreed to come down.

Lintian paid no attention to these people. With one step, his figure swept into the city of God of creation.

Until seeing Lintian's figure disappear, the strong people of the world's major Protoss kneeling in the void were relieved and climbed up.

"Fortunately, things have finally turned around. Now I can always go back and explain to my people!"

Some people are excited and have the feeling of tears in their eyes.

Since they learned the news of the total annihilation of an eternal realm such as gaoyanghuai and Jiangtao, all the major Protoss in the world have trouble sleeping and eating these days.

Even if they want to escape from the ruins, they can't escape from the ruins!

At present, although Lintian's requirements were a little harsh, they were still within their tolerance.

Of course, not everyone is very happy, and many people are full of bitterness, heaviness and helplessness.

Because they know that after doing so, the future life of the clan will be difficult

"Come on, go back and tell the clan the news."

"Yes, it's not too late. Let's go."

Soon, these strong men from all the major Protoss in the world hurried away and disappeared in the distance of the vast starry sky.

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