"Xiao He, aren't you hurt?"

Xingjian gorge looked over.

Dressed in a black robe, Xiao He, who was majestic and high spirited, put away a pair of giant swords in his hand, smiled and shook his head, "No."

He has a quiet disposition, as always.

"Let's get out of here and find a place to stay."

Xingjian gorge glanced around and keenly noticed that there was a lot of horror in the nearby area, which was obviously attracted by the battle just now.


Everyone else nodded.


In a misty canyon.

Lintian, Xingjian gorge, Fu Nanli and others sat on the ground.

On the way to the canyon, Lintian had learned the origin of Chu Laomo and Yun Xiangzi from Fu Nanli.

The old devil of Chu, who was named Chu Bujiu, survived six times of great silence.

Yun Xiangzi, the Taoist companion of old devil Chu.

This couple is extremely famous in all ages of the sea of destiny, not only because of their terrible fighting power, but also because of their escape skills, which can be called the best in the world.

Even if they are more powerful than them, it is difficult to stop and kill them.

A long time ago, Xingjian gorge, mountain wind road master, Xiaohe and others became enemies with Mr. and Mrs. Chu. This resentment continues to this day.

"Shanfeng, you still don't want to tell me what happened?"

Xingjian gorge looked at the mountain wind road master.

Shanfeng Taoist priest was silent for a moment and said with a bitter smile, "I knew I couldn't hide it from you for too long, but I didn't expect that Xiaohe was targeted by those enemies on the first day of reaching the life lotus world. Anyway, since you want to know, I won't hide it from you."

Then he told the whole story.

"As early as the emergence of the first avenue life lotus in this era, Lao Baize, Lao Mu and Xiaohe joined in. It was also at that time that we found that those former enemies had formed an alliance."

"Alliance?" Xingjian Gorge's eyes narrowed.

"Yes, this alliance is led by Ying Tiansheng of the era of demons, and brings together 19 immeasurable people, including the old demons Chu and his wife."

The Lord of mountain wind road looked calm and said, "in this alliance, most of us have enemies. When we entered the world of life lotus, we have been hit by each other more than once."

"So that after the appearance of the first three times, even if we had the opportunity to enter, we were supposed to be hostile to them every time, and had to escape from this life Lotus World in advance."

After a pause, he said: "in the life lotus world that appeared for the fourth time, Lao Baize and Lao Mu were raided by each other when they fled, suffered heavy losses, and almost fell here. Until the life lotus world appeared, their injuries had not completely recovered, so naturally they had no chance to participate."

Hearing this, the faces of Xingjian gorge and Fu Nanli became gloomy.

Those enemies have formed an alliance and attacked the mountain wind road Lord again and again. It's a great deception!

"In fact, it's common to form an alliance in the life lotus world. After all, the more people there are, the greater the power. In particular, the number of people at the level of immeasurable territory often plays a key role."

The Lord of Shanfeng road whispered, "like Xinhu and Lei song, they have already allied with some old guys from other eras. Otherwise, with their strength, how can they seize the opportunity to go to Zhongmiao Road market in the last battle?"

Hearing this, Lintian asked, "who are they allied with?"

Shanfeng road said, "a group of old guys led by 'Dufeng' in the era of Buddha and 'Weng Xinghai' in the era of witchcraft."

It seemed that he was afraid that Lintian didn't know the relationship between them. Xingjian gorge added on one side: "in fact, Xinhu and leisong originally came from the era of Buddha and the era of witchcraft. In other words, Zen founder 'Shi' and witch founder 'tianwu' came out of those two era civilizations."

Lintian suddenly.

He suddenly remembered something——

The nine most powerful catastrophes against the characters in the eternal realm were born in the world of nine eras.

Among these nine eras, there are the era of Wudao, the era of Buddha, the era of witch and so on.

Like Xingjian gorge and Shanfeng Road, they came out of the Wudao era.

Like the heart pot, it came out of the era of Buddha.

Lei song came out of the witch era.

Even Ying Shanying, the "messenger of destiny" seen in those years, came from the era of Tao, one of the nine eras.

By this inference, Lintian realized that the old devil Chu and Yun Xiangzi he saw before should be the era of the devil from one of the nine eras!

"Interesting. Can we say that these nine are the most powerful civilizations in that era?"

Lintian thought of this and suddenly found one thing. After the collapse of these nine civilizations, they did not exist in the ruins of creation!

Like the Xianwu civilization of the previous era, it completely disappeared in the collapse of the era, and unlike other civilizations of the era, it can still survive in the ruins of creation.

"Does this mean that the stronger the era civilization, the more terrible the disaster of era collapse, and the easier it is to truly and completely disappear from this world?"

Lintian felt that it should be like this.

"The situation is already so dangerous. In the last life lotus world, you attacked them secretly. It's almost fatal."

Xingjian gorge sighed, seemingly blaming, but actually his heart was warm.

"I didn't attack alone, but I attacked together with Xiaohe and Lao Baize."

The mountain wind road master laughed.

"What shall we do next?"

Fu Nanli asked.

The current situation is clear.

Their opponent is a group of enemies headed by the era of demons.

At the same time, there are also the old monsters of the two camps: the era of Buddha and the era of witch.

Of course, when we really compete for the opportunity to go to Zhongmiao Road market, all other people in the world of life lotus are potential opponents!

"Originally, I planned to send Gu Yueming, Shun huaijia and Xueye to Zhongmiao Road market if I had the opportunity, but now it seems... Our top priority is to solve the threat from the enemy instead of thinking about seizing the opportunity."

Xingjian gorge looks uncertain.

The situation is indeed very serious. The enemy's lineup is very strong. For example, the alliance led by Ying Tiansheng and Ying Tiansheng, there are enough 20 people!

This alone can make any immeasurable figure feel cold and tremble.

Not to mention, they have to face the threat from the strong in the two era camps of Buddha and witch.

On their side, they are the only ones.

There is too much difference between us and the enemy!

"That's all I can do."

Fu Nanli nodded. He was also aware of the seriousness of the situation.

Seeing that the atmosphere was depressed, Lintian couldn't help laughing, "Sir, in my opinion, if we can't fight, we'll just run away. What's more, there are about 800 years before the era robbery really comes. In the next few years, there are bound to be more and more life lotus. As long as we ensure that we live first, we have a great chance to wipe out our opponents one by one."

With his words, he looked very optimistic.

Xiao He, who had been silent for a long time, couldn't help looking at Lintian and seemed to say that the boy in the creation realm was still too young to understand the seriousness of the situation.

But the mountain wind channel leader laughed, "Xiao He, don't underestimate Lin Xiaoyou. I forgot to tell you before. Lin Xiaoyou is not simple. It is his appearance that makes the old guys of Xinhu and Lei song all brought in one pot..."

As he spoke, he told Xiaohe what he had learned from Xingjian gorge one by one.

Xiao He was stunned after listening.

For a long time, he said, "great!"

For Xiaohe, who is as reticent as gold, it is rare to praise him who can say these three words.

"How about going to the 'nine heavenly passes' together after they meet us in ancient Yueming?"

Xingjian gorge suddenly said.

Nine heavenly passes!

In the central area of the life lotus world, there stands a "life lotus Taoist altar". Whoever can occupy the "life lotus Taoist altar" for one day will win the opportunity to go to Zhongmiao Taoist market and become the final winner.

Around the "life lotus Taoist altar", there are nine "Tianguan".

Every Tianguan is like an ancient and towering fortress. Only by occupying a Tianguan can we have the opportunity to occupy the "life lotus Taoist altar" at the first time.

In the past, every time a battle broke out, the strong of the major camps would be desperate to fight for a Tianguan pass.

In order to have the opportunity to occupy the "life lotus Taoist altar"!

And the practitioners outside the nine heavenly passes, even if they have the ability to connect to heaven, have no chance to seize the life lotus Taoist altar.

Because of this, the nine heavenly passes have become one of the most bloody and cruel places in the world of life lotus.

"We don't have any chance to win a heaven pass. Even if we win, we will be robbed at any time. That place... Is not something we can mix together at all."

The mountain wind road owner sighed.

He has participated in many battles in the life lotus world. How can he not understand how dangerous it is to compete for the nine heaven passes?

Even the immeasurable figures are in danger of death!

Xingjian Gorge's eyes were shining. "We're just going to challenge, not really to grab the life lotus Taoist altar."


The mountain wind road master was stunned.


Xingjian gorge nodded.

When Lintian heard this, he also vaguely understood the idea of Xingjian gorge.

At the ninth Tianguan pass.

Anyone who can occupy a Tianguan pass can control the rules of this Tianguan pass and become the master of this Tianguan pass.

But in the same way, they will face robbery from other monks.

The way to rob is simple.

Outside each Tianguan pass, there are two stone tablets, one engraved with "the decision of life and death" and the other engraved with "the decision of victory and defeat".

These two stone tablets are called "Da Dao Lei stele".

Those who try to seize the Tianguan pass can challenge by knocking on the "Avenue challenge monument" with their own strength.

Those who occupy the Tianguan pass must fight within 30 breaths after the sound of the stone challenge on the Avenue!

After 30 breaths, if you don't fight, the people who occupy Tianguan will lose control of the rules of Tianguan and be expelled.

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