Words are long and killing opportunities are endless!


As soon as the words came to an end, the power of rules that had been suppressed on Lintian and Hu Yong disappeared. Both of them regained their freedom and were roaring around.

Seeing the sleeve robe of the demon lord huyong flying, a green pen appeared in his hand. With a stroke in the empty air, a turbid scene of the end of the evening emerged. The gods fell into it, and all the corpses turned into ashes. The unspeakable breath of death spread silently.

The end of the day and the end of the evening!

This is the supreme Dharma integrated into the rules of time. It is created by nature.

At Xingjian gorge, their eyelids beat and their faces changed slightly.

As soon as he started, the demon master Hu Yong had used the killing move!

"The old devil was obviously stimulated by the death of Gu Cao!"

The crane fairy woman also sank in their hearts.

Generally speaking, the power of time has been difficult to shake the existence of immeasurable territory, because the strong people with such accomplishments have almost understood and controlled part of the rules of time.

But huyong demon master is different. He has already reached the realm of time rules. The foundation and core of his quest for the avenue is the rules of time.

As early as the demon era, huyong Demon Lord had the reputation of "time dominating".

At this moment, the supreme Tao method "the end of the last day and the end of the dusk" he practiced is a supreme application of the rules of time.

In the battlefield of life and death, Lin xunpai refers to the sword and cuts it out with understatement.


A touch of sword meaning swept out of the void, like ethereal light and shadow ripples. With the spread of sword meaning, heaven and earth were torn into countless pieces like painted cloth.

The scene of the end of the evening fell apart!

It was a sensation.

Did you wipe out the killing move of demon master Hu Yong with this sword?

People were surprised by this scene, stared and excited, and rekindled their expectations for Lintian.

Ying Tiansheng and others on the four elephant sky pass can't help frowning.

"This sword is wonderful. It contains the mysteries of time. It has a hidden meaning of fighting with our Avenue. It's interesting."

As soon as the eyes of the demon lord huyong brightened, it seemed that he was aroused by this sword.


His clothes fluttered, his whole body was full of light and shadow, his breath rushed through nine days and ten places, and a cyan Taoist pen in his hand was freely waved in the void.

Write Vientiane life,

The pen falls and startles the wind and rain!

One vast river after another appeared out of thin air, like the water of nine days, surging and flowing. The rolling waves are full of countless vicissitudes, in which everything changes, withers and flourishes, and life and death crisscross.

Just like the river of years, it cuts through the ancient and modern barriers and roars in the air to drown everything in the battlefield of life and death!

Vast and magnificent!

Such an unparalleled trend made Ying Tiansheng feel his hands and praise, "what a 'boundless sea and boundless sky'!"

Such a blow can kill some immeasurable beings!


Lintian was like being in the vast ocean. The torrent of years rushing in all directions was roaring, and the breath released was full of unimaginable power.

Lintian also felt unprecedented pressure because of the danger.

It is worthy of being an unparalleled demon master comparable to the heart pot. The use of the rules of time is beyond imagination, and it is far from comparable to the previous Valley operation.

However, this was the battle Lintian longed for.

He needs to fight and temper like life and death. Only in this way can he completely transform his Taoism and enter the boundless realm at one fell swoop!

And this battle was what Lintian expected most.


Lintian took a deep breath, his sleeve and robe shook, and his palm was like a knife.

Boom ~ ~ ~ boom~~~

The torrent of years rushing again and again was split by the bright and fierce palm power, the wave collapsed and rolled up thousands of snow.

Looking from a distance, Lintian walked on the waves, and his palm strength was like thousands of feet of knife Qi, crisscross, galloping across the sea!

His figure is steep, and he has never used the previous three parts, Ling Bo Canghai, waving his palm to split the waves, so natural and unrestrained, so detached.

And the power of each blow is also so terrible.

In the battlefield of heaven and earth, the roar continued, the sea rolled, and the tide became more and more terrible. But Lintian was like a sharp and unparalleled light, cutting through the time and cutting through the wind and waves!

"If I do it, I'm afraid I can only do it at most..."

Some old monsters murmured and trembled. They couldn't believe it. This is the combat power that Lintian, a character in the realm of creation, can have.

"The power of time that this son has mastered is obviously extremely powerful, otherwise it would be impossible to do this step."

There are antique eyebrow analysis, the more you see, the more surprised you are.

"Unfortunately, he still can't extricate himself from the sea of time..."

Some people are worried.

Lintian's power was indeed incomparable, but anyway, he was still besieged by the power of Hu Yong demon lord!

In Xingjian gorge, they were all silent and focused on the battlefield.

But in my heart, I can't relax like a tight bow string.

The four elephants are equally silent at the gate of heaven. Old antiques such as Ying Tiansheng are all focused on the battlefield, holding their breath.

"Ups and downs follow the waves. Whatever your great ability, you will be blown away by the wind and rain!"

On the battlefield of life and death, the demon lord huyong spoke leisurely. With the sound, the blue Taoist pen in his hand suddenly changed and became powerful and heavy, like dragging the eternal mountain.

At that time, endless waves suddenly set off in the sea, and the raging hurricane and violent heavy rain roared out of the sky and sea.

More thick as a bucket of lightning and thunder pouring down!

The whole sea is like the end.

Lintian, who was in it, suddenly became embarrassed. Sometimes he was beaten by huge waves, sometimes swept by the storm, sometimes hit by lightning, sometimes covered by torrential rain

In a moment, I was wounded and blood stained!


"The power of Hu Yong is not comparable to that of Gu Cao!"

"Lintian, this son is in danger!"

Crane fairy women and their faces changed. Now the situation had become obvious. Lintian was at a disadvantage and would suffer at any time.

"Old line..."

The mountain wind road master was so nervous that he couldn't help making a sound, but he was interrupted by Xingjian gorge, "just received some injuries. What's the tension? Just continue to watch the war."

The mountain wind road owner immediately shut up.

He didn't know that Xingjian gorge was also nervous at the moment.

When Fu Nan left them, they all looked very dignified.


On the vast sea and torrential rain, Lintian finally showed three ways: green wood, red fire and loess, and escaped from the dangerous and unpredictable situation at one stroke.


He drank so much that his original statue and the three main roads glowed together, pointing to the sky and hitting the earth, disturbing the sea, smashing the wind, cloud and lightning, showing the boundless power of hegemony.


In such a vast sea of time, there were signs of fragmentation in an instant.

There was a commotion.

But only the Demon Lord Hu Yong smiled loudly, "what if you try hard? It's futile."

The blue road pen in his hand jerked a little.


The sea of time suddenly boils and hundreds of millions of flames emerge. All at once, it turns into a sea of fire. The raging and burning torrent roars like molten slurry, releasing the terrible power of refining Zhou Xu and burning all things.

That's the fire of time!!

And this is also the killer mace of Lord Hu Yong. A thought of the sea changes, thousands of streams become flames!


In the battlefield of life and death, the flames are like a tide, covering the sky and the earth, and the sea flows across the sea, burning the heavens.

Those powers made the spectators in the distance burst into a cold sweat and their backs were cold!

However, Lintian, who was about to break the game, was in danger again. Even if the three main roads attacked together, it was unbearable.

That scene was terrible.

Take time as the sea, burn the sky and destroy the earth!

The tyranny of Hu Yong Demon Lord also appeared incisively and vividly at this moment.

"If it weren't for the decision of life and death, I really want Hu Yong to spare this son's life..." should be born with emotion.

However, an unexpected scene appeared——

Seeing that Lintian was going to be unable to support, there were two roads around him.

They are platinum track body and Blackwater track body.

At this time, Lintian's black eyes flashed cold and roared, "open!"


The flames all over the sky, the torrent of time, suddenly burst open.

The vast sea of time is blown up at this moment!

Lintian and his five Avenue body also broke out of the siege like a God. The terrible smell released by Lintian made the whole audience silent and shocked.

"Five Avenue body!!?"

Someone screamed.

"The boy is hiding too deep..."

Someone took a breath.

"Hahaha, good!"

Some people laughed excitedly.

The mountain wind Taoist priest who was worried about Lintian's nervousness couldn't help laughing. This reversal... It's so exciting!!

And should be born and others look solidified.

Five Avenue body?

It was completely unexpected!

At the same time, on the battlefield of life and death, the demon master Hu Yong was in a flash, with a trace of blood on his lips. His calm look also appeared at the moment.

The sea of time was broken, which made him suffer the reverse bite.

Lintian was more surprised than he had thought of these two bodies before.

"What a pity."

Lintian sighed.

Before, when he killed Gu Cao, he sighed so lightly. Only when Gu Cao fell behind did people realize what he was regretting.

Now, he sighed again.

Does this mean that he will use all his strength to kill the demon lord huyong?

Thinking of this, the crane fairy woman trembled in their hearts.


Before people had too much time to think, Lintian and his five Avenue body went out with all their strength.

"What a pity? Don't worry, since we said we would draw a picture of 'broken lotus leaves' for you, we must do what we said!"

The demon lord huyong spoke coldly.

His face became cold, his eyes glittered with the edge of terrible time, his whole breath changed, his whole body overlapped with light and shadow, and his flame was steaming.

Before, he was like a gentle scholar.

At this time, he really looks like an unparalleled demon lord who has dominated many eras!


His sleeves and robes were bulging, and his blue Taoist pen was waving in his hand. In an instant, he outlined an image of chaos. In the gray nothingness, there was the power of years to breed crazily.

It gives people the feeling that chaos is the prison of suppressing the heavens, and the power of years bred in it is the punishment of slaughtering all living beings.

Chaos is like prison, and time is punishment!


Thank you brother "awatera" for your reward again!

Continue to work harder tonight~

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