"The creation state killed Gu Cao and Hu Yong demon master?"

The Seven Star heavenly pass is guarded by the forces of the era of Buddha. The leader is Du Feng, a terrorist existence that has survived seven times of great silence and no life.

When he learned about Lintian's achievements in front of the Sixiang Tianguan pass, Du Feng's snow-white eyebrows immediately wrinkled, and his heart was really shocked.

"The news can't be false. So, Lintian seems to be just a creation realm, but in fact, he is enough to compete with the top figures of the major forces in the world?"

Around Du Feng, all the figures were shocked and speechless.

"If this son is not eliminated, there will be another variable in the battle of the life Lotus World in the future."

After a half silence, Du Feng whispered, "fortunately, in this sea of fate, it is impossible to give this son the opportunity to prove the boundless realm. Otherwise, with his posture against the sky, once he enters this realm... The consequences can be really unpredictable."


"If this son dares to come, I will kill him!"

At the five elements heaven pass, Weng Xinghai, the leader of the era of witchcraft camp, is murderous.

This time, Lei song and others in the Lingwu world didn't come, but they came to Xingjian gorge and Lintian.

Combined with Lintian's terrible fighting power, Weng Xinghai was acutely aware of what happened to Lei song, so that they didn't want to participate in the battle of life lotus world this time.


"Hu Yong demon master has been killed. This son is really unexpected..."

"Wait, in this life lotus world, there are many camps that hate Fangcun mountain like us. Even if Lintian is strong, he will be targeted by the public!"

At the same time, the news about Lintian was also spreading in other parts of the life lotus world. Those old friends who had lived for many centuries were shocked and couldn't calm down.

Of course, Lintian's performance also caused many hostile people to kill.

"How many centuries have passed, and finally there has been an unexpected variable for us. The lotus that the Lord of square inch said in those years is really expected..."

Someone murmured, full of longing.

"When necessary, we should act together and give shelter to this son. After all, the Lord of square inch was kind to us in those years, so we can't help it."

Others ponder and make decisions.

In those days, many people in Fanglian had the same fate as those in Fangshan.

Now, with the appearance of Lintian, many old things about "Fangcun mountain" have come back to people's vision.

Someone tried to kill Lintian and then quickly.

Some people also felt the kindness of the square inch Lord and secretly decided to give Lintian shelter.

So that the situation suddenly became more and more volatile, with turbulent undercurrent and treacherous waves.

With the spread of the news, Sixiang Tianguan has also attracted many terrorist figures.

Most of them came for Lintian, but others tried to rob the four elephant sky light, which also brought great pressure to Ying Tiansheng and others who guarded the four elephant sky pass.

They didn't expect that a wave caused by Lintian would impact the place they guarded and make the situation tense.

It should be noted that those who participate in the battle of life lotus world are almost old monsters who have lived for an unknown number of years. Each has a legendary experience of singing and weeping, just like a myth.

Each is an immeasurable giant walking in the heavens and experiencing the ups and downs of the era!

When these powerful figures gather in one world, we can imagine how dangerous and terrible this world will become.

Xiangying is born and can be called the top giant in the boundless world, but he can't guard a heaven pass with his own strength.

The same is true for others.

Fighting alone is doomed to be difficult to survive in this life lotus world.

Therefore, it has become everyone's choice to form a camp and act together.

In this life lotus world, in terms of camp forces, their power should be born, which can be called the top level.

Under such circumstances, it should be natural that they are not afraid of some fighting and fighting in a short time.


time lapse.

Soon three days passed.

In the cave, Lintian woke up from meditation and frowned slightly.

"Why can't you prove it? Is it because the fighting and training are not enough..."

In the past three days, Lintian had recovered from his injuries. He obviously felt that after the first world war with Gu Cao and Hu Yong, he also benefited a lot and improved his combat strength.

But there is still no sign of breaking the border.

Soon Lintian shook his head.

There are still 800 years before the era robbery really comes, that is, one avenue life lotus is born every 20 years, and there are still 40 opportunities to compete in the life lotus world.

For Lintian, as long as he was alive, he was destined to have more and more opportunities to fight. In 800 years, it was enough for him to hit the boundless road.

"The improvement of combat effectiveness means my strength now, and there is room for continuous refining and improvement. It is not really perfect, but if you want to verify where the real perfect combat effectiveness is, you have to fight!"

Thinking, Lintian had walked out of the cave.

"Has the wound healed?"

When Lintian appeared, they stood up one after another in Xingjian gorge, which had been guarding nearby.

Lintian smiled and nodded, then asked, "gentlemen, where are we going next?"

Xingjian gorge said: "we have analyzed the problem of your combat power before. I'm afraid it has spread all over the whole life lotus world, which means that no matter where you appear, once you are stared at by the enemy, you are destined to become the target of public criticism."

Lintian's eyes narrowed slightly and nodded.

"However, we didn't come here to compete for the opportunity to go to Zhongmiao Road market. We don't have to worry about it."

Xingjian gorge smiled, "and I have discussed with the mountain wind road master and Xiaohe and decided to fight with you and escort you in the next time."

Fu Nanli on one side also said with a smile: "as long as you can prove the boundless realm of Tao, we don't worry about not having a chance to seize the opportunity of numerous wonderful Taoist fairs in the future."

"Good, good."

The mountain wind road Lord nodded.

In the Wudao era, only he and Xiaohe, Lao Baize and Lao Mu were left.

With their strength, unless they choose to join the camp of other forces, they will not have the opportunity to seize a Tianguan pass in the next 800 years.

Naturally, it is even more impossible to seize the opportunity to go to Zhongmiao Road market.

Moreover, because they are naturally hostile to others, as long as they enter the life lotus world, the situation will become extremely dangerous.

Under such circumstances, cooperating with Lintian was undoubtedly the best choice.

The fighting power that Lintian showed before also convinced the mountain wind Taoist priest and Xiaohe. They all knew that one day, if Lintian preached boundless territory, the pattern of the life lotus world was destined to be overturned!

And this is exactly what they expect.

Lintian was moved when he learned their decision of Xingjian gorge, and his heart was filled with warmth.

He took a deep breath and arched his hands and said, "thank you, predecessors."

"You are so polite..."

Xingjian gorge stared at Lintian angrily.

The others couldn't help laughing.

"Let's go to Sixiang Tianguan again!"

Xingjian gorge waved its big hand.

This is what they have discussed before.

Their lineup was really very strong, but Lintian was not worried about the danger of his life as long as he didn't choose to die.

And Lintian finally knew that according to the plan of Xingjian gorge, he wanted to fight in a decisive way.

In the victory or defeat, once one party is in danger of life, it will be removed by the rules of the "victory or defeat battlefield".

In this way, even if he was born to kill Lintian himself, he had no chance to kill Lintian.

However, there is a drawback to the decision——

Although there is no distinction between life and death, in the past, many practitioners who participated in the challenge were so seriously injured in the battle that the foundation of the avenue suffered irreparable damage.

This is the danger of participating in life and death.

Immediately, they took action and swept away in the direction of Sixiang Tianguan.

"This time, if they were born, they would rather give up the four elephant heaven pass and deal with us. There is no need to panic. We will take you away at the first time."

On the way, Xingjian gorge said, "if we really encounter a fatal threat, it's a big deal that we can escape directly from this life lotus world."

To escape from the Lotus World in advance, the method is very simple——

If you crush the life beads on your body, you can tear open a space portal to the outside world and escape from the life lotus world.

But it is worth mentioning that this will still lead to the possibility of being killed.

After all, if you are trapped in a heavy siege and your life hangs on the line, even if you tear open a way to escape, you may not have a chance to escape.

However, this is already the safest way.

"However, according to my speculation, they should not abandon the four elephant heaven pass until they can't bear it. In short, as long as we are fully prepared, we can adapt to the situation at that time."

Xingjian Gorge's advice.

When we talked, we could see the lofty outline of the Sixiang Tianguan pass from a distance.


"Xingjian gorge, they came again..."

"Look, everyone, that's the founder Lintian. He killed the Lord huyong here four days ago. His combat power is absolutely unique in the world!"

"Is he Lintian? Sure enough, he is the cultivation of creation realm."

As a few days ago, there were many old monsters around the Sixiang Tianguan pass. When Lintian's figure appeared in the distance, they caught it for the first time, and it also caused a stir in the scene.

Many eyes looked at Lintian at the same time.

"Those old bastards in Xingjian gorge brought Lintian's little beast again!"

At the same time, when the four elephants were closed, someone's face sank and clenched his teeth.

Ying Tiansheng, muddy and unyielding, Chu Bujiu and others could not help but frown, and a sense of anonymity filled their hearts.

They haven't even avenged each other, but the other party took the initiative to come again!

Does the other party intend to follow the example of the day and challenge them?

If so, it would be insane!

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