Victory or defeat battlefield.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Daoguang thundered, and the power of rules spread like rivers and seas.

Lintian and Qing Feihong had fought fiercely for thousands of rounds, and they had been fighting fiercely. They had been killing in the dark.

As Fu Nanli said, this war made Lintian feel happier than ever!

Although his former opponent brought him great pressure and even injured him, he didn't feel the same as before.

Now it's different. Qingfeihong is very strong, has terrible rule power, and has incomparable combat experience.

This is undoubtedly a great opponent!


Later in the war, Lintian was immersed in a free and unrestrained fighting situation. He forgot the world and all his thoughts. His heart was like a boiling war.

His offensive became more and more powerful, and the five Avenue body and the Buddha galloped and killed, and the means of exhibition became more and more fierce and terrible.


Qingfeihong noticed something wrong.

With the passage of time, Lintian's combat power became stronger and stronger.

The more you fight, the braver you are, the stronger you fight!

"The boy doesn't regard himself as a grindstone, does he?"

Qingfeihong frowned. If Lintian was allowed to transform and improve in the battle, it would probably break the current battle situation!

Thinking of this, qingfeihong no longer hesitated and took a deep breath, "well, let you see the real power of this seat!"

This is the first time he has spoken since the war.

The meaning of the words surprised the whole audience.

Up to now, qingfeihong hasn't made full use of her strength?

Even Ying Tiansheng on the four elephant sky pass couldn't help showing a different color, but he didn't expect that qingfeihong still had power!

"This guy is really deep enough to hide." Qiu Fengchi had a smile on his lips, which was certainly a good thing.


In the battle of victory and defeat, qingfeihong's temperament has changed. On his slender figure, there are thunderbolt secret pictures, all of which are transformed by the power of rules.

And its prestige soared along with it!

This made a burst of exclamation in the field. Xingjian gorge and Fu Nan turned pale and worried. This damn green flying rainbow can hide too much!


Qingfeihong, whose momentum suddenly changed, swept out with one shot, and saw that the secret pictures of thunder around him turned into terrible light rain, sweeping away with the shot.

The attack of Lintian and the five Avenue body was immediately blocked, and then they were staggered back out.


With a successful strike, qingfeihong didn't hesitate to shoot and kill, and stabbed thousands of times in an instant. The victory and defeat battlefield was filled with terrible thunder and gun shadow.

Lintian and his five Avenue body suddenly fell into a passive state and were dwarfed.

The previous stalemate and confrontation situation has been broken!

This shocked the audience. Qingfeihong turned the world around with one force, and the power shown was so powerful that people were trembling.

"In this life lotus world, the old guy qingfeihong is definitely the one who hides the deepest. With the power he shows now, he can compete with the top boundless realm!"

Someone looked dignified.

If this news gets out, it will cause storms all over the world.

After all, should be born strong enough, and in its camp, there is such a hidden role as qingfeihong.

If this is enough to catch the opponent unprepared when competing for the life lotus Taoist altar!


They should be born with a smile on their eyebrows.

A few days ago, the death of Gu Caozhi and Hu Yong Demon Lord had dealt them a great blow.

Just now, their hearts were full of haze because of their unyielding defeat.

But now, with the advantage of qingfeihong, the haze in their hearts has been swept away!


In the victory or defeat battlefield, qingfeihong is as powerful as a God. Every time he kills with a long gun in his hand, he will set off endless thunder rules, vast and domineering.

Lintian's situation became more and more dangerous.

This makes them feel at the sword gorge.

They didn't expect such a scene before.

"Fortunately, it's just a decision. If it's a decision of life and death, the consequences will be serious..."

Xingjian gorge has a low voice.

At this moment, he can only comfort everyone.

"In my opinion, we have to be prepared. Once Lintian is defeated, he will be seriously injured. At this time, if someone takes the opportunity to move, it will be a disaster for Lin Xiaoyou."

Fu Nanli's face was frozen.

A word makes the mountain wind road Lord and Xiaohe's eyes squint.

Soon, someone screamed in the field, "look, Lintian is turning around a little bit!"

The sound spread to the whole audience.

In fact, there is no need to remind. People who have been paying attention to the battle have also noticed that Lintian, who has been suppressed, has begun to stand firm.

It seems to have adapted to the unreserved brand-new power of qingfeihong.

This undoubtedly meant that Lintian's combat power was also becoming stronger. Otherwise, he would never have the opportunity to do this.


"What a sick young man!"

"When the creation environment is full and the Tao goes, how can it become stronger?"

"As I said earlier, this son's combat effectiveness can't be measured by common sense."

There was an uproar in the field and the pot exploded. Those old friends who watched the war were amazed. Their eyebrows were full of different colors. They had lived for an unknown number of years and had seen an unknown number of decisions.

But I've never seen a battle like this.

A character in the creation realm can fight against the top boundless realm such as qingfeihong and turn around the decline a little bit. Who dares to believe it?

At the same time, the smile on their lips disappeared, and the color of surprise and doubt appeared in their eyes. How can this damn little evil animal be so rebellious!?

This makes them feel unacceptable.

Comparatively speaking, the most surprised thing was qingfeihong who was fighting with Lintian.

Originally, he thought it was enough to end the battle in a moment, but soon he realized that it was wrong.

Because although Lintian parried badly, he could hold on every time and dissolve his strength one by one.

With the passage of time, Lintian could even stand firm and start to fight back!

Looking at Lintian's power, he was much stronger than before, which surprised qingfeihong, and his face became rare and dignified.


At the moment, Lintian's whole body was like boiling and burning. His eyes, hearts and thoughts were full of the purest and surging war spirit.

He didn't even notice that in such a battle, his Taoism was quietly realizing subtle changes again and again.

Just like going through the most rare exercise, his cultivation, Tao body, mind, soul and Avenue power are all in the ultimate integration and sublimation.

The profound meaning of Nirvana has become the core of the integration of all these forces!

Even in the end, even the profound meaning of nirvana is undergoing some incredible changes.

Its great power, such as the rules of time, the five sequences of returning ruins, the rules of creation and so on, is like being melted away and turned into a part of the profound meaning of Nirvana


In the battle of victory and defeat, the war situation is becoming more and more intense, which can definitely be called an unprecedented war, and it is almost difficult to see it in all eras.

Qingfeihong began to feel great pressure!

The situation on the battlefield has not only been reversed by Lintian, but also this balance is about to be broken by Lintian.

This makes qingfeihong can't help but be shocked and angry. It seems to be stimulated and fight with all his strength.

"OK, ok..."

Xingjian gorge and Fu Nanli both breathed a sigh of relief. Their previous emotions were almost ups and downs. When they calmed down at the moment, they noticed that there was a layer of cold sweat in their palms.

But right now——

"Xingjian gorge, we are here to kill Lintian. If you want to live, leave now. Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude!"

A voice like thunder resounded through the world.

Far away, the void was tumbling, and a group of terrible figures emerged. The leader was an old man in black robes.

He set foot on the picture of sun, moon, mountains and rivers, suspended a cyan canopy on his head, and the pupils were haunted by thunder and lightning, which aroused thousands of resonance between breathing and breathing.

The whole person is like an Immortal Emperor!

Jiang Mingshui!

In the era of the gods, an existence that survived the second great silence and no life disaster, and an unprecedented figure who can also be called a giant in the world of each era.

Behind him, there are many great powers of the era of the gods, including Gaoyang's Antiques and Ji's antiques. There are more than ten people with a strong lineup.

When they appeared, the old monsters who had been watching the war changed slightly one by one and realized that unexpected variables had come!

When the four elephants were closed, Ying Tiansheng and others were stunned at first, but when they heard the voice of Jiang Mingshui, they couldn't help laughing.

Sure enough, after learning the news that the Xingjian gorge group appeared here, people who hated them came at the first time!

The strong lineup of Jiang Mingshui and others makes them happy.

In such a situation, they might have a chance to run for their lives in Xingjian gorge, but whether Lintian lost or won in this war, as long as he left the winning or losing battlefield, he would die.

This unexpected change also made their hearts sink to the bottom of the valley.

They had no deep hatred with Jiang Mingshui and others. At best, they had fought in the previous Avenue battle.

But obviously, the other party came to Lin!

They didn't think of it.

"What are you going to do here?"

Jiangmingshui and his entourage came, and they were very aggressive, pointing at Xingjian gorge and others.

They also knew that before killing Lintian, they must kick away the stumbling blocks of Xingjian gorge.

"I really want to work hard. If I wait today, I'll die. I have to drag some cushions. If you don't care about these, you can have a try!"

Xingjian gorge took a deep breath and said word by word.

The sound is sonorous and loud.

Looking at Fu Nanli, mountain breeze, Xiaohe and others, they are also calm, and their figures look like rocks without moving a trace.

That resolute attitude moved many people present.

No one thought that they were willing to fight to death for Lintian and Xingjian gorge!


HMM... I'm going on a business trip this Saturday. It takes about five days. I can't code.

Therefore, we can't add more changes from today, but we will ensure that there are 2 changes every day. Goldfish must save the draft in order to keep changing in those 5 days

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