A sharp pain occurred in the yuan God, and Huang Longzhen Jun couldn't help but utter a sad and dull hum.

Just as he was about to lose, the forces of the rules of the victory and defeat battlefield emerged, pulling him back from the brink of death.


The spirit of Huanglong Zhenjun appeared outside the court, and some big people around him rescued him at the first time.

"How could it be, i... most of my Avenue foundation has been destroyed!!"

Huanglong Zhenjun shouted angrily.

Everyone nearby shuddered.

If the foundation of the avenue suffers such heavy damage, there is hope for repair. I'm afraid it will take many years and efforts!

Lintian's figure had returned to the five elements pass. Looking at the painful appearance of Huanglong Zhenjun in the distance, he couldn't help laughing: "it's good for me to lose. Now my road foundation has been badly damaged, so I feel like this?"

"I will kill you someday!"

Huang Longzhen Jun's eyes turned red and hissed.

For people like him, suffering such heavy losses, he has no chance to compete for the opportunity to go to Zhongmiao road fair.

"Why wait for another day? You choose to die now. We'll fight again."

Lintian said with a smile.

Huanglong Zhenjun was going crazy. As soon as he wanted to say something, he was stopped by the people around him.

At this moment, what's the use of saying some angry words?

"Let's go!"

You should take a deep breath and leave with everyone around you.

They had all made up their minds to evacuate before. The reason why they waited until now was that they were worried that if Huang Longzhen was left alone, they would be killed by Lintian.

Soon, Jiang Mingshui, Zhu Tianjun and Kong Yu Shenghuang all left with them.

From beginning to end, these old monsters were gloomy and silent.

Until their figure disappeared, the five elements Tianguan pass suddenly became empty.

And the distant spectators did not choose to approach.

After witnessing the previous wars, they could not understand that Lintian was almost hard to be shaken from today on!

"Let's go. There's no chance."

Some old monsters shook their heads and chose to leave.

"I'm afraid what happened today will cause a sensation in the world of life lotus again..."

Someone muttered.

The five kings of Kongming and jueshui, led by the five kings of Kongming and jueshui, gathered together to kill Huang Mingzhen.

But with Lintian's appearance, all this was overturned and reversed!

Lin Xun first used his three thousand talents to break through the numerous killing situations, rescued the mountain wind channel leader and his party, and then took advantage of the situation to occupy the five element heaven pass!

Then, after 18 "victory and defeat", a group of old monsters such as Lu Zhongyan and Chengtu domain master appeared one after another, but all of them were defeated by Lintian!

In particular, the disastrous defeat of Huanglong Zhenjun disintegrated the fighting spirit of a group of old monsters in the five camps at one fell swoop, so he had to choose to evacuate and leave with hatred.

As for Lintian, he had won 18 wars in a row and undoubtedly created a bloody and dazzling miracle before today's five elements pass!

Through the ages, no one can prove the boundless in the sea of fate.

But Lintian did it.

Through the ages, no one can win 18 games in a row.

But Lintian did the same!

Through the ages, no young man who had just preached the boundless realm could have the anti heaven fighting power like Lintian!

It can be imagined that when such news comes out, what waves will it cause!


Sure enough, on that day.

What happened before the five elements Tianguan pass spread like a hurricane, making the world of Deming lotus fall into an unprecedented shock!

"The general trend of this son has become. It's difficult to kill him."

Du Feng, the leader of the era of Buddha, couldn't help but sigh when he heard the news.

No matter in the last life Lotus World or now, the camp led by him didn't go out to deal with Lintian.

It's not that he doesn't want to, but Du Feng knows that there are countless old friends who want to kill Lintian in this life lotus world.

There was no need for them to take action, so someone had to clean up Lintian.

But Dufeng didn't expect that they should be born together with the old monsters of the five camps, but they all failed in front of the five element Tianguan pass!

Such news is no less than bad news for Du Feng.

"If I had known this, I should have joined hands with them."

A big man of the Buddhist era frowned and made a sound.

He also knows that it's too late to say anything now.

But, after all, the heart is not the taste.

"Although this son is against the sky, he is not really invincible. We can't mess up."

Degree peak light channel.


"Even Huanglong Zhenjun was defeated by him. Can he now surpass the giants in this realm and keep pace with female demons like Su Wanjun?"

The era is the era of depression.

"It's impossible to keep pace, but at least it can be regarded as one of the top people in the sea of destiny."

"Who would have thought that a guy in the early days of immeasurable territory could be so powerful?"

"So it seems that Lei song, these figures of the witch sect, have been killed by this son..."

... people talked about it, but Weng Xinghai, the leader of the witch era, said nothing.

When he heard the news, he fell into silence and his old face was uncertain.

For a long time, until no one spoke, Weng Xinghai said in a low voice: "this son will definitely come to us, either this time or next time, we... Have to prepare in advance!"

The astonishing remark made everyone awe struck.


The news continues to spread. This day's life lotus world is destined to be restless.

On the five element heavenly pass, it is another scene.

"Come on, drink!"

At Xingjian gorge, they sat cross legged, with a wine jar beside them. They drank boldly and flew with ease. They looked relaxed and happy.

Life must be full of joy!

They didn't expect that after today's killing and robbery, they could occupy these five elements heaven pass steadily, so that no foreign enemies dared to offend.

"Hahaha, speaking of it, we all have to thank Lin Xiaoyou. In this era of Avenue competition, Lao Baize and I don't even have hope. After all, we can't grab a heaven pass at all. How can we have a chance to grab the life soul Taoist altar?"

The mountain wind road laughs, "but now, with Lin Xiaoyou, I can wait for the five lines to drink. That's too damn good!"

Mo Baize and Mu Changyun could not help laughing, and even the silent Xiaohe showed a smile.

Thinking of what happened today, they were still excited.

"We didn't expect that on the first day of entering the world of life lotus, those enemies were so eager. Fortunately, Lin Xiaoyou was there to turn the tide and calm down the killing and robbery!"

Xingjian gorge sighed and opened its mouth.

Lintian couldn't stand it at once.

From the beginning of this banquet to now, these old friends praised him so much that Lintian couldn't be modest.

"Lin Xiaoyou, I respect you."

Xun daoyan on one side raised the wine jar with a powerful voice.

Lord Linglong also raised his glass with a smile and looked at Lintian with beautiful eyes.

Lintian smiled and drank with him.

From beginning to end, the summer solstice sat beside Lintian and buried himself in eating and drinking.

Soon after the battle, Lintian released the summer solstice from the eternal boat and introduced her to the mountain wind channel master and other old monsters.

All the old monsters subconsciously regarded the summer solstice as Lintian's confidant, and were quite polite and warm to the summer solstice.

However, the character of the summer solstice was so cold that Lintian was the only one in his eyes, which made the old monsters know how to stop bothering the summer solstice.

At the end of the banquet, Lintian and the summer solstice sat alone and said, "from today on, you can rest assured to practice the power of fate here."

Now the strength of the summer solstice is almost equal to that of Lintian in the great perfection period.

In this life lotus world, the most complete power of fate rules is distributed, which can be sensed and absorbed at the first time during the summer solstice.

In this way, she can refine the power of the seal in her body in the shortest time.

It should be noted that what is sealed in the body of the summer solstice is all the ways of the eternal night God, and the eternal night God is likely to be an existence who has survived nine times of great silence.

If the power of the seal is refined, the combat power of the summer solstice is bound to achieve a breakthrough by leaps and bounds!


The summer solstice nodded, "I want to practice now."

Lintian was surprised. It was the first time he saw that the summer solstice was so active in cultivation. In the past, she was not interested in cultivation except eating and sleeping

The summer solstice glanced at Lintian, seemed to see through his mind, and said: "here, I feel a more thick and complete smell of fate rules, which makes the power in my body ready to move. This has never been done before."

Lintian suddenly thought.

Is the place where the nine heavenly passes are located the source power of the core of the rules of fate?

When he saw that the summer solstice had sat cross legged, a pair of white and clean jade hands were stretched out and held in the void, and a pair of crystal eyes as clear as stars were slightly closed.


Soon, wisps of glittering and translucent silk fell from the sky and fell into the hands of the summer solstice. Gradually, her white hands were shrouded in a bright and ethereal light, filled with circles of obscure and mysterious fluctuations of fate power.

Incomparably pure!

With the passage of time, there are more and more forces of the rules of fate floating on the sky, like the magnificent snow-white light and rain, completely drowning the graceful figure of the summer solstice, holy and ethereal.

Although Lintian didn't see such a scene for the first time, he was still shocked.

The rules of fate!

Like Su Wanjun, what a powerful and terrible existence, who has been struggling in the sea of fate for 13 centuries, only understands the fur of some fate rules.

However, the summer solstice can directly sense and absorb the power of the rules of fate. What a rebellion?

In the distance, their figures appeared in Xingjian gorge. They were obviously disturbed and came to investigate.

When they saw the scene that the summer solstice was refining the power of the rules of fate, their old monsters were stunned, and their hearts filled with unspeakable shock.

Lintian seemed to underestimate the beautiful confidant before

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