Understanding the mystery of fate did not change Lintian's way much.

After all, his understanding of this way is just a glimpse of the path and a little gain.

After one day's understanding, the combat power of the summer solstice has been dramatically improved, which is comparable to Lintian in the early days of creation.

If this situation continued, Lintian doubted that the combat power of the summer solstice would be comparable to himself soon!

This is not impossible.

After all, the summer solstice does not need to be understood and honed at all. As long as it refines the power of previous lives sealed in the body, its own combat power can achieve rapid progress.

After talking for a while, Lintian grew up.

This is the life lotus world, not a place of retreat. The only thing Lintian could do was to provide a place for the summer solstice to practice undisturbed.


Lintian found Xingjian gorge and asked them, "what's the situation outside?"

As he spoke, his eyes had looked to the distance of the five element Tianguan pass.

It's been a day.

From yesterday's battle behind the scenes, there are only more than ten scattered figures near the five element Tianguan pass, and they only linger in the extreme distance and dare not come near.

"No one dares to challenge."

Xingjian gorge said with a smile, "yesterday's World War I was obviously spread, so that those old friends in this life lotus world dare not come rashly."

Speaking of this, he remembered one thing, "when you were practicing with the summer solstice girl yesterday, Su Wanjun came. After standing and watching for two hours, she turned and left."

Lintian was stunned and said, "why don't you invite her to the five elements heaven pass?"

Xingjian gorge said, "she invited, but she refused." He lowered his voice. "In my opinion, Su Wanjun was attracted by the scene of you and the summer solstice girl practicing the way of fate."

Lintian nodded, and he couldn't help feeling.

After searching for 13 eras, I can't find a way. Now I see that I and the summer solstice can understand the law of destiny. I'm afraid it's also a big blow to Su Wanjun.

"Xiaoyou, are you going to stay here or have other plans?"

Asked the mountain breeze master.

Lintian also knew that if he stayed here all the time, he would have the chance to rob the life lotus altar in nine days. At that time, they will compete with the monks guarding the other eight Tianguan.

Whoever can occupy the life lotus Taoist altar and refine it will grasp the opportunity to go to the wonderful Taoist ruins.

However, it was also the most dangerous at that time.

We should not only face the desperate fight of the top figures in the eight Tianguan pass, but also beware of foreign enemies taking the opportunity to seize Tianguan pass.

In the past, whenever the war of seizing the life lotus Taoist altar broke out, there were bound to be many casualties and bloody things.

"Do you have any plans?"

Lintian asked.

Xingjian gorge immediately said, "we discussed yesterday. If we have the opportunity this time, we hope to send Lao Baize, Lao Mu and Xiaohe to Zhongmiao Road market. Of course, if you have any plans in the nine days before seizing the life Lotus Road altar, we will listen to your arrangement."

Everyone looked at Lintian.

Lintian said in a deep thought, "in nine days, I will seize the life lotus altar with you. However, in these nine days, I'm going to go somewhere else."

At Xingjian gorge, they looked at each other and showed such an expression.

When they discussed this matter yesterday, they expected that Lintian would not let those enemies go so easily.

"We're with you."

Xun daoyan and Linglong God stood up,

"Even if I can't help much, I can at least make some effort."

This is, of course, modest.

With their fighting power, both of them can keep pace with giants such as Ying Tiansheng and Jiang Mingshui. Is it comparable to ordinary boundless figures?

"Old Fu and I stayed here."

Xingjian gorge said with a smile, "if someone comes to win the pass, we will summon you at the first time to tell you that even if there is a victory or death, we can delay it until you return by the means of our old bones."

Obviously, Lintian didn't have to think about it at all. They had arranged all kinds of things for him.

However, Lintian was still worried and said with a smile, "I will leave the Loess Taoist body. In this case, I should be carefree."

The natural power of Huangtu Taoist body is the best at defense, and it is not weaker than the fighting power of the master. It is to make a decision between life and death, which is enough to suppress the old guys Ying Tiansheng and Jiang Mingshui.

As for the characters at the level of Huanglong Zhenjun, they are only a small group of people in the whole life lotus world.

If this old guy dares to take the opportunity to kill him, he will wait for revenge from Lintian in the future!

That's it.

Then Lintian found the summer solstice again and let her practice here at ease.

Summer solstice has no objection.

For her, the life lotus world is an unparalleled blessed place to improve her strength. With the more understanding and refining of the rules of fate, the sealed power in her body is constantly integrating into her own Taoism.

"I'll help you kill the enemy someday."

The summer solstice's beautiful little face is full of seriousness.

Lintian rubbed the summer solstice's head with a smile and left the five elements pass with Xun daoyan and Linglong.

"Lintian came out!"

There were many old monsters wandering in the far away place. When Lintian noticed that their figures were snatched out of the five elements heaven pass, he was worried one by one.

"He thinks we're in the way and wants to deal with us?"

Someone wondered.

The reason why they lingered here was very simple, that was to master Lintian's trend all the time, so as to convey the news and let the forces behind them know at the first time.

In short, what they old guys are playing at the moment is the role of spy.

"He's coming!"

Someone's pupils shrink and his whole body becomes stiff. Subconsciously, he will turn around and escape in advance.

But at this time, Lin xunlang in the distance said with a smile: "don't panic, Taoist friends. Lin is here, but he has something to ask, and he has no intention of doing anything."

There was no grievance, Lintian could have nothing to do.

Suddenly, those old monsters felt at ease, but they were vigilant. Who can guarantee that this was not Lintian's delaying strategy?

"What is Lin Daoyou going to ask?"

A thin old man with snow-white hair asked. He stood very far away and looked like he would slip away if the opportunity was bad.

Look at others, too.

It can be seen that after yesterday's war, Lintian's powerful fighting power has made them afraid.

"You must come from different camps. If you have a grudge against Lin, I'm afraid you don't dare to linger in this area at all. Since there is no injustice and hatred, you don't have to be so nervous."

Lintian bowed his hands slightly, looked around and looked modest and polite, "to tell you the truth, Lin's trip was for revenge, but I don't know where those enemies are hiding now, so I'm going to ask you for advice."

Those old monsters looked at each other and asked them for information about their enemies?

If they vent

Is it not to offend Lintian's enemies if he is exposed?

But seeing Lintian in front of them, they didn't dare to refuse directly. If they annoyed this guy with great combat power, the consequences would be serious.

The snow-white old man said, "Lin Daoyou, the world of life lotus is not big. According to reason, if you want to find someone, you can certainly find it near the nine Tianguan pass."

"The Taoist friend thinks that which Tianguan is the most promising place to find them?"

Lintian smiled and asked, looking more modest and polite.


The old man had a troubled and bitter look on his face.

A moment later, Lintian sighed and said, "well, Lin doesn't want to be embarrassed and leave."

He turned away with Xun daoyan and Linglong God.

"Just go like this?"

Those old guys were surprised until Lintian's figure disappeared, and then they were finally sure that Lintian was really gone.

They looked at each other, and all of them took out the secret treasure of communication and sent the news that Lintian had left the five elements heaven pass for revenge back to their respective camps.


"Lin Xiaoyou, are you going to Liangyi Tianguan?"

On the way, Xun daoyan asked.

"Yes, just now the white haired Taoist friend told me that Jiang Mingshui led the strong men of the era of gods to reach Liangyi Tianguan last night and merged with a force guarding this pass."

Lintian said casually.

Xun daoyan and Linglong God realized this and couldn't help laughing.

Before, those old guys were unwilling to speak one by one. Who could have thought that someone could not carry it in the dark?

"Which camp is guarding Liangyi Tianguan?"

God Linglong asked softly.

"The era of Confucianism is the camp of Kong Yu Shenghuang."

Lintian said.

"Originally, their two camps joined hands again."

Xun daoyan suddenly said, "yes, in the last life lotus world, more than half of the casualties were in Jiang Mingshui's camp. Yesterday, before the five elements Tianguan pass, the weakest camp was Jiang Mingshui. Normally, if they choose to cooperate with other camps, they have no chance to participate in the battle of life lotus Taoist altar."

"Kong Yu Shenghuang is an extremely terrible role. He is one of the three emperors of the era of Confucianism. He is also a giant cruel role in this sea of fate."

Linglong said, "even in my opinion, the roles of Jiang Mingshui and Ying Tiansheng are inferior to Kong Yu Shenghuang."

Xun daoyan raised his eyebrows. "Can he be stronger than Huanglong Zhenjun?"

Linglong God said, "there may be a gap, but the gap is very small."

Xun daoyan could not help but show a frozen color, "if so, wouldn't it be troublesome..."

Jiang Mingshui and Kong Yu Shenghuang joined hands and sat in Liangyi Tianguan. If you want to deal with them, you can only challenge them.

This will appear very passive.

"Do you think that if a decision is made between life and death, Kong Yu Shenghuang dares to go out and fight Lin Xiaoyou in person?"

Linglong is the Lord's way.

Xun daoyan frowned, "he shouldn't choose to fight with his life unless he has to."

Linglong said, "that's enough. Unless they dare to kill out of Liangyi Tianguan, Lin Xiaoyou and our strength will be enough to deal with those dangers."

Xun daoyan nodded and looked at Lintian.

Lintian said with a smile, "you two elders don't have to worry about it. Just act according to the circumstances."

When talking, you can see the Liangyi Tianguan standing between heaven and earth from a distance.

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