The third thousand two hundred and forty-one chapters finished the testimonials


When he typed these three words, Goldfish felt relaxed, but also felt a huge sense of loss and disappointment in his heart.

Staring at the computer for a long time.

Thoughts are also very erratic.

On February 24, 2016, Tianjiao opened a book.

On December 25, 2019, Tianjiao finished the book.

Tianjiao has been serialized for three years and ten months.

Behind the understated numbers, there are codeword updates day and night, which have been depressed, lost, happy, and excited.

In the end, when the book was really finished, it was so reluctant.

I believe that children's shoes have developed the habit of waiting for updates every night around 6 o'clock in the past three years.

And I'm also used to codeword updates every day.

When a habit comes to an end, the sudden pause can't help but make people feel at a loss and bewildered.

This is the mood of the goldfish at the moment.

After thinking about it for a long time, I took this opportunity to chat with you about some of my feelings when creating Tianjiao.

From the beginning, Tianjiao has three main lines.

1. The secret of life experience - the main line of the plot.

2. The Secret Realm of Tongtian - upgrade the main line.

3. The Four Great Roads Market - the main line of the world.

Three lines, intersecting each other, form the skeleton of Tianjiao's entire book.

And Lin Xun's path of cultivation is the flesh and blood and spirit attached to the skeleton.

Tianjiao wrote 10 million words, because the contract signed with the website is 10 million words, so when writing this book, Goldfish consciously set and controlled the plot.

At present, Tianjiao has completed the book, and the pits of these three main lines have been filled.

But there are flaws, and many.

For example, there are many small pits and small foreshadowings that appear during the serialization,

I couldn't fill it out because of the plot.

For example, in the previous plot, there were some bugs and inconsistencies in the settings, and so on.

These are my dissatisfaction.

But it must be admitted that these errors and omissions are unavoidable. After all, they are continuously updated every day, and a huge amount of updates are required every day.

I believe that children's shoes have also seen many fantasy immortals, and they must know that none of the serializations are truly flawless.

As for Tianjiao, Goldfish has worked hard to fill all the holes in the core mainline. For me, this is not perfect, but it is already a happy ending.

Let’s talk about the achievements of chatting again.

Compared with Emperor Fu, Tianjiao's performance is undoubtedly better.

Since the serialization, no matter the data or the popularity performance, it has far surpassed the Emperor Fu during the serialization period. This makes the goldfish feel at ease.

Yes, be solid.

In the online literature industry, writing a popular book does not mean that the second book will become popular. Even many great authors have mediocre performances in the second and third books.

When creating Tianjiao, Goldfish also had this concern.

But fortunately, Tianjiao's performance is better than Fu Huang, and it has been recognized by more book friends. Although it is not a big hit, for me, this kind of performance is very solid.

Goldfish has never considered a gifted author, but he considers himself diligent and serious about writing books.

I believe that the children's shoes who have followed along all the way know that goldfish rarely ask for leave or break, and even if they owe it, they will definitely make up for it.

This may be the only thing goldfish can be proud of.

Fortunately, the creation of Emperor Fu allowed Goldfish to sell the game copyright, overseas translation copyright, and audio copyright. Comic copyright.

At present, the results of Emperor Fu in foreign countries are extremely good, completely beyond my surprise.

The creation of Tianjiao has also successively sold comic, traditional and audio copyrights.

Fortunately, I can already take care of my family by creating goldfish.

But in the final analysis, all this is inseparable from everyone's support.

From Emperor Fu to Tianjiao, many readers have changed from junior high school students to college students and graduate students, and many readers have become parents.

Along the way, it is really not easy.

Every time the goldfish thinks of it, his heart is full of emotion, and he is more and more grateful.

Let's talk about the new book.

The new book is the story of a swordsman, which has been revealed many times on Goldfish's public account.

Recently, there have been many children's shoes asking what to write in the next book.

Goldfish said, must write a sword!

Heaven and earth travel backwards, walking with a sword.

Swallowing up the mighty qi alone, exhaling the joyful wind of a lifetime!

These two sentences are translated into one sentence: "The heaven and the earth are like a journey, and I am also a pedestrian."

In one sentence, "a little bit of arrogance, a thousand miles of fast wind".

There is another layer of meaning, people live in the world, one breath, one breath, one breath, one breath!

On the Internet, there are many books about Jianxiu, and many of them are very wonderful.

But Jinyu wanted to write the story of the swordsman in his heart, a pure swordsman, and a swordsmanship that overwhelms the heavens.

It can be a great kendo demon, wanton publicity, and go his own way.

It can be the most holy swordsmanship, and it can last forever, and slap Fang Qiu.

It can be an immortal in the sword, embrace the bright moon with ease, and lie drunk on the clouds in the nine heavens.

It can be the devil in the sword, who opens the gate of heaven in a rage, dares to laugh at the world of swordsmanship, and there is no one who can catch the eye.

But after all, at the very beginning, they were all teenagers!

Goldfish may wish to reveal that the protagonist is most likely the "Swordsman" in Tianjiao, the supreme legend who nourishes his heart like jade and sharpens his heart like a sharp edge.

It was the swordsman who used the sword lock to suppress the endless years in the beginning, and was also admired and respected by the beginning.

It was the swordsman with whom Chen Xi once got drunk.

Lin Xun's most respected swordsman.

It was also the swordsman that Sancun Wooden Sword and Lingyuan were looking for.

It is expected that the new book will be written after the Chinese New Year.

If the creation of Emperor Fu and Tianjiao is a process of sharpening the sword, then after accumulating a lot of creative experience, the next book will be the time for the sword to emerge.

At present, Goldfish has collected a lot of materials and organized a lot of inspiration.

I believe this story about swords will surprise everyone.

Finally, let's talk about the show.

The extra will be serialized on Goldfish's public account.

At present, there are two articles that are determined to be written, namely "The Mystery of the Origin of the Broken Blade in the Ancient Spirit World" and "Wu Xuechan's Second Extra Story".

There are other extras, but I haven't thought about it yet, and I will write them depending on the situation.

Note that the Fanwai is only updated on the official account, if you don't follow the Goldfish Official Account, you can open it", just add attention, and you can see it as soon as the Fanwai is updated.

In the end, I really thank the children's shoes for their company and support over the years, I love you~

The mountains are high and the water is far away, see you in our new book~

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