Chapter 4

In the humble thatched cottage, the dim yellow oil lamp swayed, and the old wooden box was opened, revealing a pale blue short blade, a yellowish scroll and a dark gray half foot seal pen.

The seal writer is also the one who portrays and writes.

The so-called seal writing pen is actually a thing shaped like a brush with a sharp edge. It is the tool needed by the holy stripe master to seal the holy stripe.

Therefore, the Zhuan pen is also called Wen Dao.

Lintian personally preferred the name of Wen Dao. Wen Dao, homonymous for Wen Dao, was to ask, who can compete in the world?

This feeling is unspeakably exciting.

Lintian's eyes stayed for a long time on that [yellow book] and [dark gray half ruler seal pen], which were of great significance to him.

The Yellow Book volume is about three fingers thick, the book volume is nameless, and the book cover is cut from animal skin. It is very old. It is obvious that this volume of book has existed for a long time. Just looking at it, people feel the breath of boundless years.

The dark gray half foot seal pen is also quite unique. It is quite different from the commonly seen seal pen. It is more like a sword. Its surface is dull and dull, branded with mysterious cloud patterns, and its brush edge is like a sword blade. It emits a chilling cold breath all over, reaching to the depths of the soul.

These are the two most important mysterious treasures of Lintian.

In addition to the short blade, scroll and seal pen, there are also some bones, animal skins, plant stems and minerals in the wooden box. They are all spiritual materials that can be used to refine utensils. After melting with special techniques, they can also be used as spiritual ink and materials for seal cutting spiritual patterns.

These holy materials were all collected by Lintian during his long journey. If they were sold, they could also get a lot of wealth.

At the most corner of the wooden box, there was a pile of hard wood, which was only the thickness of the thumb, and the whole body was concave and convex, just like jade.

This kind of wood is called "stone pine silver wood", which has no value. The only characteristic is that it is hard enough and as hard as stone.

For the holy stripe apprentice, stone pine silver wood is an excellent practice material for learning seal cutting holy stripe.

Lintian carefully took out the thick yellow book and sat at the desk near the window.

Looking at this book quietly, Lintian didn't open it, but fell into meditation.

In a trance, Lintian's thoughts were flying, as if he had returned to the past.


It was a mine prison, holding many prisoners and isolated from the world.

Lin Xun has been in that mine prison since he began to remember things. The sky there is black, dark and humid, and there is never sunshine.

The atmosphere there is also very depressing. Prisoners die every day and new prisoners are sent in every day.

In Lintian's memory, no one could escape from that prison until the mine prison was completely broken.

Strictly speaking, Lintian was not a prisoner. He was an abandoned baby. When he was found, he was almost eaten as food by those vicious prisoners.

This is what Mr. Lu told him.

Of course, Lintian was saved by Mr. Lu.

No one knows the origin of Mr. Lu, but his position in that mine prison is very unique. Both the guards guarding the mine prison and those prisoners respect Mr. Lu very respectfully.

It's all because of Mr. Lu's other identity - Holy tattoo master.

Lintian followed Mr. Lu when he was young. Since he was sensible, he was ordered by Mr. Lu to do all kinds of things.

Read, recognize spiritual materials, learn to make ink, practice seal cutting, memorize spiritual patterns... At the same time, it also takes into account chores such as serving tea, pouring water, washing clothes, cooking and so on.

Lintian thought he was a disciple of Mr. Lu, and so did the guards and prisoners in the mine prison.

However, Mr. Lu never recognized Lintian as a disciple. According to Mr. Lu, he didn't intend to take an apprentice in his life. Lintian was only a busboy around him, that's all.

Lintian was in a low mood for a while, but then he gradually forgot about it, but in the bottom of his heart, he always regarded Mr. Lu as a teacher.

The prison life in the mine was very boring and dark. As Lintian grew up, he began to understand that there was a broader world outside the prison in the mine.

When Lintian was nine years old, Mr. Lu took Lintian out for the first time and left the prison mine.

But only three days later, he came back.

In these three days, Lintian was shocked greatly. He saw the outside world, the sun, the blue sky and white clouds.

Since then, every once in a while, Mr. Lu will take him out for ten days or three days, and he will return to the mine prison again.

The purpose of going out is simple. Mr. Lu needs to go out to collect more spiritual materials to seal and carve spiritual patterns.

With going out again and again, Lintian finally had a further understanding of the world.

Mr. Lintian would rather stay in the prison than stay in the prison?

Unfortunately, Lintian didn't get a definite answer until the prison in that mine was broken and disappeared.

The prison in the mine was broken

At the thought of this, Lintian, who was sitting in front of his desk, suddenly felt a pain in his heart, and the tragic picture three months ago came to mind——

On that day, he was practicing to carve a "green wood holy grain" pattern. Mr. Lu was melting a furnace of holy material, and he was talking about something.

Outside the room, a group of guards were waving iron whips stained with blood in their hands and beating the prisoners who didn't work hard. The sound of drinking, swearing and wailing echoed in the dark sky.

Such a day was no different from the past. Lintian was already used to it. He would not even sympathize with those prisoners who looked poor but actually were extremely poor and vicious.

But on that day, the only thing that seemed a little different was Mr. Lu.

Lintian knew that Mr. Lu had a bad temper since he was a child. He was grumpy and impatient. He didn't know how many times he had been scolded by Mr. Lu, and he had been used to it.

Because Mr. Lu scolded and scolded, but he never beat people. And when he scolded Lintian, it was often when Lintian made mistakes.

But that day, Mr. Lu's temper was particularly irritable. He broke many things in the house, and even his favorite seal pen "green dome burning gold" was broken by him.

When Lintian felt strange, he saw Mr. Lu take out an old wooden box and throw the Yellow scroll, a pale blue short blade and a dim half foot seal pen into the wooden box and give it to Lintian who was stunned.

Lintian still remembered that Mr. Lu looked uncertain and complicated, with hatred, helplessness and unwillingness, but in the end, they all turned into a serious and solemn look.

Lintian had never seen that kind of seriousness and Zhuang Su, and he would never forget that scene in his life.

At that time, Mr. Lu clenched Lintian's shoulder tightly with both hands and made great efforts. When Lintian felt that his bones were about to be crushed, Mr. Lu spoke.

"From today on, you have to learn to live alone, so you must live well!"

At that moment, Mr. Lu's voice was hoarse and firm, and his eyes were full of blood and madness like before he died.

"Remember, I saved you with great difficulty. I must not die!"

Then, Mr. Lu pointed to the Yellow scroll and the dark gray Zhuan pen and said in an unprecedented solemn way, "take good care of them in the future! Whether you can practice smoothly in the future depends on them! Especially that pen, which contains a secret that I haven't even uncovered so far. As long as you can crack it, even if the original spiritual pulse is dug away, you can change your life against the sky!"

"Also, don't you always want to know who deprived you of your original spiritual pulse? I tell you, the answer lies in the Obsidian empire!"

"You have to live to find, so you can't die!"


In the almost hysterical voice, Mr. Lu's face had become a little ferocious. Lintian was completely shocked at that moment and nodded subconsciously.

Then, Mr. Lu grabbed Lintian's thin body and came to a deep mine crossing that Lintian had never seen.


The tunnel was deep, like a bottomless abyss, but Mr. Lu did not hesitate to push Lintian into the deep of the tunnel.

At that moment, Lintian didn't even have time to respond. He was like falling on a cliff and his head was blank.

Also at that moment, he saw an old palm in his vision, tearing the darkness over the mine prison and rumbling down.

The palm of the old man is so big that it covers the sky. Each knuckle is like an Optimus pillar, and each palmprint is like a ravine. The terrible purple flame permeates the surface of the old man's palm, like a purple sea of fire pouring from the extraterritorial starry sky, incinerating the darkness and burning the sky, full of terrible destruction.

Lintian never knew who in the world could cover the sky!


PS: in order to make it easier for you to read, the paragraphs of thanks for reward and voting will be placed at the end of the chapter. Finally, continue to call for collection, monthly ticket, reward, recommendation ticket and new book issue. These data are really important. Goldfish, please~

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