It was early in the morning. When I walked out of the heart washing hall, I saw the clouds were steaming and the dawn was bright. The air was filled with the fragrance of plants and trees, which was relaxing and happy.

The familiar environment made Lintian feel at ease.

Lintian was surprised that he didn't see a figure all the way. Even Lin Zhong disappeared.

"Ah, young master, are you out of the customs?"

Before long, a maid passed by in a hurry. When she saw Lintian, she was stunned and immediately saluted.

"Zhongbo, where are they?"

Lintian asked.

"They all went to Beiguang Pavilion."

The maid said nervously, "it's said that a young master of the Lin family was beaten."

Lintian was stunned: "what's the matter?"

The maid said, "I don't know. I only heard that it seems to have something to do with those people outside our heart washing peak."

Lintian's eyes narrowed: "who else dares to block outside the heart washing peak? Who are they and what are they doing there?"

The maid looked more and more flustered and couldn't say why for a long time.

Lintian frowned and hurried to the hillside.

I've only been away for less than two months, but depending on the situation, many things have happened on Xixin peak during this period.

Beiguang Pavilion.

At this time, a group of Lin's people from Beiguang, who had moved back, gathered together. They looked sad and angry and were shouting with excitement.

"Deceive people too much! Deceive people too much! The children of the Zuo family and the Qin family almost ran into our Xixin peak and ran wild!"

"The most irritating thing is the children of the three collateral branches of Xixi, Yunheng and feifeng. They even make trouble for the tiger, run to show off their strength together, and hurt cousin Yunwen. It's a shame for our Lin family!"

"Those are a group of traitors. I don't think they are still from our Lin family."

When Lintian arrived, he saw the scene was chaotic, filled with righteous indignation and gnashing his teeth.

It has something to do with the Zuo family and the Qin family?

Lintian's black eyes flashed a chill. He didn't hesitate and walked towards the Beiguang Pavilion Hall. He already felt that Lin Zhong, lingjiu and Xiaoke were all in Beiguang Pavilion at the moment.

"Eh, cousin Lintian came out of the closed door!"

Someone recognized Lintian and immediately caused an uproar. Those Beiguang Lin's children seemed to have found their backbone and shouted with grief and anger.

"Cousin Lintian, you finally showed up. We xixinfeng are being bullied by others now!"

"Yes, you must make up your mind and decide for everyone. We're almost bent these days."

"Woo woo, it's great that brother Lin Xun finally came back."

A teenage girl choked excitedly.

It's a matter of grievances and grievances. You must know what happened.

"Everybody, I'll make a decision when I know the situation!"

Lintian took a deep breath and whispered.

Then he turned and walked into the main hall of Beiguang Pavilion.

In such a big temple, the atmosphere was a little heavy at this time. On the ground, there was a young man, covered with blood and unconscious.

Stabbing blood is nearby to help the teenager diagnose and treat the injury.

Stabbing blood is a battlefield medical practitioner and an excellent herbalist. Seeing that even stabbing blood was called, it can be imagined that the young man must have suffered extremely serious injuries!

Around, lingjiu, Xiaoke, Lin Zhong, and some senior figures of the Lin family in Beiguang are all gods

Look gloomy, talking about something.

"What happened?"

Lintian saw this scene when he came in.

"Young master, you are back!"

Lin Zhong was surprised.

The spirit vulture and Xiaoke turned their heads together and showed a happy face.

Lintian was closed for nearly two months, which was not a long time, but a lot of things happened during this period, which made it difficult for them to make a decision. Naturally, they also looked forward to Lintian's early appearance.

"Well, what the hell is going on?"

Lintian frowned and asked that he was not in the mood to talk about the past. What he saw just now made him realize that something must have happened in this period of time.

Lin Zhong sighed. He looked angry and helpless. He didn't know where to start.

"Let me talk."

The vulture sits in a wheelchair with clear eyes and calm mouth.

It turned out that after the last emperor's birthday banquet, Lintian forced Lingtian Hou Zhao Jingyin to kneel down in the duel, which caused a sensation in the whole Forbidden City.

Many people thought that Lintian's move was too violent and had caused great disaster and completely offended the imperial family.

And they believed that Lintian was reckless in the duel, disregarding the opposition of a group of dignitaries and bigwigs, and was extremely disrespectful to those dignitaries and bigwigs, which was tantamount to indirectly offending many aristocratic family forces.

Under such circumstances, Lintian was doomed to be suppressed and retaliated.

The most intuitive proof is that at the empress's birthday banquet, Bai Lingxi, Yuchi Ze and Song Yi performed well. They were favored by experts outside the world and were selected as disciples to practice in a mysterious Taoist tradition.

Lintian was also very powerful, but he lost the election in the end. Many people think that this is a punishment for Lintian by the emperor and empress, depriving him of an opportunity that should have belonged to him.

As Lintian left the palace that day, he asked for leave from Qinglu college and returned to Xixin peak. After the news spread, most people in the Forbidden City thought that Lintian must also realize the serious consequences and shrink up and dare not be arrogant again.

Under such circumstances, the Zuo family and the Qin family took the lead in launching revenge against xixinfeng!

During Lintian's seclusion period, the two top-ranking forces uttered wild words under the banner of washing away the disgrace for the imperial royal family. If Lintian didn't take the initiative to apologize and atone, he would expel the Lin family from Xixin peak.

In addition, they secretly instructed three Lin's collateral forces, Xixi, Yunheng and feifeng, to cooperate and retaliate against Xixin peak.

The first to suffer is the Lin family of Beiguang. Their industries were almost wiped out by a net, and all of them were taken away by Xixi, Yunheng and feifeng. Their vitality was greatly damaged!

You know, most of those industries have been returned to xixinfeng. Doing so is no different from taking away xixinfeng industry.

Fortunately, under the arrangement of the vulture, most of the clan forces of the Lin family in Beiguang have moved into Xixin peak and have not suffered serious personnel losses.

"Why not fight back?"

Lintian felt suffocated when he heard this, and the cold current surged in his black eyes, so he couldn't help asking.

"With the support of the Zuo family and the Qin family, they are too powerful to have a head-on conflict with them, otherwise the loss will only be more serious."

Xiao Ke explained.

Lintian also understood this truth, but his anger was hard to contain. Before closing, he worked hard to open a good situation for Xixin peak.

But now, Beiguang Lin's vitality was greatly damaged, which was equal to that his heart washing peak was also hit. How could Lintian resist it?

If it's just that, it's nothing. The most troublesome thing is that they have sent many forces to block away from Xixin peak in turns over the past period of time, threatening to let you show up and go to the imperial royal family for atonement. Otherwise, they will mobilize forces to remove the Lin family of Xixin peak. "

The vulture sighed softly.

"Remove the Lin family from Xixin peak?"

His eyes were so cold that he couldn't stop it.

Lin Zhong, Xiao Ke, Ling Jiu and others narrowed their eyes and looked at Lintian with a little surprise. In less than two months, Lintian's breath was more than twice as strong as before!

That breath made Xiao Ke feel a little depressed. She had already reached the perfection of the spirit sea for many years, and as a Lintian instructor, she watched him grow up with her own eyes. But now, Lintian's momentum filled her heart with a palpitation.

It seems that the boy has gained a lot from his retreat this time!

Not only Xiao Ke, but also Lin Zhong and the spirit vulture were shocked. Lintian changed and became very thorough. His momentum had an unspeakable power. If he was in an abyss and dormant, he would not show the mountain and water, but once it broke out, he would swallow the dome!

"What's going on?"

Lintian took a deep breath and forced himself to kill. He looked at the young man who was seriously injured and unconscious on the ground. If he remembered correctly, the young man's name was Lin Yunwen, his cousin, who was only 14 years old.

"Injured by someone blocked outside."

Lin Zhong looked ashamed and said, "these days, people have been blocking there every day. As long as you see people coming out of Xixin peak, you will be humiliated and provoked repeatedly. Yun Wen is too old to bear it. When he fought with each other, he was hurt by someone's cruel hand. It's also my fault. I didn't take good care of them, so it caused this disaster."

The vulture sighed, "I don't blame you. It's my thoughtlessness. In order to avoid conflict, I just forbear, but I didn't expect that the other party would intensify and become more and more lawless."

Lintian only felt that his chest was blocked with a barrier and his breathing was not smooth. In front of his house, he was blocked by others for provocation, humiliation and violent beating!

Is this more than arrogance? It was like riding on Lintian's head!

"How about Yunwen?"

Lintian asked.

He frowned and shook his head and said, "it's not good. Even if you can heal the injury, you can recover your previous accomplishments without three or five years. I'm afraid it won't work."

Three or five years?

For a teenager, if he delays three or five years to recover from his injury, he will fall far behind his peers in Taoism all his life!

Hearing the speech, Lintian felt his anger scurrying upward like molten slurry. He took a deep breath and turned to walk outside the hall.

"Lintian, where are you going?"

Xiao Ke couldn't help asking.

"I'll take a look outside the heart washing peak."

Lintian didn't answer.

"Young master, you can't be impulsive at this time."

Lin Zhong said anxiously.

Others also spoke to dissuade Lintian.

Lintian stood in front of the main hall, turned his head and showed a bright smile: "don't worry, someone once told me that if I have the ability, I can turn the Forbidden City upside down. I was too kind before, but from now on, I'll show them!"

The smile was bright, but there was no temperature in the black eyes, cold as ice.

Then he turned and left.

Everyone trembled and hurriedly caught up.



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