Holy stripe battle suit!

It is a kind of miraculous treasure. Only the master of holy stripe who has the attainments of "accumulating spirit" is qualified to explore and refine this treasure.

Of course, it is only qualified. When refining, it is even more difficult!

Shen Tuo is a senior master of holy stripe, and has the attainments of "accumulating spirit" in holy stripe, but up to now, even he hasn't refined a complete set of holy stripe battle suit alone!

Therefore, he knew better than others how difficult it was to refine the holy stripe war equipment.

First of all, refining this treasure requires many rare holy materials. If measured by imperial gold coins, it needs at least 50 million gold coins to make the bottom, so we can barely gather the required holy materials.

This level alone is enough to defeat most holy stripe masters.

After all, 50 million gold coins are enough to buy a large imperial warship! This is an astronomical figure.

Secondly, refining the holy stripe war suit involves many ancient and obscure holy stripe arrays, and may lead to "robbery and change"!

Even if it's just a flash, all previous efforts will be wasted and completely failed.

Shen Tuo worked hard with several holy stripe masters in the holy stripe Academy for several years to refine a holy stripe war suit. As a result, all holy materials were destroyed and completely failed because of a small mistake in the refining process.

The most terrible thing is that one of the holy stripe masters even suffered a backlash when he failed because he invested too much energy and effort, and most of his accomplishments were destroyed!

This experience made Shen Tuo very clear that the peerless treasure of holy stripe war suit could not be refined if anyone wanted to.

In today's empire, only the master level old monsters of holy stripe can successfully refine holy stripe battle clothes!

But the number of such old monsters is very small. You can count them by breaking your fingers.

The most famous Holy Grail masters now serve in the imperial holy work academy, the headquarters of Holy Grail commune, Holy Grail other courtyard and Holy Grail three aristocratic families.

Therefore, when it was determined that Lintian borrowed the ninth floor of the refining tower to refine the holy stripe war suit, Shen Tuo was so rude and shocked.

"Are you... Not kidding?"

Shen Tuo took a few deep breaths, reluctantly restrained his inner shock and couldn't help but want to be more sure.


Lintian nodded. Of course he couldn't joke.

"How sure?"

Shen Tuo's eyes were burning. If others said this, he would treat them as crazy, but Lintian was different.

Although the young man is only 16 years old, he caused the "chant of Kowloon" vision and created an unprecedented miracle.

Moreover, the holy stripe war suit "the sword of the Apocalypse" of the empress had been seriously damaged, and there was almost no hope of recovery, but in the end, it was miraculously repaired by Lintian!

With these knowledge, Shen Tuo began to believe that Lintian might have really decided to refine the holy stripe war suit!

Lintian shrugged and said, "I'm not sure how much to grasp when I have a general idea."

Shen Tuo was stunned. Most of the excitement in his heart faded. He was calm. He had realized that he was excited a little early.

Lintian had no experience in refining holy stripe battle suit before. Naturally, he could not know how difficult it was to do this step.

He decided to refine the holy stripe battle suit this time. Maybe it was just an attempt.

"What kind of holy stripe war suit are you going to refine? Are the holy materials ready?"

Shen Tuo asked.

"A gun."

Lin Xu said without hesitation that he was prepared for Lin Zhong. Nowadays, there are not many people in the world that he can completely trust, but there is no doubt that Lin Zhong must be one of them.

"As for the spirit material..."

Lintian was helpless when he said this.

"What's the matter?" Shen Tuo asked.

Lintian did not hide, but said frankly, "there are still seven or eight kinds of spiritual materials, such as' ancient star five Qi and iron ',' cloud light sea soul silk ',' black god gold and jade marrow '..."

Shen Tuo stayed there at that time. He felt that he was really excited too early. These spiritual materials are not only rare, but also hard to find!

Like the "ancient star five Qi iron", it contains the essence of five elements and is extremely magical. A piece the size of a thumb is worth tens of millions of gold coins. It is a treasure in the spiritual material of heaven level.

Another example is the "black god Golden Jade pith", which disappeared in the world as early as now, almost all of which are hidden in the imperial royal family and the forces of ancient aristocratic families, and their value is immeasurable.

"Boy, it's hard to do."

Shen Tuo sighed. At this moment, he doubted whether Lintian was joking. He lacked so many unparalleled holy materials. How can he talk about refining holy stripe war clothes?

No way!

"That's why I came to you."

Lintian smiled.


Shen Tuo smiled bitterly, "boy, you think too highly of me. I know some clues about the spiritual materials you lack, but it's too difficult to get them..."

"Just wire. I can exchange these spiritual materials."

Lintian's eyes brightened and his sleeve robe waved, and a bright silver light appeared on the ground.

Originally, Shen Tuo didn't believe it. He thought Lintian was joking. Those spiritual materials were all worldly things. What did he exchange them for?

But when he saw the bright light, the whole person suddenly stagnated there.

The silver luster is like the stars in the sky, dense and swaying, and like a miniature waterfall surging and sweeping. The scene is more than spectacular. It can be called the bell spirit show!

It's so beautiful!

Shen Tuo was shocked in an instant. He had seen that it was one silver spirit grass after another. The stem was straight and sharp, like a sword and a halberd, and the whole body was as silver as star frost. Standing there, it was like a peerless sword, which could pierce the sky!

What moved Shen Tuo most was that there was a pure and thick abundant aura around the silver spiritual material. The breath released was ethereal, fragrant and cold, and seemed to be immersed in the depths of his soul.

"Its leaves are like a sword, its spirit is like a star, and its light is like a dream..."

Like a flash of lightning in his mind, Shen Tuo suddenly remembered something. He was stiff and lost his voice, "is this silver frost sword grass?"

Lintian was surprised. Unexpectedly, Shen Tuo recognized it all at once and nodded, "that's good."

These silver frost sword grass were all obtained by Lintian from the ancient ruins in the depths of the soul annihilation sea.

When he first arrived in the Forbidden City, because he was in urgent need of money, Lintian had sold six or seven kinds of miraculous drugs to Shi dingzhai, such as Jiuqu Danxin iron, Qingxu Linghua, qingshasu Longmu, Taibai meteorite iron, tears red shadow grass and so on, and obtained an amazing wealth.

Now, in addition to hundreds of silver frost sword grass, there are still seven or eight kinds of treasures left by Lintian, such as Zhenyang dragon pith fruit and purple elf iron. They are all extinct treasures, and their value is immeasurable.

"It's really this ancient medicine! It still exists in the world!"

Shen Tuo looked excited, with a trace of enthusiasm. "Even in ancient times, this baby can be called a rare treasure. It can be called the first-class rare medicine in the world. It can kill people with white flesh and bones. Even the great friars in yanlunjing will break their heads and compete, and the king of life and death will be red in the eyes!"

Lintian was surprised again. What Shen Tuo said was the same as what the green turtle said at the beginning. They all pointed out the magic of the silver frost sword grass.

"This baby has long been annihilated in the world. I thought it was a legend. I didn't think I could see it today. It's incredible!"

Shen Tuo exclaimed repeatedly. It can be seen how much impact the appearance of silver frost sword grass had on his heart.

Lin Xun just wanted to speak. Shen Tuo screamed again: "God, there are ten plants! Doesn't it mean that this treasure will die when touched, and burn when touched? As long as it is contaminated, it will immediately turn into nothing?"

Lin Xun stood on one side and looked at the solemn and dignified senior master of holy stripe in the past. At the moment, he screamed as if he had never seen the world. He also sighed in his heart. This is the temptation of holy material. No matter who cultivator is, it is difficult to resist.

For a long time, Shen tuocai recovered a little calm, looked complex, looked at Lintian strangely and said, "it seems that you are ready already."

Lintian bowed his hand seriously: "I need your help."

"Are you really going to exchange these silver frost sword grass for spirit material?"

Shen Tuo asked.

Lintian nodded.

"OK, leave it to me. I believe that with these silver frost sword grass, no one will refuse to exchange the spiritual material in his hand!"

Shen Tuo readily promised, "I remember that some old guys in Qinglu college have some spiritual materials you need. Well, there should also be imperial divine Engineering Institute..."

Obviously, he has begun to calculate who to exchange for spiritual materials with these ten silver frost sword grass.

Lintian said on one side, "Sir, there is a silver frost sword grass for you. Don't exchange it."

Shen Tuo was shocked and immediately realized that Lintian was repaying himself.

He couldn't help patting Lintian on the shoulder with emotion: "you still don't understand the value of silver frost sword grass. I just need to release a hint of wind to attract all immortals to come and cry and beg me to give them a chance to exchange silver frost sword grass."

He continued with a smile: "in this way, I can also sell some favors, which is more beneficial."

Lintian was stunned and sighed. Sure enough, Jiang was still old and spicy.

"That's right."

Shen Tuo suddenly remembered something and frowned, "there is a kind of spiritual material that can't be exchanged. As far as I know, in today's empire, there is only one hidden in the 'Langya treasure house' of our Qinglu college."


Lintian's eyes narrowed.

Shen Tuo said, "Kui ox horn!"

Lintian was shocked. This was the core material for refining the holy stripe suit. Without it, everything would be nonsense.

"If you can't exchange it, how can you get it?"

Lintian couldn't help asking.

Shen Tuo said casually: "the method is very simple, but... It's too difficult. There are many conditions. First, you have to have 5000 points, and then you can be qualified to go to the Taoist martial arts school for the most rigorous' TIANTI examination '. Only by passing the TIANTI examination can you go to the' Langya treasure house 'to exchange this treasure."

Lintian took a breath.

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