Boom! Boom! Boom!

Soon, Lintian didn't care about anything. The battlefield in his body was so terrible that his meridians, acupoints, muscles and flesh were like glass that couldn't be hit hard, making a broken sound!

The blood fog exploded one after another, and the meridians cracked one after another. Lintian almost fainted because of the unspeakable pain.

He didn't expect that he would just rush to the list. How could he suddenly encounter such adversity and destroy his physique!

All these things came so suddenly. Rao was Lintian's mind was as solid as a rock. At the moment, he couldn't help being a little distracted. Would he die inexplicably today?

That's ridiculous!

He didn't have time to refine the holy stripe battle suit, kill those enemies of the Lin family, and avenge his parents' blood relatives

How can you die like this?

Lintian was unwilling!

Since childhood, the original spiritual vein was dug away. It was not easy to survive. How can we die in such a hurry?

After endless hardships, he reshaped the original spiritual pulse, climbed to the unprecedented extreme state of the spiritual sea, and had his own avenue of cultivation. Now, should he stop here?

Lin Xun is too unwilling!

He struggled desperately to resist, but he was unable to find that his body was like a battlefield, occupied and controlled by two magical forces, killing each other, which made him unable to change at all.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The body was like fried beans, sending out a broken sound, and even the viscera began to collapse.

Seeing that the body was about to collapse completely, I saw that the "gate to heaven" in the sea actually began to move towards a crystal clear bead!

That's the holy pearl of Tianshui. It's the holy weapon of Shuiman family in the nine veins of wuman!

When he was practising in the blood killing camp, Lintian killed an assassin from Shuiman, got the bead by accident and remained silent in the sea of knowledge.

It was not until he was swept away by the underwater vortex and shuttled through the void black hole on the way to the Forbidden City that the Tianshui holy pearl played a wonderful role and made Lintian appear in an ancient relic in the depths of the soul annihilation sea.

It was also there that Lintian left safely with the green turtle trapped in the ruins with this holy pearl of Tianshui.

Lintian thought that this pearl was a treasure to shuttle through the void, which was destined to be of great use in the future, but he didn't expect that when his body was on the verge of collapse, the "gate of heaven" had a movement to suppress the holy pearl of Tianshui!


If Lintian hadn't perfected the "star circulation" phase, the terrible movement would have made the sea of knowledge extremely powerful. This blow alone could destroy his sea of knowledge!

But even so, Lintian still had a headache and almost collapsed.

However, Lintian noticed that a cool and moist force flowed out of the sea like a spring, spreading every inch of his body.

At this moment, the cracked meridians, acupoints, orifices, muscles and bones, the broken viscera and skin membranes of blood and flesh were repaired at an incredible speed, glowing with unparalleled vitality!

That vitality is like a vast ocean, bright as the sun, nourishes the body and soul, and everything is undergoing transformation wherever it passes.

Just for a moment, the endless pain is replaced by an unspeakable comfort, just like bathing in the divine medicine hot spring, washing yourself and sublimating your body.

Lintian was so comfortable that he could hardly help moaning. He felt that he was still in hell and was tortured by thousands of cuts at the last moment, and came to heaven at the next moment,

It is unspeakable beauty and comfort to go straight to become an immortal.

At this time, Lintian finally knew the reason. He knew that the Tianshui holy bead in the sea was suppressed by the gate of heaven. That cool spring like power came from the Tianshui holy bead!

"Does this baby still have the wonderful function of being able to bring death to the bones of life?"

Lintian was surprised.

And he found that at this time, his whole body meridians, acupoints and orifices, flesh and blood, bones, viscera and other areas were not only repaired, but also undergoing transformation!

Wisps of mysterious vitality are dense, which makes the muscles and bones bright and clean, the meridians and acupoints bright, and the flesh and blood skin film is washed and sublimated, with a strong vitality, burning like a stove!

it is beyond logic and above reason!

Is this a blessing in disguise?

Lintian was so excited that he felt reborn.

He noticed that the mysterious force that poured into his body had been defeated and swept away again, and everything was changing towards the good side.


But it seemed that God was deliberately against Lintian. Before he could carefully perceive his own change, another ancient voice sounded like the sound of nature.

At that moment, Lintian felt numb and came again!

There was no chance for him to refuse. A mysterious force, stronger than before, rushed into his body and rampaged.

The "gate to heaven" seems to be angered, buzzing constantly, releasing rolling waves and rushing away again.

Internal battlefield, repeat!

And more intense than the previous two.

Just for a moment, Lintian's body, which had been repaired as before and became stronger, was like a glass bottle again, full of cracks and was about to collapse completely.

With the severe pain, Lintian fell into the dark purgatory again. It was like being tortured, which was terrible.

It is wonderful that, when his body is about to collapse and destroy completely, the holy pearl of Tianshui is once again mercilessly suppressed, releasing the essence of the miraculous essence.

So Lintian returned to heaven from hell!

Lintian could not be happy. All these were too dangerous, which made him suffer and suffer. If it continued, he was worried that he would be tortured and collapsed.

All this is like a reincarnation. Hell and heaven exchange, destruction and rebirth alternate, and life and death linger here!

If you don't experience it yourself, you can't experience it.




In the next time, the ancient sound of the Tao continued to sound. Every time it sounded, a mysterious force would flow into Lintian's body.

At the same time, the gate of heaven was constantly changing and fighting with the mysterious force, which seemed to regard Lintian's body as a restricted area and could not tolerate the involvement of that mysterious force.

Lintian's body was on the verge of destruction every time, and was repaired by the power of Tianshui holy pearl again and again. It was like forging iron and tempering, which made his physical strength invisible and transformed and sublimated again and again!

In the process, Lintian didn't notice that behind him, the thin old man's eyes were always paying attention to him.

It was a pair of eyes as deep as a black hole, intertwined with the secret patterns of the avenue, as if they were about to have an insight into the myriad principles of heaven and earth.

"A blessing in disguise? It seems that I don't have to do it."

For a long time, thin and old

He is thoughtful.

I don't know how long it took, like a century, and like a dream of life and death, Lintian finally woke up.

The ancient Tao sound disappeared and no longer sounded.

Knowing the sea, the gate to heaven is also silent, towering and mysterious.

Only the holy pearl of Tianshui is missing!

Lintian was stunned, and then he remembered that in the previous experience like continuous reincarnation, the Tianshui holy bead seemed to be completely ground and became the "nourishment" of his body!

Lintian was shocked. It was a holy vessel of water! It matters a lot. How can the incredible power of shuttling through the void be erased?

Doesn't this mean that the power of Tianshui holy pearl has been completely integrated into his body?

Lintian quickly searched his body.

It can be seen that the body is shrouded in bright vitality. The meridians, acupoints and orifices, flesh and blood viscera and bone tendons are crystal clear, dust-free and dirt-free. They are like magnificent and holy works of art, gorgeous and shining, and the skin is also glittering with crystal luster. The power of life flows slowly.

Just like, after a reborn baptism, everything in the body has an amazing transformation like rebirth!

The bone is as white as crystal jade, and the bone is hard to an incredible extent. After the viscera are infiltrated, there is no trace of impurities. It is like an artifact, full of vitality and luster.

The places of meridians, acupoints and orifices are also like spraying thin glow, pure and tough.

With his breathing, the internal organs, flesh and blood and Qi machine in his body follow the rhythm and make clang music, which is wonderful.

This is not a transformation of cultivation, but a comprehensive sublimation of one's own physique!

It is like a sword refined with a full hammer. It is dust-free, clean and bright. It has unimaginable vitality and spirituality!

"I don't know how many times I've been destroyed and repaired, and I've exhausted a sacred artifact, Tianshui holy bead, which has built my body at this time!"

Lintian sighed.

He can feel that although there is no breakthrough in cultivation, with the sublimation of his body, spirit and cultivation, his body, spirit and cultivation have reached a perfect state!

"Little fellow, you really surprised me."

Suddenly, a voice of old vicissitudes sounded in his ear. For a moment, Lintian felt in a trance.

At the next moment, it appeared again on the long river of years and stood on the top of the waves!

Lintian's face suddenly became ugly. He finally got out of trouble before. Would he have to experience the same experience again?

"Don't be nervous. The power of Daoling stone tablet has been silent and will not appear again."

The old voice sounded again, and soon Lintian saw that there was a thin old man around him.

He looked clean, his eyes were vicissitudes, and he stood there at will. He didn't have any prestige, but Lintian seemed to see a mountain, standing between heaven and earth, ancient and modern, unshakable!

Lintian was shocked and realized that the old man was definitely an old monster whose strength could not be guessed!

"Elder, why did you bring me here again?"

Lintian couldn't help asking.

"Aren't you curious about what you just experienced?"

The thin old man's voice was flat, but he immediately attracted Lintian's mind. Yes, he just made a list. Why did he cause so many incredible changes?

: go out and do business at 9 p.m. if not

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