That night, Lintian killed four half step kings in a row, and then walked away. It seemed that he had won extremely beautiful, but it actually cost him a lot.

However, before he could recover his strength, he was chased and killed by two old monsters in the king's territory, Gou Yangbo and Gou Yangtong, and immediately fled.

Haoyu's Ark was urged to the extreme by him. Fortunately, although this damaged holy treasure needs to consume a large amount of spiritual marrow, it can be used to escape for life, but it is a first-class sharp weapon.

Along the way, it was the vast ark that made Lintian avoid countless fatal murders. It was definitely a near death.

However, although he escaped by luck, Lintian suffered a heavy blow. The Qi mechanism in his body tended to be disordered, and there were faint signs of collapse.

This is the horror of the old monsters in the king's territory. Although they couldn't kill Lintian for a moment, they did great harm to Lintian every time.

Had it not been for the defense of Haoyu ark, I would have died many times.

At the moment, Lintian was bleeding all over, his body skin showed signs of cracking, his face was white, and his lips were filled with blood stains, which looked very sad.

It is also with the help of chalcedony jade liquid that he has insisted until now and has the power and capital to run for his life.


The speed of Haoyu's Ark was so fast that he fled high above the sky. Lintian was desperately trying to relax.

For him, the practice has never been so tragic so far, and his body is almost broken.


The wave of terror came again and was severely suppressed.

Although Lintian tried to dodge by manipulating Haoyu's ark, he was still affected. The whole treasure ship was like being hit by the holy mountain, making a deafening roar.

Lintian coughed up a mouthful of blood violently, and his eyes turned black. His body burst blood inch by inch. He didn't know how many bones were broken, and he almost fainted.

Gulu Gulu~

He picked up the golden chalcedony jade liquid in the jade bottle and poured it wildly. Then he gritted his teeth like crazy and ran wildly in Haoyu's ark, which was much faster than that just now.

More than ten hours have passed since he was chased and killed last night. Lintian didn't know how far to escape.

However, at this moment, he was particularly aware that he was about to lose his grip!

"Spell it!"

Lintian tried to sober himself up, no longer worried about his injuries, and ran all his strength to the limit.


The cave in his body roared, an ancient Taoist platform sent out a violent hum, the divine light gushed, and the breath climbed a lot at once.

Only on his body, the cracked skin burst into bleeding flowers inch by inch, but the injury became more and more serious.

But Lintian could not care about these at the moment. If he didn't change, he would collapse completely in a short time.

At that time, there is no need for the enemy to start, and he will be finished himself.


The dreamy mist spread from Lintian and shrouded the whole vast ark.

Lion dragon Qi!



Suddenly, Gou Yangbo's eyes narrowed. In his divine sense, he suddenly lost all traces and breath of Haoyu ark and could no longer be locked.

It's like it evaporated out of thin air.

"What's going on?"

On the other side, Gou Yangtong was also surprised.


A moment later, the two old monsters appeared in the void where Haoyu's Ark first disappeared and felt it carefully.

But in the end, I got nothing!

This made their faces gloomy.

They have been chasing Lintian since last night, but they haven't succeeded until now, which makes their old faces uneasy.

As a king, killing a young man in Dongtian is no different from killing a chicken and a monkey.

But now, the two kings went out together, but they couldn't take Lintian for a moment. If it was spread, what would people think of them?

Originally, it was disgraceful to kill Lintian in their identity. Now they are angry and ashamed.

"It can be concluded that the treasure ship owned by that boy must be a sacred treasure!"

Gou Yangtong's eyes were burning, with a touch of exclamation and greed.

"There's more than one treasure on him. When you kill him, you and I will divide up the good fortune on him."

Gou Yangbo took a deep breath and looked somber. "The top priority is to find out the trace of this son as soon as possible and never let him escape!"


Two old monsters in the Kingdom attacked again to search.


At the moment, Lintian was like burning himself. Although his breath was strong, his body condition was getting worse and worse.

Originally, according to his plan, after understanding the meaning of the way of water, he began to prepare for breaking the territory and upgrading to Yanlun territory.

But the sudden pursuit disrupted all his arrangements and even put him on the verge of death!


A quarter of an hour later, Lintian couldn't hold on completely. He reluctantly put away the Haoyu ark, and then fled into the air. His figure staggered into the depths of a cave, and finally fell down there with a bang.

He tried to sober himself up, repair his injury and strengthen himself.

But his consciousness became faint and blurred. This war made him too tired, exhausted the inside information, and his body was extremely broken. He was in a state of dry oil and light.

"I can't sleep. The summer solstice and the old clam are still meditating in the wordless pagoda and never wake up."

"And summer bug..."

"And find Yun Qingbai for revenge..."

"I have to find a way..."

"On the heart washing peak, they are also waiting for their return..."


Lintian murmured to remind himself again and again.

He knew that once he fell asleep, he might not wake up again.

So, can't sleep!

"But what if you don't sleep? In your current state, you can't recover in a short time without accidents. It won't take long for the two old dogs to catch up. The outcome seems doomed and can't be changed..."


"Must live!"

"If Mr. Lu knew that I would accept my life, how could he have saved me?"

"Zhao Tailai, if the old fox knows I admit defeat and bow my head, will he laugh at me for going to the bloodkilling battlefield in vain?"

"Yes, in the battlefield of killing blood, I have been used to life and death and understand the meaning of living. Now... How can I give up easily?"

"What's more, if you die, how can you kill all the black nightmare dogs in the world?"



Lin Xunqiang endured the sharp pain all over his body, and his eyes were as red as blood, showing an unprecedented ruthless color.

If you are poor, you will change, and if you change, you will be flexible!

Lintian immediately remembered that there were some strange and mysterious objects on him.

The spirit refining gourd contains a drop of the heart and blood of a great man in ancient times, and it contains some inheritance of Tao essence.

For the moment, but not for use.

Luo Xuan's horn was originally obtained by Lintian from the ancient customs world. It is said that it was left by Luo Xuan demon king in ancient times. There is a mysterious Xuanji treasure map in it.

But it's also useless at the moment.

Gold chalcedony jade liquid, although this treasure can kill human flesh and bones, it can only repair Lintian who has been badly hurt, but it can't help him resolve the chase in front of him.

The fragment of will is a foreign object obtained from the burial mound in the depths of the soul annihilation sea. It is branded with some broken feelings of great figures in ancient times, which can only be used for practice and broadening the vision of the path.

God eater?

no way!

They are still larvae with limited combat effectiveness. They can't be the opponent of the old monsters in the king's territory at all.

Wordless pagoda?

no way.

Mindless bow?

no way.


In recent years, Lintian wandered all over the world and collected many miraculous treasures. But at this moment, there were very few people who could resolve the current crisis.

Finally, Lintian focused his attention on the "door to heaven" in the sea!

When he was in the demon saint's secret place that year, he ushered in an unprecedented thunder robbery.

After the robbery, he suffered terrible road injuries and was chased and killed by various heroes on the road.

At that time, it was a "cutting formula" obtained from the gate of heaven that made Lintian completely refine the damage and robbery power in his body and completely restore his power.

More importantly, Lintian clearly remembered that when he went to the ancient wind world, he was directly moved by the Tongtian portal and left the Obsidian empire!

"When I left the gate of heaven last time, that mysterious voice said that I need to master the power of Tao and meaning when I break through the gate next time..."

"We may have a try to resolve the immediate crisis!"

Finally, Lintian clenched his teeth, held the mentality of a dead horse as a living horse doctor, held his breath and felt the door to heaven with divine knowledge.


The familiar scene reappears in front of us. In the empty world, a straight Qingyun Avenue spreads in the void.

At the end of the avenue is the mysterious portal that stands through the sky. It stands there as if it had not been opened in boundless years.

Just standing here this time, Lintian had no emotion of "revisiting his hometown".

A familiar and obscure wave filled Lintian's body quietly. Soon, a cold and empty voice sounded in the world——

"For those who seek Tao, the sixth pass of Qingyun Avenue is' Royal God '. Do you want to break through it now?"

Lintian took a deep breath and said, "let's start!"

Success or failure depends on it. He is willing to give it a try.

Even if the hope is small, it is hope, not despair!


This pass is called "Yushen". Is it related to the cultivation of Yuanshen?

If so, it may be possible to preserve a wisp of primordial spirit, abandon the body, and rebuild the body after getting out of danger.

Lintian had also heard that in the past years, many monks carried out military solution, which made the yuan God escape from the shell and roam between heaven and earth. But this method was too dangerous. A little carelessness would lead to the destruction of both form and spirit.

But for Lintian, even though it was dangerous, it was more acceptable than being killed by the enemy.

However, to Lintian's surprise, he waited for a long time and didn't start to break through.

Is it because he is too seriously injured and is not qualified to break through?

Lintian frowned.

At that moment, a cold voice sounded. It was just what he said, but it had nothing to do with breaking through the pass. Lintian almost thought he had heard wrong!

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