"She went to ask xuanjian Zhai!"

Along the way, many old monsters in the king's territory followed. Why was such a suspected "Saint" born today?

This made them curious, but when they saw her figure appear in front of Kunwu mountain, these old monsters in the king's territory were shocked and almost stunned.


What is this?

At this moment, I stood on the lofty mountain and felt the mysterious sword. I was shocked.

Soon, the leader of Wen xuanjianzhai was also alarmed and led a group of high-level sects to appear.

But when they see the graceful figure standing on the void, their faces change greatly and they can't keep calm, such as facing a supreme master.

"Everybody step back!" Just then, in the most mysterious restricted area of Houshan mountain in Kunwu mountain, an old voice came out, with great dignity.

Father cangzheng was also disturbed!

In an instant, the whole Wenxuan sword studio was shocked to the point of no further increase.

Cangzheng's ancestor, an old antique of activated stone level, is also a saint of the ancient wasteland!

However, he had not spoken for thousands of years, but now he was startled and issued a will, which naturally shocked them. He also realized that the sudden appearance of a graceful figure must have a terrible origin.

Otherwise, how can it disturb the saints?

The woman stood there, but seemed unaware of all this. Her eyes scanned Kunwu mountain, and a touch of sadness appeared in her face.

In a trance, she seemed to hear that free and easy and uninhibited heroic laugh again——

"Do not hate the ancients, I do not see, hate the ancients, do not see my crazy ears!"

The man of that year, dressed in a white robe, with towering heads and high spirits, once cut off 8000 mountains with a sword and deterred 19 Ancient wasteland states.

But the years have changed, and now even he is gone

The woman sighed in her heart, paced in the void, and suddenly came to Kunwu mountain. Her figure appeared in front of a broken thatched cottage.

In this process, asked xuanjianzhai that the mountain protection array that claimed to be enough to kill the old monsters in the king's territory had no movement at all.

As for the practitioners in Wenxuan sword studio, they were all dumbfounded and stunned. The scene in front of them was too detached and terrible, which exceeded their imagination!

A sword sharpening stone is perched in front of the cottage. It looks like a bright mirror. On it, there is a peerless sword, which is steaming and stabbing.

"Taoist friends, please stop. This is the holy land of xuanjian Zhai. Don't peep."

The sound of cangzheng sage is both a reminder and a warning.

But from beginning to end, he didn't really stop the woman from entering Wenxuan jianzhai, which undoubtedly shows that even saints like him are a little uncertain.

The woman didn't pay attention to these. She stood there stunned and stared at the broken cottage after the wind and rain. For a long time, she murmured: "I hate all my life. I have scattered friends. Those who know me, two or three sons, white haired people stay three thousand feet. When I laugh, everything in the world is empty..."

The voice is low, with endless loneliness and disappointment.

She paced in front of the sword sharpening stone and stared down. The stone surface was like a mirror, vaguely reflecting the great figure that amazed time in those years.

She couldn't help sticking out a jade hand to touch the grindstone.

"Dao you, stop!"

The voice of cangzheng sage suddenly sounded, with a terrible holy pressure.

In an instant, the whole Kunwu mountain trembled, the clouds in the sky suddenly changed, and a suffocating breath filled the air and opened.

This is the anger of saints. When you move your mind, heaven and earth are easy to change, and mountains and rivers tremble.

Seen from a distance, the whole Kunwu mountain is covered with a layer of terrible divine power, which makes all the creatures within ten thousand miles nearby tremble and almost paralyze to the ground.

Some of the old monsters in the king's territory who followed them trembled and looked shocked. This is the real power of the holy way!

Did you ask the sage cangzheng of xuanjianzhai to deal with the mysterious woman?

In the dilapidated cottage, the woman frowned, as if she finally felt a little impatient, and a slight stroke of her fingertips.

A touch of sword will emerge, rush up into the sky and down to Kunwu!


In this piece of heaven and earth, the pressure of the saints originally covered burst into pieces and scattered in all directions like a tide, producing a deafening roar.

At the same time, the sage cangzheng made a dull hum, which seemed to have suffered a lot of losses. But immediately, he cried out in surprise: "the sky will be cut with a sword forever! How can you ask me about the inheritance of xuanjianzhai town school?"

The sound was incredible.

The woman ignored him and gently rubbed the sword sharpening stone with her fingertips. She looked a little lonely and sighed: "ask Xuan, ask Xuan, the world respects you as the emperor of kendo, but so what? Thousands of years have passed, and after all, as you said at the beginning, everything in the world has become empty!"

After that, she turned around and went away without looking at the dilapidated cottage and the grindstone.

"Taoist friend, please stay!"

Cangzheng sage sent out a voice of retention. He realized that this woman probably had some origin with their kaipai founder "ask xuanjiandi"!

The woman has long disappeared in the sky.

On this day, Kunwu mountain shook and asked xuanjianzhai to be shocked up and down, and the news about the appearance of cangzheng sage swept away in the West constant world like a storm.

The old monsters in the king's territory who witnessed all this have numb scalp. Even the sage cangzheng has never left the woman, which is too shocking.


The magnificent divine rainbow runs through the void for thousands of miles. The fairy Phoenix hovers and the real dragon soars in the air, showing the supreme majesty of brilliance, just like a female emperor.

The woman paced and looked all over the mountains, rivers and earth. Her footprints were ethereal. In an instant, it was tens of thousands of miles away. It was ethereal and not surprised by ghosts and gods.

Before long, she came to a boundary river. The vast silver water rolled down from the sky, roared in the void, and then poured into the boundless boundary river.

From a distance, the sky and water are connected, vast and turbulent. Where is like a river, it is clearly like a boundless sea, lying there, like a barrier of a boundary.

In bounded Hanoi, thunder and lightning roar, space-time disorder, and sometimes terrible black holes flash, releasing a breath of destruction that wants to devour everything.

This is the boundary river, which stands between the four boundaries of the ancient wasteland, like a natural graben, blocking the way of many practitioners.

Jiehe river is also regarded as a famous fierce place in the ancient wasteland. There are many strange and unknown, mysterious and terrible in it.

There was a real king who tried to cross the boundary river and reach the other side of the world, but he fell on the way with no bones left.

It is said that it was only a humble red carp that killed the king!

There are many similar legends, which make Dejie River completely a forbidden area. Even if it is an old monster in the king's situation, it is easy not to get involved in it.

The woman danced in her clothes and stood on the Bank of the boundary river. She was filled with a divine rainbow like a chain of order. She stood at will, but forced the surging silver waves in the boundary river to retreat one after another!


The river is rolling, its sound is like thunder, and in the woman's mind, it seems that there are bursts of fierce battles and felling.

Everything in front of us seems to have returned to the original time. At that time, the world was turbulent, the mountains and blood sea of corpses, and the gods and demons of the heavens came into the sky, fighting fiercely between the nine days and ten places.

The light and shadow of the sword are intertwined with the divine brightness of the road, and the roar of the gods and Demons and the Buddha is fighting.

At that time, the sky was sinking and the earth was collapsing. All the creatures involved in this war could not be spared. Even if they were sacred and first-class, they could not be alone!

It's terrible!

Later, according to the legend, some powerful people also appeared, exploring the stars and the moon and attacking the green hell

It was a scene like the end!

That war was also called the "war of annihilation".

Since then, the ancient wasteland has fallen into darkness and disintegration, like a long night!

"Those people were afraid not to know that today's ancient famine has turned into four worlds and countless broken small worlds..."

For a long time, the woman sighed softly and turned away.

Until the woman's figure disappeared, a pair of eyes opened in the depths of the boundary river and stared at her leaving figure for a long time.

Finally, the eyes closed again and disappeared.


Black mirror state.

"Just returned from the boundary river and turned around, she has entered the black mirror state. What does she want to do?"

Some old monsters in Wangjing who follow the trail of women tremble. This black mirror state is the territory of black nightmare Tiangou clan!

After entering the black mirror state, the woman slowed down and seemed to be looking for something.

But this makes the practitioners of all ethnic groups in Heijing Prefecture tremble and feel afraid. The supreme breath is overwhelming and seems to be everywhere. Even if they are far away, they can be clearly perceived!

What is she going to do?

Women crossing the black mirror state makes many big people uneasy. It's like a peerless storm. Anyone who sees it can't keep calm and calm.

Some ordinary practitioners prostrate on the ground and pray piously like miracles.

That's terrible.

Just a moment later, the graceful figure of the woman appeared in front of Yunman mountain.

Yunman mountain, one of the strongholds of the black nightmare Tiangou clan in the West Hengjie, is a first-class treasure land of Dongtian.



"God! It's terrible!"

As soon as the woman's figure appeared, there was a burst of chicken flying and dogs jumping on the Yunman mountain. The noise and panic sounded one after another, and the scene was chaotic.

Soon, a group of high-level dignitaries of the black nightmare Tiangou family appeared. They all looked at the graceful figure in the distance with a dignified face, and their hearts were palpitating and uneasy.

A sudden arrival of a peerless strong man suddenly appeared in front of their clan Mountain Gate, which made them all aware of the bad.

In particular, although the other party is alone, when they stand there, they are like a master in charge of nine days and ten places. The terrible pressure makes them feel suffocated no matter how deep their cultivation is.

"I don't know why you came to our family?"

Finally, an old monster of the king territory of the black nightmare Tiangou clan came out, endured the palpitation and fear in his heart, took a deep breath and asked.

The woman looked indifferent and spoke casually. There were only two words: "kill the dog."

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