The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 100 94 Tea Party

Chapter 100 94.Tea Party

After Gray answered Vision's question, he began to ask about the divine sword. When the executive officer finished talking about how he got the divine sword and what happened after that, Gray thought for a long time and said with a strange expression.

"I really haven't heard of this thing. Maybe my position was not too high at the time, so I didn't have enough authority to know about this secret plan."

Speaking of which, Gray continued:

"Can you show me that prototype weapon?"

The executive in front of me was a little embarrassed after hearing this.

"I'm sorry, elder, that weapon was taken away when entering the temple."

"Then let me tell them."

After a while, the two detectives brought down the red sword from above. Gray carefully stroked the sword body, feeling the power of the ancient elder inside.

It has to be said that the power of these ancient saints is much stronger than mine. Although my current body has inherited the soul of the ancient saint, when I slowly stroke it, I can vaguely feel the powerful power of the other party. , and he was very sure that if this ancient saint was still alive, he would definitely be much more powerful than himself.

Gray raised his head, looked seriously at the vision in front of him, and asked

"How did you activate this shard?"

After hearing this, Yuan Yuan frowned and thought for a moment, then said hesitantly.

"To be honest, sir, my appearance at that time was a bit like the reaction of those life forms transforming into demons that I saw in Top Secret. Because at that time, my heart was full of anger, and I thought of the soldiers behind me. "I don't want to fall down and have those people die because of me."

After hearing this, Gray immediately understood what was going on. He breathed a sigh of relief and said in a thankful tone.

"Fortunately, you thought so! If you had only been angry at that time, you might have turned into a devil directly."

The executive officer was shocked when he heard this and was speechless. However, when Gray came down, he relaxed a little.

"But you are lucky, or you are very strong, because you have always had a very firm goal in your heart, so you survived the most difficult period and steadily accepted the power of the fragments."

Yuan Yuan nodded after hearing this. Then he suddenly thought of something and said curiously

"So, what will happen if you don't withstand such a test?"

After hearing his words, Netate volleyed down from a height of tens of meters and landed steadily in front of her, shocking him.

"There once was such a thing. In the golden age, humans once obtained some small parts of the remains of the ancient saints, and hoped to use these remains to develop a new type of battery. However, due to the special properties of the remains, they require very good transmission Life form.

Therefore, the war captives obtained by these guys from the former Eldar Empire are the best experimental subjects. But in the end, the other person's negative emotions suddenly exploded, and he eventually turned into a monster, controlled by his most obsessive feelings. It is said that it took two entire regiments of troops to finally solve the problem.

I heard this story from my own masters, and they called this thing a "distortion." "

After hearing this, Yuan Yuan glanced at the sword in front of him with some fear, and asked again

"I shouldn't be twisted, right?"

At this time Netate had already walked under the desk next to him and pulled out two bottles of wine and answered

"It's hard for me to say this. You can ask Gray. He knows much more than me."

At this moment, the two of them discovered that Gray beside them had leaned on the chair at some point and seemed to be asleep. Yuan Yuan was very surprised to see this scene and said

"Does the Ancient Saint also need to sleep?"

But Netat seemed to be facing a formidable enemy and quickly threw the wine in his hand aside and ordered:

"Hurry up and get the psychic charger!! The subspace energy in his body is very chaotic now!! Go and press the emergency call!!"

After hearing this, Yuan Yuan quickly ran to the side and pressed the button. In an instant, a violent alarm sounded throughout the temple. Netat also quickly dragged Gray off the chair. During the whole process, the body composed of nanomachines did not struggle at all.

Netat felt that the electronic circuits and transmission energy in his body were constantly strengthening. If he used the language of physical life, then Gray was probably in a coma.

"What happened to him?!"

On the other hand, Gray didn't know that people outside had become so uneasy because of his coma, because he was being forced to attend a tea party.

When Gray was just about to continue designing, he came to a very quaint building the next second. This building has an ancient Terran style. In the Roman-style building, there are coffee tables and tea sets from the mysterious East. The cabinets with tea and wine behind them are in the style of the American Inca, and the masks behind them seem to come from ancient Babylon and ancient Azov.

Gray sighed angrily, and she sat here quietly with her arms folded, waiting for the arrival of the owner. At that time, he was like a crystal statue, like a real gem man. It was no longer limited to his hair, but his whole body was full of luster.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, the owner of the house finally arrived. It was a very ordinary-looking man, wearing a cloak, a golden mask on his face, and light blue linen clothes. He looked like an ancient Azov general.

"I invited you more than 60 years ago, elder, but you turned a blind eye. I have no choice but to invite you here today, even if it costs me a lot of energy to do so."

After hearing this, Gray laughed, picked up the teacup at hand, shook it and said

"I don't want to chat with you. The Milky Way should not be like this. I will work hard to restore its original order. Moreover, I have a lot to do now, and there is not so much leisure and elegance."

The masked man laughed after hearing this, sat opposite him, took out another teacup and poured himself a glass of water. he asked in a joking tone

"Are you still dreaming about restoring the society you had before? Let you "rule the world" again?"

After hearing this, the gem man shook his head and denied his statement.

"The Ancient Saints never thought of being above all things. Every creature has its own destiny and path. We are just observers. If we wanted to do whatever we wanted, many of the characters active in the galaxy today might not Appeared."

"Do you regret doing this?"

The man asked as he raised his tea cup and drank the liquid inside. Gray blew gently, but put down his compassion, stared at the person in front of him and said

"Never regret it."


"Because we always believe that civilization is just a shining moment in the long river of time, and any glorious civilization will eventually come to an end. Instead of imposing civilization on the years, it is better to give civilization to the years. When the ancient sages decided not to interfere , just thinking that one day I will perish,

But now that the Milky Way has become like this, it is definitely not what we want to see. What we hope is that civilizations will change and they can teach future generations a lesson.

Instead of falling into such a hopeless and meaningless cycle! "

After hearing this, the man was silent and said in a muffled voice

"Cut the cycle and embrace the future? In today's galaxy, this is just a beautiful fantasy..."

"You chose to fail before you even tried?"

"You have never experienced my despair, how do you know I didn't try?"

After hearing the excited words of the man in front of him, Gray sighed and said apologetically

"Well, maybe... I can't understand this kind of despair, but I hope you can still make some changes. The shadow of the Devourer is getting heavier, and the waves of chaos are still attacking. If you don't make changes, there will only be destruction."

"If there's nothing else, I'll leave first, otherwise people outside will be anxious!"

Now when Gray was about to leave, the man sitting on the chair suddenly called him

"By the way, Gray, I heard you have a suggestion, is it...Pantheon?"

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