The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 43 41 Ancient Saint Incarnation

Chapter 43 41. Incarnation of the Ancient Saint

"All scarabs immediately aim at the enemy's high-level node creatures and fire!!!"

The Archon roared in the Kara. All the scarabs opened their projection ports and fired their anger at the hive tyrant opposite.

Hundreds of cannonballs fell from the sky, quickly turning the opposite side into a sea of ​​fire. Countless Tyranid war beasts died in the screams and flames. However, the Hive Tyrant relied on his thick carapace and agility to avoid almost every fatal attack. Although it hurt him a little, it was not a big deal to him.

Stimulated by the sting, the Hive Tyrant let out an angry roar. This roar not only frightened people in the physical universe, but even the consciousness in Kara also felt a terrifying spiritual reaction.

The Hive Tyrant roared and rushed towards here, slamming its huge body into the fortress wall.


The strong impact caused some Templars who had lost their footing to fall down, and the fortress walls made of alloy also showed obvious bends. The Archon looked at the nearly two-story-tall monster in front of him in shock, and was so frightened that he became speechless for a moment.

But for him who was almost 4,000 years old, this was nothing. The executive officer who quickly reacted immediately ordered.

"Aim all heavy firepower at the gaps in the monster's carapace! The main targets are the gaps in the legs, hands and cuticles!! Melee combat is strictly prohibited!!"

Under his order, all the heavy firepower on the city wall that could be leveled was aimed at the Tyrant. However, nearly a minute after the attack, the Tyranid monster in front of him still showed no signs of injury. At this time, the Archon was surprised to find that, It turns out that this monster actually has a thin shield on its body. This shield comes from the protection of the Great Devourer's Hive Mind, which can help him resist powerful attacks. At the same time, it can launch attacks at an astonishing speed, becoming a terrifying heavily armored assassin.

The monster in front of him didn't care about the flying plasma liquid balls and photon rays. Although some of them would break through the shield and hit him by chance, the thick carapace could effectively defend against this terrible attack.

I saw the huge Tyran tyrant taking his posture, showing a cruel smile, wielding his huge arms with huge limbs, and slashing hard with a huge biological blade. The already dented wall instantly danced with iron pieces. stand up. Now no one could stand on the wall anymore, because it was like there was a magnitude 7 earthquake above.

The executive saw this and understood. The outer wall of the fortress is about to be lost. Now the best way is to retreat to the inner structure and engage in street fighting.

"Retreat! Retreat!!"

The executive shouted loudly and said in a commanding tone

"Contact Commander Zeratul immediately, we need his support!!"

On the other side, Zeratul and his dwarf allies were still looking for the entrance to the webway left by Ada. Zeratul looked up at the sound of gunfire in the distance that had slowly extinguished, and said sadly.

"Space dwarves, your defenses are about to fall."

Kirsti, who stood next to him, felt the smoke and sour smell in the air and remained silent. Although reluctant to accept it, he could now guess what the end of the war and their race would be if they never found the portal. At this time, the communicator in his hand suddenly flashed twice.

"Kirsti, I am High Lord Valrat, have you found the Webway portal?"

Kirstie quickly replied after hearing this

"We haven't found it yet, my lord, but we will find it."

"Then you better hurry up. I have ordered everyone to evacuate to the fortress. Now we can only hold on for another 12 hours at most!!"

"Also, the Insect Hive has discovered your movements. The observers have discovered that there is a sizable Insect Hive troop heading in your direction. You should be more careful!"

Kirsti nodded, and Zeratul next to him seemed to notice something. He bent down and looked at a mark that was obviously protruding outwards. He stretched out his hand to sweep the dust on it and found a protruding white structure. Zeratul, who suppressed his inner excitement, scanned it with his psychic energy and finally confirmed

"We found Ada's building, and we estimate that we can find their abandoned Webway portal a little further on."

After hearing these words, the search team gained new motivation to move forward. But when they reached the end without stopping, they only found a huge rock wall. Kirstie looked at the cliff in confusion and said in disbelief

"This is impossible. We have clearly detected the energy source here, why is there nothing?!"

Zeratul observed carefully and nodded before answering.

"There is indeed an energy source here, and the entrance to the Webway is indeed here, but according to your technological level, the ability to detect the energy source is already the limit. Leave the rest to us."

After finishing speaking, the Void Seeker, which had been maintaining a low-altitude suspension state, slowly came closer under the control of the pilot inside. Although the Void Seeker can also be stored for a long time with those huge battleships, Zeratul does not want such a precious ancient holy legacy to be sealed here. Moreover, this is also his long-term scientific research ship, and he has left it here. Much of the work cannot be completed.

The ten-meter-long Void Seeker came to the rock wall, and soon the instruments above detected something abnormal. Then a green light shot out from the bow of the ship and hit the rock wall.

As the spirit clan witchcraft that shrouded it slowly dissipated, a circular network portal dozens of meters high and made of pure white spiritual bones appeared in front of everyone.

Zeratul looked at the web portal in front of him and snorted in disgust, then turned to look at the several high-level templar warriors behind him.

"You guys will activate the web portal later, the faster the better."

After saying that, he was about to contact the mixed troops far away on the battlefield, but the other party had already contacted him. After understanding the situation, Zeratul showed a solemn expression and answered quickly

"Copy that, I'll be there soon."

After saying that, in front of everyone, Zeratul quickly disappeared with a burst of black smoke. Kirsti was still immersed in shock and joy just now. It took several seconds to realize that the old man standing next to him had left.

On the other side, the Archon had ordered all soldiers and armored units to withdraw into the inner walls of the fortress. As he was the last to step through the gates of the inner fortress, the painful and crumbling walls were finally chopped down by the Tyranid Tyrant.

"Ho ho ho ho ho ho!!!!"

Accompanied by another terrifying roar, the tyrant's yellow eyes stared at the door in front of him that had not yet been closed in time, and he accelerated and rushed past.

"Hurry up and close the door!!"

The executive shouted orders to the people inside, but it was obviously too late to completely close the door before the enemy arrived. The Archon glanced at the Tyranid Tyrant who was charging towards him madly, and raised his psychic light blade. Perhaps this will be the end of his 4,000-year life.

When Zeratul teleported over, he happened to see the Archon rushing forward bravely, and his powerful psychic energy instantly knocked the opponent back a few steps, but only a few steps. The provoked Hive Tyrant roared angrily, and then used the two sharp blades on his side to quickly knock the opponent away. The moment his biological blade came into contact with the opponent, his spirit was shattered. Able to shield, the Executor let out a final howl, and finally dissipated into a line of cyan smoke.

Although Zeratul had cut off his Kara, he could still feel the sadness and anger caused by the deaths of his brethren.

"You beast!!!"

Under such circumstances, Zeratul awakened the remains of the Old One he was wearing. In an instant, a powerful purple psychic storm spread around him, pushing the bewildered Tyran beast aside.

By the time the tyrant reacted, the originally small old man in front of him had grown taller. Ze

Zeratul was now encased in an armor made of golden alloy and green crystal. He was suspended in the air, and four huge crystal wings appeared behind him, slowly inciting him to fly. A gorgeous tail made of alloys and gems was dragged to the ground, and his limbs had huge claws like a lizard. And clear traces of psychic blades can be seen on each sharp claw.

Zeratul now looks like the four-winged dragon in human legend. Green fire shines in his snapping turtle-like head, and green sparks spit out from his huge mouth that opens and opens.

The Tyranids on the opposite side seemed to have found a perfect opponent, roaring excitedly. Even the people in the fortress could see that he was emitting red and purple light. Behemoth's Hive Power and the Queen were fighting. Send your spiritual energy to him.

Zeratul looked down at the roaring beast in front of him, and his heavy voice echoed through the sky.

"I declare in the name of the ancient lord that today is the day of your death, tremble, monster."

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