The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 56 52 The Key to the Val Lock

Chapter 56 52. The key to the Lock of Vaal

Tassada sat on the chair, looked at the priest on the hospital bed, and said straight to the point.

"What's the use of that shield? Why does the Chaos Fleet attack you on such a large scale?"

The priest of Lirasus immediately answered honestly after hearing this

"Because the artifact created by the shield god Val has been kept on the virgin planet of Lirasus since the Great Fall, and it seems to me that the apes of the Chaos Fleet launched an attack to seize our artifact. As for The use of the shield, we only know that it is the key to the Vaal Lock, and you can open any Vaal Lock with it."

After Tassada heard her words, he nodded and digested it, and then said

"Then what is your identity?"

After hearing this, the young woman introduced the identities of the four people.

"I am the priest of Isa, Aoi Kimi. This is a soldier of the Lord's Guard. I once served as a strike scorpion on the Bietan Ark. The one leaning against the window is the howling banshee Azuna. , the one who is unconscious is Lid, the lord’s daughter and the future successor of Lilasus.”

After listening to what she said, Tassada waved his hand and said

"You should recuperate here first, Ada. We will need your help in the future. Let's go see what is happening in your hometown."

Ximei showed a hint of joy after hearing this and said

"Can you help us fight against the Black Legion?"

Hearing her bold words, Tassada showed a look of disgust and said

"Don't think too much, Sons of Betrayal! We have done our best in treating you. As for the issue of fighting the Chaos lackeys, please go to your Ark Eldar relatives to solve it! We have nothing to do with this matter!"

After saying that, Tassada left here immediately. The guard soldier lying on the bed tried hard not to put too much pressure on his plaster. This plaster was cut by a fanatic believer of Khorne half a month ago. Fortunately, Ada's excellent physique saved him from death or even amputation. He looked at Ximei in confusion and said

"Dear Priest, why do we make those protoss so unhappy?"

After hearing this, the priest in front of him lay back on the white hospital bed and murmured:

"Sometimes, ignorance is a kind of happiness, and pretending to be ignorant is another kind of happiness."

The young soldier didn't know who the priest was talking about, whether he was talking about himself or the protoss, but he might not need to worry about so many things. After all, just like what Isha's messenger said, in Sometimes ignorance is bliss.

Indeed, ignorance is a kind of happiness, but after hearing what they threw, Gray couldn't help himself.

"What?! Tassada, say it again?!"

Gray, who was in the social animal 007, heard Tassada say something was missing on Lirasus. He immediately became furious and spit out the coffee he was drinking all over the floor. Although Gray is now a machine, he can still taste past memories through his own neurons, and the taste of food can only be extracted from what he has tasted in the past. But at least I can still eat something, otherwise my life would be too boring.

After hearing this, Tassada replied seriously.

"Well, respected elder, they say that shield is the key to the Lock of Vaal."

When Gray heard this, he couldn't help but uttered a curse word. He never thought that this world that should have been conquered during the second Sky Expedition in history would have such a thing. And he never thought that this kind of thing could be the key to Vaal's Lock!

What is the Lock of Vaal? If you use popular and concise words, it can be translated into four words:

Blackstone Fortress

It is estimated that all hammer friends felt their hearts stop when they heard these four words, because the power of this thing and the impact it caused are really too great.

Not to mention the distant Battle of Heaven, in the 12th Black Crusade not long ago, Abaddon relied on this thing to cause trouble in the entire Gothic Sector, and in the future M41.999, he will rely on a Blackstone Fortress. The wreckage gave our dear Cardia a life-long life. From now on, Cardia will always live in our hearts.

As for what the Black Legion would use this thing for? He suddenly thought of a piece of news he had received not long ago. A brand new black stone fortress had been discovered at the edge of the galaxy, and various forces were frantically competing for it. And Abaddon took away the activation key of Blackstone Fortress at this point in time, so it was obvious what he wanted to do.

"Tassada! I now order you with the order of the supreme commander of the empire to immediately lead your troops to that virgin world to search for clues! You must not let the Blackstone Fortress fall into the hands of the great predator!!"

Tassadar, who heard such a stern order from the Ancient Saint, naturally understood how serious this matter was, and he would never let the Great Reaver's conspiracy succeed.

"As you command, great elder, I will lead the Ada survivors on the battleship to follow us to the ruins of Lirasus, where we will find all the answers."

After hearing this, Gray nodded slowly and hung up the communication, but his heart was still turbulent. Now that Abaddon has obtained the key to the Blackstone Fortress, the Blackstone Fortress has become a battlefield fought for by many parties. The Human Empire, the Chaos God, the Orcs, the Eldar, the space dwarves, even the Tyranids and the space pirates all want to get a piece of the pie, because this terrible weapon has shown its power in the Gothic War, and no one No more treating it like an ordinary transport platform like before.

Thinking of the danger inside Blackstone Fortress and the actual situation of the empire today, Gray knew that some extraordinary measures must be taken

"Aldaris! Inform Chief Zeratul and Executive Officer Phoenix to lead the most elite special forces and high-ranking templars to prepare a battleship for me. I will personally go to Blackstone Fortress to stop the predators! "

Aldaris on the other end of the call was instantly frightened when he heard it. He didn't know what new ideas Abaddon had, but he knew that it was definitely not a good idea for the Ancient Sage to leave Damocles Bay.

"Respected and great elder! You have to think twice. We finally have a new leader again. Please don't leave us!"

"This matter will determine the future of the galaxy, and it is my duty to take care of it."

After hearing this, Aldaris was sweating profusely and hesitating, not knowing what to say. Gray sensed his embarrassment from Kara and continued

"Aldaris, has the long-term peace turned our race into a nation that forgets to fight and is fragile? Has it turned into a race that is greedy for life and afraid of death and timid?

I don’t need you to tell me, I believe that our nation is still capable of facing the enemy’s invasion, because the Battle of Daris ten years ago has proven all this! I came from a bright era and saw my descendants who are still struggling and persevering in this dark era, so what qualifications do I have to continue to be willful and silent?

We are the guardians of the galaxy, the gatekeepers of the galaxy. Now that we have not fulfilled the second task perfectly, let us work hard to make the first task not so damaged!

Aldaris, gather our elite troops! I will lead them to Blackstone Fortress to thwart the conspiracy of the enemy of Chaos! "

After hearing the Ancient Sage's unquestionable tone, Aldaris took two quick breaths. The elders still have not lost their spirit and courage in the long years, and their gods are still brave and fearless!

"As you command, great elder! Praise the ancient saint!"

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