The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 557 527 Battlefield Features

Chapter 557 527. Battlefield Features

When Maria successfully rode the standard motorcycle of the Ministry of Military Affairs and galloped through the endless wheat fields, the girl finally couldn't help laughing at the clear and flawless night sky.

It's been a long time since I felt so happy!

You know, in the past, either because I was too weak in my childhood in the bottom nest and couldn't really meet the standard of revenge, or because I was now in a stable and harmonious planet in my youth, I didn't have the opportunity to take revenge. The only thing I did the most was to use a baseball bat under the bar counter to wake up a drunkard who wanted to harass young women.

This time it was much better! With a grenade, all those high-ranking henchmen in the past turned into rotten meat. This kind of pleasure and comfort is hard to make up for.

Maria now felt that her blood was boiling all over her body. She even wanted to turn around and go to the camp, shoot a burst of bullets with her automatic pistol, and shoot at the faces of the stunned, cowardly Sintira people in the place where the nobles were playing polo.

But just as Maria was imagining this, a noisy sound came from behind her. The sound was very far away, but it was approaching rapidly.

It seems that the scum in the flintlock guns are following, Maria thought to herself, and then stepped on the accelerator, ran forward faster, and then glanced back.

Sure enough, the scum of the Imperial Guard had caught up with her. There were nearly a dozen vehicles and several armored vehicles chasing her. Almost the entire flintlock gunners, a battalion of troops, were out in full force.

The battalion commander, wearing a luxurious polo outfit, leaned his upper body out of the armored vehicle. He and his soldiers all hurriedly got on their armored vehicles and armored cars to chase the damn thief. Through the high-end Mars night vision device, he quickly found the thief a few hundred meters away from them.

Without any hesitation, the battalion commander roared

"12 o'clock direction! 300 to 400 meters away, a laser cannon is loaded, and fire!"

Accompanied by the battalion commander's roar, his servants quickly adjusted the artillery firing angle and range, and then pulled the bolt of the laser cannon, allowing the high-heat electromagnetic flux to rotate in the barrel and then fire it out.


After a slight roar, the laser shell rushed towards Maria in front of him. Fortunately, the girl was fast and smart enough to keep walking on the S-shaped curve, so the shell passed by her only a few meters to her left. The strong wind wave almost knocked Maria down. The girl took a lot of effort to stabilize the front of the car again. Finally, the shell hit a wheat field on the left, causing a violent explosion.

"Are you good enough? Very good! Come on!"

After the battalion commander saw that the thief had successfully dodged a shell, he became even more angry and immediately ordered the people in the armored car next to him to rush up and kill the motorcycle.

After hearing this, the personnel in the 3-meter-long and 1.8-meter-high armored vehicle immediately stepped on the horsepower and rushed up. This light armored vehicle called Chrysus has an engine installed in the front part, a heavy logging gun is installed on the 360-degree light turret above the cockpit in the middle of the vehicle, and a cargo hold that can be used to transport goods in the rear. It is an armored vehicle of the Astra Militarum reconnaissance force. Among the stars in the 40th millennium, its use is almost as extensive as that of the Sentinel mecha.

Now this huge armored vehicle is speeding towards Maria, and the servants on it immediately use machine guns to fire.

Although the bullets of the logging gun are not diamond warheads of explosive bullets, and they will not explode on the ground, if they are hit, they will definitely die. Maria has no doubt about it, because carbon-based creatures have no choice to die decently when facing chemical weapons and kinetic weapons.

So the best way is for me to go into the wheat field and then find a way to get rid of the armored vehicle. After all, I still have a grenade on my body. Although it is a fragmentation grenade, Maria is confident that she can get rid of this kind of light armored vehicle because she has solved one in the past.

The armored vehicle hanging hundreds of meters behind Maria's buttocks saw the thief in front of him turn into the wheat field, and then turned in without any hesitation, because in the eyes of these people, they are driving a military armored vehicle, and there is no way they can lose to a small motorcycle.

The three-ton armored vehicles were rampaging in the wheat field, crushing the wheat that was about to be harvested, not caring about the grain that was crushed into powder under their tires. The bullets in the logging gun were emptied, and then the soldiers replaced the barrels and bullets, and once again fired at the figure that appeared and disappeared in front of them.

But as they went deeper and deeper into the wheat field, he found that the damn barley had completely blocked their sight. Except for being able to contact the convoy through the wire on their bodies, they could not see the boy at all.

"Where did that guy go?"

The driver who was driving the armored vehicle aimlessly in the wheat field asked puzzledly, but soon he heard the roar of a motorcycle in his ears. When the driver reacted, he looked at the bulletproof glass window on the left, but found that the thief had appeared on his left.

It was actually a girl? However, the black bulletproof armor and helmet she wore told him that she was definitely not someone to be trifled with. At the same time, the automatic pistol hanging on her waist also told them that she must be a soldier, or at least someone who had been through the battlefield (the environment at the bottom of the Empire's nest was no different from a normal battlefield).

The machine gunner on top also saw it, and he quickly shouted

"Left! Hurry up! Lean!"

The driver of the armored vehicle woke up immediately after hearing this, and quickly turned the steering wheel, trying to drive over, but the other party didn't want to do that, but threw something at the junction of the turret and the body, and then left quickly.

"What did that bitch throw?"

Shi asked puzzled, while the machine gunner on top had a pale face.

It was a grenade, no matter what type of grenade, but throwing it there would definitely kill everyone in the car! The damn turret joint of this armored vehicle is made of rubber, not steel! !

"Abandon the vehicle! There's a grenade!"

Accompanied by a sharp scream, the machine gunner opened the door without any hesitation and rolled out immediately. Another Imperial Guard soldier also reacted and ran out at the last second before the grenade exploded. Before the driver's face touched the ground, the grenade exploded.

The fragments swept the cab clean and then hit the fuel barrel directly. The armored vehicle exploded directly after driving forward for dozens of meters.


The violent explosion sound filled the night sky again. Maria finally breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that the armored vehicle was solved, but before she could completely relax, a violent rolling sound came from behind her.

That Chimera armored vehicle was only a dozen meters away from her without knowing when!

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