The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 71 66 From Iron Man to Stone Man

Chapter 71 66. From Iron Man to Stone Man

Ayr, the High Council Building.

Inside the huge pyramid building, a tired old man walked out of the conference room.

Aldaris felt that he was almost on the verge of collapse. The quarrels in the parliament were becoming more and more serious day by day. The main topics of the quarrel were about tax and labor system reform and issues such as the expansion of the outer reaches of the Gulf of Damocles.

Although Aldaris believed that working 14 hours a day was not a big problem, he still adjusted it to 8 hours at Gray's suggestion. As for the reason, Gray gave a simple example:

"Take the example of Odessa, which has the most basic-level jobs such as workers. For example, humans, if they work 14 hours or even 20 hours a day. Then it means that when he is working at the age of 20, when he is 30, By the time, the value of his work has been lost due to overwork and exhaustion.

Because when he is 25 years old, he can master the working skills and become a truly skilled worker. If an 8-hour work system is implemented, it means that he can continue to work for at least 30 years in the future. But if it is a 14-hour work system, then the next 30 years will be wasted, and the production by unskilled workers may also cause a certain degree of material waste.

Therefore, using the eight-hour work system will give skilled workers 20 more years to serve the progress of our society and the accumulation of productivity, and when he reaches the age of 50, he will still have 10 years to pass on his skills. The next worker will shorten the proficiency period of no less than 50 workers by another 2 to 3 years.

This virtuous cycle can drive the sustainable development of more industries and liberate more productivity. Isn’t this more profitable than 14 hours of work? "

Aldaris was very supportive of this idea after hearing it, but both of them seemed to have forgotten a very serious problem, which is that the existing production model cannot keep up with productivity.

According to Gray, the current society of the Protoss is like a caste-based bourgeois parliamentary republic. If his eight-hour work system is followed, it will most likely lead to one-sided excess of productivity. At the same time, the entire social structure The main component, that is, businessmen and entrepreneurs will be very dissatisfied.

Therefore, Parliament must be reformed.

But this kind of top-down reform is really extremely difficult. Only two of the laws implemented by Aldaris at the risk of his life have been passed so far, namely the ten-hour work system in the Labor Law and the Caste Reform. The Law allows the Templar class to be promoted to Archons.

As for what else? What are you thinking about? If this continues, Supreme Chancellor Aldaris really doesn't have to do it anymore. Especially now that the Ancient Sage has temporarily left Aiur, he is under greater pressure.

But the pressure was high, and his mission still had to be completed, and the even better news was that the Ancient Sage was about to return to Aiur.

"Mr. Supreme Speaker, the Ancient Sage has arrived at the orbital space station. Please prepare to meet him."

"Understood, Hawa."

Gray and everyone took the heavy cruiser and returned to the fortress world of the Dark Temple, leaving the cruiser behind. After the world was transformed and then handed over to the Rogue Trader, he and Phoenix returned to Elze. Latu still had something to say to Vorazun and also checked her training homework.

Aldaris led his team of guards and stood not far from the entrance of the orbital elevator. When I waited for Gray to get off the elevator, I suddenly noticed that there seemed to be an extra person in the team.

"My lord, is this the Iron Man of mankind?"

Aldaris looked at the ancient machinery in front of him with a surprised expression. Although he had spent such a long time, this was the first time he had seen this legendary demonic creation of mankind with his own eyes.

Gray nodded after hearing this, then walked forward and ordered

"Please prepare some materials for me. I will give him a new body later."

UR-025 stopped after hearing this, stared at the people below and said

"what do you want to do?"

"I'll give you a new body, big guy. There's no way you can conduct experimental research if you're so big."

Iron Man answered carefully after hearing this

"Then how do you determine after the transfer? Is it still me?"

Gray took him down the steps and came to the special maglev train, saying

"Don't worry, otherwise how do you think I got such a body? It's just that I have to work hard."

An hour later, they arrived at the laboratory under the Great Temple, where the robot assembly table had been completed. Gray sat in his office chair and levitated, and Iron Man slowly stood next to the biological assembly tank. The biological metal will form the structure, bones and skin of the new robot here in order to strengthen its defense capabilities. , Iron Man even has a small layer of nano-metal film plated on its outer layer.

"Oh, by the way, what do you want to look like? I mean what kind of look do you want?"

After hearing this, Iron Man's red eyes flashed. He thought for a while and said

"Can I do it myself?"


After Gray finished speaking, he prepared to make himself a cup of black tea, while Iron Man also began to build the structure. After the water boiled and he poured himself a cup of black tea, UR-025 also completed the construction of his body. Unexpectedly, he did not use those steel structures that looked very solid, but was like an ordinary human. This human was very tall, about 1.8 meters. Due to the structure of the mechanical tank, he could only see the face of the new body, which looked like he was 20 to 30 years old. The most strange thing was that his hair was mint green, and his pale face made people feel a kind of cynical melancholy for some reason.

After designing the shell, Iron Man said puzzledly

"Excuse me, humans once tried to preserve their consciousness in this way, but they failed in the end because they found that there was no such strong energy or spiritual power to support the transmission of the soul, so where do you find such a strong one..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw that the other party had stretched out his hand to grab the positive and negative poles of the two power supplies. Obviously, the energy problem had been solved, and he had nothing to say.

Gray waited until the other party stood on another platform and began to transmit energy. The Iron Man, who was stimulated by the strong power, made a painful sound. While transmitting energy, Gray was also operating the mechanical arm to start dismantling its chip and mechanical brain tissue.

"Your brain, chip and other artificial neural joints will be sent directly into the empty brain of this machine. Of course, this process will be very painful. Your fragile machine soul may feel like being cut by countless knives, so if you feel pain, shout it out."

As the mechanical brain was taken out of the original body, the painful roar of the iron man in the physical universe had stopped, but in Gray's eyes, his soul was gathered on the brain and was still howling in pain.

Without further ado, Gray did not want this operation to take too long, after all, it was also a test for his psychic power. After another five minutes, the entire operation was finally completed. Gray walked down from the connection port and looked carefully at the human face on the biological tank.

Fortunately, the face finally opened its light green eyes. He looked around with some horror and opened his mouth in the artificial amniotic fluid.

"Is the operation successful?"

Gray breathed a long sigh of relief and smiled

"Yes, congratulations, congratulations on becoming a stone man."

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