The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 80 Meeting at Farmhouse 75

Chapter 80 75. Meeting at the farmhouse

Martin was surprised and walked into this cabin that looked dilapidated from the outside. A large number of instruments, factories, hospitals, and barracks are arranged in the huge space of the cabin. Soldiers with golden exoskeletons and resistors from other parts of the planet with golden cloth strips tied to their arms and bulletproof armor can be seen everywhere. He even saw a Leman Russ tank and a Sentinel next to a barracks.

"Where did you get all this heavy equipment?"


In fact, as early as the first Damocles Gulf expedition, the protoss had captured a large amount of heavy equipment and weapons left behind by the human expedition. The final use of most of the equipment was directly distributed to the local army and police for use as security firearms. However, as time went by, some equipment gradually aged and was eventually placed in warehouses.

But now they have a new use and are reinvested into the territory of the Human Empire to organize a resistance movement. Under the instruction of the Ancient Saint, they owned a fleet of imperial merchant ships through hiring and comprador purchases. On the surface, they carried out commercial activities within the empire, but in fact, they also transported some resistance materials to the Those who dared to defy the Empire and were sure there was nothing wrong with it.

The equipment of this resistance army obviously came from the reinforcements of the Kalai Protoss, and compared to other organizations, they also received help from consultants.

Now this broken ship is used as the command center on the entire planet, controlling an elite mobile corps composed of nearly 40,000 soldiers. Although these 40,000 people seem insignificant, they are enough in this agricultural world with only tens of millions of people.

And their goal is also very simple, which is to wait for news. When the expedition fleet arrives, they will begin to control most of the central power institutions on the planet, mobilize workers and civilians at the bottom of the city to riot, control the main population gathering places, and let the expedition The fleet can land smoothly.

And now the planet is approaching its final step. This is also why Nova came to see her brother at this time, because he is the most familiar with the largest city in the area.

Nova doesn't plan to tell her brother these things for the time being. She is worried that his brother will misunderstand something. In fact, she had come here a year ago, but at that time Nova was afraid of failure, afraid that if she contacted her relatives prematurely and failed in the end, she would hurt him.

However, there is no such problem now. Because according to the intelligence, the expedition fleet will come here soon to carry out counterattacks, and Nova cannot let her relatives stay here after the war breaks out. Once they know her identity, the fate of her brother can be imagined. .

This can be regarded as her little selfishness.

After Martin saw these huge war machines and high-spirited soldiers, he immediately felt that it was not impossible for his sister to live there.

"Maybe we can really succeed. Is there anything I need to do? Sister."

After hearing what Martin said, Nova replied

"Yes, but not yet. We will train you to a certain extent and then assign tasks."

After more than half a month of emergency training, Martin was assigned his first task, which was to follow six other people to Dagos City to establish organizations and unions there to prepare for future uprisings. Because he received a good education when he was young, he learned faster than others, and therefore assumed the role of captain.

He sat in the truck and came to the personnel again and returned to his shack, just like before. Others did not react too much to his departure. After all, in this situation, many people wanted to escape, but in the end most of them either died on the road or came back helpless.

Martin's work here works very well because so many people were oppressed during this period, countless people were constantly struggling to death, and the opponents didn't even need to muffle their voices. In just two months, nearly half of the workers and more than half of the farmers in the city and even many soldiers joined their ranks.

The fire was now burning under the dry grass, and only needed to wait for the wind to blow and it would burn violently.

Finally, Martin waited for the signal.

One day, Martin, who was working on the farm, saw a fruit peel lying on the ground next to his companion. Nova and the others use this method to transmit information. They can usually disguise themselves as snacks without being discovered. Even if they are discovered, they can swallow them in time without leaking them.

"The expedition fleet will arrive in two weeks. The headquarters is preparing to launch a general strike around the world. Your department must cooperate in time."

After seeing it, Martin carefully swallowed it into his mouth, chewed it twice and swallowed it. The supervisor who was in the distance but on top of the processor saw this and slapped the iron railing with the stick in his hand and said sternly.

"Hey, over there! No snacks allowed during work!"

That night, the farm workers' shacks did not turn off the lights and sleep as usual. If anyone came, they would find that almost every shack was empty. Everyone gathered in the largest mud house in the southeast. This is their canteen and also a meeting place for farmers and workers.

Martin looked at the people coming from the city. Some were sugar factory workers, some were store owners, and even a PDF lieutenant colonel. Everyone gathered together and looked at the ordinary man in ordinary robes sitting at the front of the table. He looks a little bald and his beard is a little messy, but he is just such a person. Ultimately, bringing everyone together to fight against the fear that weighs on them.

Martin looked at the people from all over the place in front of him. Perhaps they once had different positions, but now they only have one name in common. He looked at the people in front of him and said calmly.

"Comrades, tomorrow is the last moment. I will lead all the farmers' unions and all the farmers to go on strike. When we start the strike, the entire planet will also go on strike."

A businessman-looking man next to him also nodded.

"I just came back from the Chamber of Commerce. All shops will be closed tomorrow! We will go on strike to support your actions."

"The same goes for unions and we're going to have this campaign."

The last lieutenant colonel named PDF made the final speech

"We have another battalion commander and two company commanders supporting us in the city, and one of them is an armored battalion. Once the governor's office comes to suppress the armed forces over there, we will refuse to send troops. If they still insist on it, we will Make an uprising!"

Martin nodded happily when he heard this, stood up and looked at everyone present.

"Then, for tomorrow, we will win!"

"for tomorrow!"

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