The Pseudo-Kunoichi from Another World
External: Mask of Knoici
I am a pro tempore actor.
Well, I've been eating on this road for over twenty years, and I'm still selling there in my mid-forties, and speaking of Godo Kyoichiro, it's your wife's idol in the teahouse (dead language).
"Yes, I was called as a guest to Nana's National Dining Chronicle in Japan today... I am now here to say that my daughter and I are in the village of Ramen in Niigata City. Here, famous ramen in the province can be eaten at once, and even on weekdays at lunch, there is a long line of snakes..."
But, well, in this day and age, there are some tough things about eating with one epoch actor, and this is how I'm guest starring in a gourmet show today...
Weird. What's wrong with my eyes...?
In front of me is a young woman sitting in the counter sipping ramen with a happy face.
That is good in itself.
It is normal for a customer to eat ramen in a ramen shop.
The problem is the appearance of the customer.
A very beautiful woman with seemingly early twenties (...) long dark hair ponytails.
If it wasn't my mistake, I'd be in bed with that woman once more than twenty years ago (...).
Or she should have had my baby.
Kagura Zino.
That was supposed to be the woman's name.
When I finished shooting, I called out to the woman for now.
The woman showed no interest in the shooting or me, and almost finished the meal at the same time as the shooting and tried to leave the store.
Normally, I wouldn't even speak to a woman in the middle of my job, but I wanted to make sure that she looked just like that old guy.
... Even if she's not herself, maybe she's Zino's blood.
Yes, that time...... more than twenty years ago, Zino disappeared from before me with a baby in her arms.
I thought maybe she was the baby then.
Luckily, it seems the woman noticed my hung voice and stopped walking and looked back.
"Uh... well, I'm sorry to call you all of a sudden. Can't you see it in my face?
As this girl is Zina and my child, it's a bet if she's asking about me from her mother.
Because that's all they poked at clearly three and a half lines.
But although the woman frowned for a moment, she looked at my face for a while and grinned as if it had slipped away.
"You're Keiichiro, the actor's hall, right? I like time plays, so I watch them a lot."
No! No, I'm not, but I'm not.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Hey, I'm in a hurry. Then I'm sorry."
"Oh, no, come on!
A woman who returns her heels and leaves the store.
I followed them reflexively and left the store, but already women have no shadows or shapes.
... Huh? It's impossible to miss a woman who just left on such a promising road, isn't it?
"Dad, what's the matter with you, all of a sudden you pop out of the store... aren't you too into it as soon as you break up with your mom because how much you liked it already?
That's what I've been hearing from behind me: white blouse on a checked skirt, active high school girl talent from your 17-year-old year wearing cat ears, Mido Purple... well, she's my fruit daughter.
Cat ears seem to be a trademark as the show's mascot.
That's why I was called as a special guest this time...
"... no, you look like your old girlfriend"
"Ahaha - that's a classic excuse, isn't it"
Are you sure they were just alike? It's too similar for someone else's likeness... to some floating away atmosphere.
"... right. If it's him, it's over 40."
I was forced to convince myself I was headed to my next shooting location.
The next shooting location is the highway's specialty SA (service area).
"Mountain Vegetable Heavenly Buckwheat" here is now said to be a big boom.
But something went wrong here.
"Uh, service area meals, not famous stores or anything? Worst case scenario - you're a bird bait. There's something better."
... My daughter made a statement about not reading the air.
"Ha? Girl, you're usually good, you're eating mon... our rice is bird food... hey... kora"
Besides the beginning and end of being teased by the Gottwitter truck driver who heard about it.
"Uh, excuse me, my daughter is being rude...... look, apologize, purple (itchy)"
"Uh, 'cause it's true. By the time you're eating at the bottom like these guys, you're sure."
The man, with his bearded cloudy eyes, seemed to have finally run out of something to say about soaking oil in his daughter's fire.
"... Goddamn it... I'll kill you... you can kill me... right? Yeah... yeah... haha... see, you're telling me you're going to kill him"
Truck driver crushing bumps and things that don't make sense while blowing bubbles out of his mouth.
... Is that it? This sucks, huh? Maybe he's on drugs?
"Oh, it's not bad, that bitch bitched me, so I said," I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care. "
A man taking a large survival knife out of a large pocket of work pants while talking about increasingly disjointed content.
... what, a knife!? Hey, seriously, baby, this guy! Oh, my God, he's pulling out his sheath!
"Hih!? What, to? What are you trying to do?
You realize that your daughter was involved in a shitty boulder, and you scream and fall back.
When I got here, the general public around me noticed something unusual, and it became noisy.
I hear screams from how many places, "A knife," "Call the police," "Number 110," "Picture me," etc.
"Oh, hey, Director, stop shooting... we're getting away"
"So, right? On the boulder this is..."
I encourage the locking team and my daughter, and it's time to move towards the locking bus as I watch the man move.
"... don't snort, don't snort, don't snort... I suck!!!
The man came after us by shaking up a survival knife.
No, no, no! Honestly, it looks like it's ticklish. Yikes!
"Hey do it! No! Don't come. Ooh!
All I do is scream, and when I hold up my daughter, who can't move like she's half-hipped out, I run to the lockbus at a glance.
The other members are already on the bus.
Oh, I think I just hung up the engine, too.
After that, if me and my daughter get on the lockbus, we can get away......
Shit, he's gonna catch up to me for holding my daughter.
"You've got to stop sniffing. Whoa, whoa! Ogu!?
For some reason, he's on the verge of catching up with us.
... Why? Nothing seems to stumble underfoot.
"Mr. Mido! Come on, now!
Me giving back to the staff voice.
Right, I don't have time to think about it.
When I held my daughter back, I jumped into the lockbus.
A lockbus departs rapidly as soon as possible.
We escaped the scene without giving a man a glimpse.
... so I didn't realize that he had Machibisi (an array of thorns stretched out on all sides that Ninja allegedly used) sprinkled near his fall at last...
"Hey...... that guy, he's coming after me!
One of the staff shouts a screaming voice.
I checked that voice from the inside of the car to the back, and it is true that a large truck with an earlier man in the driver's seat is still approaching a distance that is likely to hit me.
"Silly! You're gonna hit the truck!?
If you get a crash or something on the highway, it's not very good, but I don't think you'll be safe.
Over there and here. I mean to bump into you...
A scream that raved the madness of a man echoing in the wind.
At the same time, 'Dogan!' and make a loud noise and the truck crashes into the rear of the lockbus.
"" "" Wow!
"" Ahhh!!
Damn...... it's been so long since you can tell how dangerous you are anymore.
Lochbus stopped after spinning about 1.5 rpm on the street with the momentum pursued by the truck, making sure to rub the sides against the concrete walls.
I just can't help but think it's better if I didn't roll over.
"Oh, hey... are you all right?
"Hey, somehow..."
"Ho, I don't think he's even gone to the bones"
"Blood, no! I can't bleed, Dad!!
... about one, only my daughter is fussing about a little blood flowing from her cheeks, but there doesn't seem to be any major injuries, roughly.
Now, if he feels like it, will he miss it...?
"Yikes, hey, hey, hey! Crush, crush, crush, crush!!!
... Sounds like you can't.
The truck spits white smoke but backs up to open the distance from the lockbus.
Are you trying to gain momentum and follow through again? Not good.
"Hey, does the bus still work?
"No Mido, I think... it looks like the front wheel involved a broken exterior!
"Damn! Then we have to get out of the bus and run..."
The other guy said it was a car. Though it is suspicious that we can escape.
"Uhhhh! Blah!! I'm dying... I don't want to!
Tears, snot, daughters who follow me in full bloom.
Come on, for once, it's the end of the idol, so just leave it to tears to shed.
But this is the end of your life...
"Shh, shh, shh!!!!
A truck that takes enough runaway distance and comes in again.
Is this Ziend? That's when I thought.
"" Shadow Tied/Polar "!!
The track is bitter as if it ignored (...) the laws of inertia, as if the riddled woman's voice echoed around! He stopped the giant three meters after the lockbus.
"... hey, what?
"What the hell..."
"What... tricks or something...?
A row of flashing locks.
If you look closely, just before the truck...... something like a shorter blade is stabbed as it stands in the shadow of the truck (...)... the handheld part is ring-shaped It's called... its, like a ninja used...... kunai, it was very similar to something called.
... What kind of kunai stands on asphalt?
"It's... no!!! Oh, my goodness!
A man barks as he bleeds out of his forehead whether he punched his head in the windshield because of the truck's sudden stop.
"It's a good idea to be called."
A woman's voice echoing around to respond to the man's voice.
... this voice... no way.
"Irrational, Irrational, Irrational"
A pitch-black figure coming down from far overhead with his voice...... woman?
"Let's cut off the Dark Flower in a world where injustice passes, at least with a knife."
... this phrase is on the front door of "Special Interferee - Kunoichi Kunoichi Hua Herald"... right?
The only woman in the Special Series... Kunoichi is the main character.
... So, that woman, who came out of the sky insanely, was dressed exactly like "Kuno Ichi Dark Hua" itself in fiction.
The only difference would be where a certain red shadow person wears a mask like that?
"Ohhhhhhhh... you too!
BOOOOOOOOO!!! and the engine of a roaring truck.
Now shall we take every (every) woman?
"... for nothing." Shadow Binding/Pole "binds even the absence of organisms to the spot... stay put for an hour. But that looks cute too...... 'Thousand Blades'!
loose, and when you think the woman's body is as loose as a mirage, one, two, and the woman's figure increases as if they were copied.
"... Mister Mido, it looks like I, that cosplay woman, are separated."
"... well, I'll move on to the ophthalmologist. I'm coming, too."
The women (...) quickly increased to more than a dozen, surrounding a large truck… jumped toward the truck at the same time wondering if they had put a knife-like weapon backwards.
And the sound sounded around as if it were when scraping metal with a grinder...... the truck was finely chopped (...) and stacked on asphalt when the woman returned to one again.
... I don't even know what you're talking about, but it does when you describe the sight in front of you as it is.
One truck was minced to a size of about ten centimeters, even if one side was large.
It's already turned into just a pile of garbage and there's not even a trace of it left.
Truck drivers sat stunned in that pile of garbage.
"'The Universal Breakthrough'... Yeah, apparently under the influence of drugs. But I deserve that, and I think you'll get a lot of punishment..."
A woman crushing with a bump after seeing how the man was doing.
... Anyway, I don't know what I'm good at, but it looks like she must have helped us, so I should thank you.
I never got off the lockbus, approached the woman and spoke up.
"Oh, you...... that, thank God. Thanks........."
"Huh? Oh, never mind...... wait a minute." Character Change: Yin Yang Master ""
A woman who changes in an instant in front of me.
Though it is the same Japanese costume from Kuno's first appearance, it replaces purple-based hunting clothing (Rigino).
For some reason my hair is straight long, and the early dressing artist is bright blue.
The only thing that doesn't change is the red mask.
"" Forced (Gears), "" No drug use "... well, I can't use cold medicine or anything, but it's punishment, so I can't help it."... So, "Hypnosis" and... I guess this is it. "
Every time a woman crushes something, the magic team? Would you say that the light, like a combination of circles and geometry, glowed over the man (truck driver) and fainted as it was on the crap lightly... he's not dead, is he?
"Well, 'Character Change: Pharmacist'... please wait"
Apparently, 'character change' signals a quick change of clothes.
The woman who fainted the man now looked wrapped in grassy based mountainous clothes.
I know very well when I confront him like this.
I hide my face in a mask, but she's still... similar.
"Are you hurt or something? I'll treat you. Put me on the bus."
"Oh, oh, thank you. Over here."
I don't know how much you helped me, but for some reason I trusted this woman unconditionally, although I don't know how to guide a suspicious person into the car because I see her like this.
Encouraging the woman, when she gets back in the car, the locks are looking at me with a flashing face.
Well, I guess you were watching what happened in the car.
"Michi... Michido, what the hell is that woman..."
"Psst... Psst? Who the hell is that?
"Hmm, even if they say Nani... as this mask suggests, because I don't tell you who I am.... well, remember the masked ninja" Purple Shadow ""
A woman who answers the same question...... purple shadow.
Purple shadow. Zi Na Shadow... Zi Na... It's called being in Ramen Village, it's no coincidence you got here...
"Hmm... well, purple (itchy), you'll want to hear a lot about it... wouldn't you like to thank me first?
"Mm-hmm... Dad, but..."
Purple (itchy) eyes have a dark color of fright.
Well, I wish I could see such an out-of-the-way match in front of you.
"Don't worry about it. Instead, you're just fine not shouting and hysterical in this situation... good luck."
The purple shadow gently embraces the purple.
And those long fingers slowly stroke purple backs and heads.
Purple, who was so frightened, settles quickly, rather turning his hands on the back of the jaws and purple shadows.
"Phew, phew... Phew, phew... gushu..."
"It's okay, because right now, I'm going to heal my injuries too......" Play "...... Chu"
"Heh, heh!?
The purple shadow removes the mask and mouths it on the purple cheek.
Because of the angle, I'm spared not seeing the purple shadow face from my position.
"Oh, that...? My wound... my cheek wound has disappeared!?
"hehe,... the cat ear kachusha was cute, so the service '(really healed without a kiss though)... after that your injuries were also' automatic healing ',' overall skill '... all the time"
... you no longer know what to be surprised at when you get here.
From wounds with a line of bleeding to bruising, I wonder if the injured area glowed, and the injury heals as if to look around the film in reverse.
"Later... I'll fix the lockbus as well." Character Change: Blacksmith ""
Now a purple shadow that will look like an artisanal style wrapped around a half entanglement.
"Target Location Bus, 'Complete Repair'...... All right, yes, over." Character Change: Knoich ""
Purple Shadow returns to his first Knoich outfit again.
"Look, Mido! Bastard! The..."
"D" Director, it's fixed... you know what I mean?
"No, the... it's not just fixed... it's back in brand new... clean to scratches and dirt from before..."
"Hmm, don't go on the anticipation diagonal... well, anyway... I took care of you. In fact, I think some of them were dead just like that..."
"You don't have to worry. I helped out on a whim...... or because purple (itchy) had cute cat ears (kippy)"
"Oh, really..."
What is this? In a way, thanks to my daughter, did you help? Well, so is the cause.
"And purple?
"Ha, ha"
"Girls are allowed to be a little bit busy... but that's only because there's a basement that loves them, right? Don't scorn around for no reason."
"Yes... sorry, sister..."
Purple that is tempted by purple shadows.
Hmm? That means you were even watching a single incident in SA...... your sister said purple!?
"Mmm, good boy... I'll see you when I get a chance"
"Ha... Ha! Um, I'll be waiting! I'll see you again, won't I? Sister!
... oh... my daughter feels like a lily... her eyes are heart-shaped.
"Oh, and... the police and other cars haven't come in because we're on a break-in junction right now, but if I'm gone, the junction will disappear, so you'd better disappear inside now, right? You can't explain the situation, can you?
... if you think the car doesn't come by reason...
"Well... here's a thirty-six... fortunately, the bus wounds are gone, and I'm gonna be damned! D (Director)"
"Ha ha!
When the engine was restarted, the lockbus had increased before to turn up a pleasant engine sound.
"Well, um... I took care of you"
"Mmm. Be careful...... oh and that kid (...) is fine too"
"Well, that's more than that."
That's all I have left to say. Purple shadows that disappear light from the inside of the car.
... I'm not surprised at what's happening now...
"Come on... don't be stunned, Dad."
"I knew that guy was... Zino!? Why aren't you twenty years old!?
"Hey... calm down, who's Zino... you mean your sister?
"Whoa... you mean your sister... someone who could have been your mother in a way..."
"Shit...... I didn't even ask for your contact info!! What you did with me!
"Because even my dad won't forgive me if I get my hands on your sister! Your sister is mine!
On the bus running down the highway, me and my daughter (itchy) continued a conversation that didn't quite fit together...
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