Ye Wudao introduced: “Before we left, his grandfather dug out the ground and put sorghum wine for more than sixty years, how about tasting it?” ”

Nalan took a sip of shock, and immediately said with a face full of intoxication: “Qionglue jade liquid, for the first time in my life, I drank such a mellow wine, and I was willing to give me such a precious drink, you brother, I Nalan was shocked.” ”

“By the way, brother, I don’t know your name yet.”

“The night has no way, the night of the night, the dull and the wayless.”

“Good name.” Nalan raised his thumb in shock, and said boldly: “Just rush this wine, just rush this name, how about the two of us marry brothers of the opposite sex?” ”

Shrimp? Sworn? The night was stunned.

And this operation? What age are they, and there are still people who worship the handle?

Nalan stood up in shock, asked the bodyguard for a sharp dagger, and poured a large bowl of wine in the gourd.

Directly cut the finger with a dagger, dripped a few drops of blood into it, and the wine turned a light red.

He handed the dagger over and said: “There are not many people who can make me Nalan shocking to see in the eyes, and the whole country is full of ten and eight, just rush you know that there are tigers in the mountains, and I Nalan admires you in shock, although I am not the richest man in the world, but the whole of Inner Mongolia, my words are the holy will, you don’t suffer losses if we are brothers, you have to afford to see my Nalan shocking, just make blood for an alliance, worship the second master Guan.” ”

The atmosphere is very exaggerated, and Ye Wudao is infected by this heroic atmosphere.

In hiding it, it looked like a small family, followed by Nalan laughing twice, and also cut his fingers, dripping blood into the wine.

Nalan smiled shockedly: “I am Chinese New Year’s Eve this year, needless to say, I am a few years older than you, and we will be brothers from now on.” ”

He turned to his personal bodyguard Damon and said, “Go and move Second Master Guan at the door.” ”

Ye Wudao blinked and glanced at Damon.

That Guan Second Master is not light, pure copper, one person is tall, less than five hundred catties.

Damon took off his shirt, and like Oyama, his whole body was covered with knotted muscles.

Three minutes later, Damon came up, holding a bronze statue of Second Master Guan in his arms.

Dashan looked at this Mongolian man, his eyes lit up, and he couldn’t help but stand up.

After Dameng put down Second Master Guan, Dashan walked over and patted the murderous mouth: “It’s called Chen Dashan, I want to compare my strength with you, dare you?” ”

Damon looked at this young man, a little longing in his heart, and looked at Nalan shocked.

Nalan smiled shockedly: “Compared with strength, we have to wait until my second brother and I pay homage, and wait for you to wrestle to help us.” ”

He pulled Ye Wudao, carried the wine bowl, came to Second Master Guan, knelt on the ground with a pop, held the bowl and said: “The sky is above, the thick soil is the evidence, I Nalan is shocked, today I wish to marry Ye Wudao as a brother of the opposite sex, do not seek to be born in the same year and the same month and the same day, nor do they seek to die in the same year and the same month and the same day, but seek common glory and disgrace, common prosperity, one side is in difficulty, and all sides support.” Brothers are in trouble, and they should go to the soup. ”

“The sky is above, the thick soil is proof, I have no way at night, today……………… Brothers are in trouble, and they should go to the soup. ”

Nima, this is the Taoyuan Sanjie Yi.

After the two drank the wine, Nalan smashed the bowl to pieces.

Then patted Ye Wudao’s shoulder and smiled: “Brother, don’t say anything else, but in the entire north, if you encounter any trouble, mention my Nalan’s shocking name, better than anyone.” ”

After returning to his seat again, Ye Wudao was puzzled in his heart and asked, “Big brother, have you ever heard of a person named Huo Huang?” ”

Nalan raised his eyebrows in shock, and said with a smile: “Huo Huang, that girl is good, but it’s too ruthless, the woman in the eyes of money, as long as it is a profitable transaction, do anything, how?” Do you also know Huo Huang? ”

“I don’t know, I’ll just ask.”

“Huo Huang, a very awesome woman, debuted at the same time as me, but the mixed place is different, she is in the magic capital, everyone on the domestic road calls her Fire Phoenix, and some people call her the queen of the magic capital (Shanghai), she is a thorny lord, and everyone on the road is afraid of her.”

Nalan continued shockingly: “There are only a few awesome figures on our Huaxia Road, and she is one of them, Duan Qianqiu from Suhang, Jiang Shan from Yanjing, Chen Laohu, Dong Wushu, Phoenix Girl from the Magic Capital, and Qiao Laoba from the Northeast. Big brother is not talented. ”

Saying that, Nalan smiled shyly: “King Nalan of Inner Mongolia.” ”

After speaking, Nalan turned back in shock and shouted: “What are you waiting for?” What about people? Why hasn’t it come yet? ”

“It’s coming.”

The driver Xiaofang exhaled on the walkie-talkie, and four eighteen and nineteen-year-old girls entered the box.

They all have sweet smiles on their faces, and each one is like a flower and beautiful like a flower.

Wearing a semi-transparent gauze robe, there is no fierce hood on the upper body, and the lower body is wearing a white inner library, which looks mouthwatering and bloody.

“Brother, pick two nights to warm the bed, don’t be polite, don’t be responsible, that’s what they do.”

Ye Wudao was not pretentious, and ordered two casually.

It can’t refute Nalan’s shocking face.

Two girls came in style, with sweet smiles, weak and boneless.

One was very bold and poured into Ye Wudao’s arms, and the other carefully poured wine for him.

“Brother, eat the dishes.”

In the face of this fragrant service, Ye Wudao really couldn’t bear to refuse.

“Just eat, you don’t have to sleep, your brother and sister are still waiting at home.” Ye Wudao said with a smile.

Nalan was shocked and displeased: “Hey~? This day the high emperor is far away, finally come out, don’t experience the exotic style, how can you be worthy of the Xianbei beauty that your brother found for you, and it is still a female red, you can’t make it difficult for your brother, what to do. ”

The girl saw Nalan’s shocking eyes, her body shook, and she always had a sweet smile on her face, but she whispered with a crying voice: “Brother, you will accept us tonight, otherwise Wang Ye will feed us to wolves.” ”


Ye Wudao nodded with a wry smile, and the two girls breathed a sigh of relief.

The girl who grows in the ice and snow is a water spirit, her skin is fair and shiny, and her hoof flowers are moist.

Just when the night was enjoying this earthly pleasure, the mobile phone in his pocket sounded a cheerful ringing.

It is an unfamiliar number from Yanjing.

Ye Wu apologized and said, “Big brother, I’ll take a call.” ”

“Take it, leave me alone, just take it.”

Ye Wudao answered the phone.

“Hey, who?”

The other end of the phone was silent for three seconds, and a thick voice came.

“You’re Ye Wudao from the Sunshine Pet Store, right?”

“I am.”

“Very well, when will your five million of my brother’s return to the original owner?”

It turned out to be the five million.

Ye Wudao sneered: “The money is in my hands, do you think there is still a possibility of returning it?” ”

The other end of the phone said with a sinister smile: “It is illegal to kidnap people, I understand the rules on the road, I don’t move the two girls in your store, but tomorrow before dark, I want you to return the five million, and apologize to my brother in person, otherwise you will receive 50 intact skins of pets from Sunshine Pet Store.” ”

Ye Wudao’s heart tightened, and the East Window incident happened.

“You’d better not come here nonsense, or I’ll tear you to shreds.”

Ye Wudao’s face was gloomy and terrifying, and this sentence seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth.

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