The Purpose Of My Existence

Chapter 38 - Feelings (Time-Skip)

(A/N : So...yeah the first comments said skip so I'll skip anyways next chapter is finally the Arc of killing Muzan, it will probably take a few chapters to finish, man I really love to spoil you guys aren't I? oh well that's just my nature I guess? should I stop spoiling in the next world? so it will be exciting?)

After having a hot sėx with Kie, Shinobu was next and after having sėx it Shinobu, they did threesome and finished till morning.









Mark woke up, he is in a good mood today, it was really a new experience for him, Mark started to feel love again, yes love! he felt love with his woman's this time he can feel that they won't ever betray him, unlike with Cumwhore he felt rather one sided.

He vowed himself, as long, as they loved him and doesn't betray him, he will protect them no matter what it will cost!

As he walked out of his room, he saw Kanae he said " Kanae, good morning " he smiled.

Kanae who noticed him, she also smiled back and said " Good morning too, Mark-san! "

She continued " Uhmm... Mark-san I know this question is rude but....why do you have the same scent as Shinobu's? "

Mark thought ' This woman has a pretty good sense of smell '

But Mark didn't hide it and said truthfully " Well, it's normal. Since I've had sėx with her yesterday night "

Kanae who heard him, she blushed so hard that her face was redder than a tomato ' She thought, do you really have to say it truthfully infront of me? '

Kanae " I-is that so...I'm happy for her, that she found someone special...I'm kind of jealous. "

Mark tried teasing her, he move closer to her just a few centimeters between them and he said " How about, you join us? " he said it while smiling.

Kanae can smell his breathing, but it smells good, she embarrassedly said " W-WHAT are you talking about! "

Mark thought ' Cute. '

She continued to say " I-I can't... because I-i think she doesn't want to share a man. "

Mark eyes widened and thought ' Hey hey, your actually talking it seriously? I was just teasing you, but seriously? she likes me? '

Mark pondered for a while and said without a shame " Do you like me Kanae? "

Kanae got her mind blank from the unexpected question " I-i-i don't know?

maybe? "

She was confused of her feeling, actually she felt something from the moment she saw Mark for the first time, she thought she might have a chance in the future, but alas! this guy was her little sister's lover, she had known about it last week, so she held her feelings just for her sister.

But today something unexpected happened, it all started when she smelled the scent of her little sister on Mark, not many knows about it but she had a superior sense of smell, basically like Tanjiro.

She asked an obvious question but it led to another problem, when she heard him saying do she wants to join them? she felt her heart was beating so fast, her feelings even growed more clearer, she knew she loved him but for her sister happy life, she doesn't want to be the cause of destruction.

Yet she wasn't aware that, Mark has already 3 lovers. she wasn't aware of that Mark was teasing her, so she answered doubtfully answered his question.

And lastly the most unexpected question that she didn't expect, when Mark asked her if she likes him, her was violently beating, it was beating so fast the as if it were going to explode.

She wants to say ' I love you so bad. ' but she didn't she only answered " I don't know, maybe? "

Kanae answered doubtfully and he didn't tease her anymore he said " Okay. anyways I got to take bath. "

Mark left Kanae without a proper goodbye, it made Kanae froze and she snapped out of she got irratated and said " This guy..... can't he just say a proper goodbye? " she sigh and continued to walked in here destination.

(A/N : I'll do a little time skip zz, I'll make Kanae fall in unnatural way simply unrealistic but shit doesn't care anymore I want to finish this Arc already.)

A month later,

Kagaya, Sanemi finally got their birth Marks, it's not surprising for Sanemi to have a Birth Mark cause he trained and fought Demons for almost a decade.

But the most surprising was Kagaya, it took him a few little months to enter the level of the Pillars and condensing a Birth Mark, without even fighting a Demon once.

The Pillars are now Extremely strong to the point that they are confident to kill Muzan in a few minutes, but what irratated them was Mark doesn't allow them to kill Muzan yet.

He said that wait a little bit more, also over the month he and Kanae is now a couple, after she got to know that Mark has already 3 lovers and more importantly her sister doesn't mind for she can't defeat him on bed so she and Kie needed backup, from then on Kanae didn't unsealed her feelings and let it all out.

For Over a month, she constantly flirts on him and made Mark kind of dumbfounded, thus he realized it must have to do with Shinobu.

Basically after morning Mark accepted her as his 4th lover, which is she joyfully accepted it with all her heart.









Tanjiro and Inosuke arrived at The Demon Slayer Corps Headquarters, as he arrived in the Butterfly Mansion, he got surprised to see the black haired teenager girl in the Mansion and he walked toward her.

Obviously the teenager was Kanao, Tanjiro gently said " Hey! aren't you the same girl I've met a week ago? in the exam? "

Kanao noticed him and smiled, Tanjiro found her behavior odd, he noticed that she flipped the coin into the sky and after that, the coin falls and Kanao caught it, as she uncovered her the coin it was Heads.

Kanao " Nice to meet you again, yes I am the same person who you met in the exam and my name is Kanao. " and she got silent again.

Tanjiro thought ' She talked! I thought she was deaf. '

Kanao wasn't sure why but she felt that, she was insulted, thus Tanjiro decided to communicate with her more.

As they talked, Kanao got a little irratated but she also felt nice, she thought ' It isn't bad to talk to someone, especially he is on he same age as me '

The two didn't realize, that Hanako was running toward them, cause she noticed that Tanjiro was back, but she slipped and actually pushed Kanao's back and at that moment Tanjiro and Kanao talked with a close distance while looking at each faces, as Kanao was pushed she didn't have time to control her body and unintentionally kissed Tanjiro in his lips.

Hanako " Ah!! sorry big sister! I didn't mean to push you! I got slipped! "

But Kanao didn't hear it cause she froze from the kisses, her calm heart started to move faster, it was beating loudly yet her face didn't go red since it was the first time she felt something like this.

While Tanjiro on the other hand was completely red! it was his first kiss after all! he can't believe it they actually kissed! plus they didn't know each other that much.

Tanjiro " Kanao...I-i so- "

Kanao doesn't understand on what she felt right now, her heart was beating so fast and unconsciously runs as she goes inside the Mansion, as she holds her ċhėst on the heart side.

In the corner Kanao mumble " What...what is this? " she didn't realize her face was totally red.

( END- )

Okay! this chapter was suppose to be updated yesterday night but I feel asleep so Uhmm...sorry? XD but don't worry this doesn't count, I'm still making 2 chapters today excluding this one.

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