The Purpose Of My Existence

Chapter 40 - Finale 25

(A/N : Okay damn I should have finished this earlier, I got to be honest I almost Forgot that he has the EMS lol, i have decided to update the 2 chapters in a specific time, I would update at 8: 00 AM in my country I don't know about yours, I'll start on Monday.)

Before attacking Muzaj, Mark goes toward the location where Tamayo lives, he runs with his fastest speed, his figure was like blinking, appearing and disappearing.

After an hour of running, he had arrived at Tamayo' s hideout, it should have taken 3 days of walking to arrived at Tamayo's hideout, yet Mark reach there in a mere hour.

He is now infront of Tamayo's Mansion (Hideout) as he walked inside, a figure arrived Mark recognize this person, it was Yushiro he shouted " Who are you?! how dare you trespass! "

Mark smirked " Calm down, ȧsshole it's just me. "

Yushiro thought ' This...! don't tell me it's him! ' he finally recognized Mark! this was the guy who stole his beloved Tamayo and, this person is also the guy who made him be a crippled for a week!

Yushiro " It's you!! "

Mark grinned " Yes? what about me? "

A figure arrived in the midst of their conversation, well it wasn't really a conversation and, that figure was Tamayo she asked " Yushiro what are you shouti- "

She froze when she noticed Mark, and he realized Tamayo's shocked he smiled at her and said " Hey! it's been a while. "

Tamayo dashed toward and, as she got closer to Mark and the she rised her right arm and is preparing to slap him!

There was an incoming slap on his face, he can actually dodge but he didn't as the slap was coming.


It was a sound of a bone breaking! but it wasn't Mark's! it was Tamayo's right hand! just so you know because of his bloodline his body was as hard as steel, thought his bloodline now doesn't give him much of boost like in the first time he had gotten it.

Why? because he doesn't have much thrist for revenge, but that doesn't mean his rage faded.

Tamayo " Ouch! ouch! is your face was always this hard?! "

Mark smiled warily " Never thought you'd actually slap me that hard.. "

Tamayo looked at him angrily " It's because you never visited me for over a few months! plus why are you complaining?! I am the one who got hurt! "

Mark thought ' Shit woman! it was your fault! how would I know you're gonna slap me so hard that it was enough to actually break you hand?! ' but he doesn't dare to say it out loud, cause it was a taboo!

Mark " Okay, okay I'm sorry? okay? but I'm here because I have an important thing to say " he turned serious when he said those words.

Tamayo realized he was dead serious, she said " Okay.. let's go inside. " Yushiro followed Tamayo and looked at Mark in anger but also with fear.

As they arrived inside, they had sit in cross-legged style Tamayo " So..Mark what is it? "

Mark opened his mouth and said " We Demon Slayers are going to kill Muzan tonight. "

Tamayo and even Yushiro got stunned, Tamayo knew that Mark alone can kill Muzan and now the entire Demon Slayers is taking an action " Are you finally killing Muzan? " she has a happy yet sad tone.

She knew that when Muzan's die, she and all of the Demons will surely die along with him, Mark was aware on what is she thinking right now.

Mark said " Don't worry, you won't die along with Muzan, how could I let my woman die? "

Tamayo blushed, Yushiro got irratated and, she asked " How? are you going to do that? "

Mark got silent and slowly pulled something in his pocket, it was 2 serums was shown in his hand, yes 2 he brought one for Yushiro thought he was an annoying little shit, he was loyal to Tamayo and helped her alot.

Tamayo couldn't help but ask " This is? this item, it looks like it was made in glass? "

Well you can't blame her it a serum that we use in 20th century, so it's a foreign thing for her, Mark explained " Well, it's a serum it's a little different from you know but this Serum will turn you both to human! "

The two got shocked that their body trembled, Yushiro shouted " Impossible! even Lady Tamayo haven't made a cure for a centuries! yet you a human dare to say that thing in your hand is a cure that can turn a Demon into a human?! what a joke! "

Tamayo nodded " Even if you want make me feel better you shouldn't joke on something like this... " she said sadly

Mark " I'm not joking, not at all I'm pretty serious, why not try it? you Yushiro will be the first one. "

Yushiro shouted " Huh?! yo- "

Before he could continue his words, Mark continued " If you think it's a poison or something don't worry it's not, why would I even bother if I can kill you easily. " said with a plain voice.

Yushiro words got stuck at his throat, it was it true why would he bother if he can kill me easily.

Mark " Now try it "

Mark give Yushiro the one out of two serums and, Yushiro decided to try it, he looked at Tamayo who had an expectant look, he gritted his teeth and brace himself.

Thought it was his first time seeing this serum it was basically the same as their serums, but more futuristic, he slowly injects the Serum in his arm.

After a moment, his cat like eyes started to disappear and, so his 2 like fangs, Yushiro didn't feel any discomfort at all! it was like before he became a Demon! it feels like he was unrestrained!

Yushiro looked at Tamayo with an exicited voice " Lady Tamayo! it's real! I became a human again! " he knew how badly Tamayo wanted to be a human again, now that the opportunity has come, how can't he get excited?

And also he was shocked at Mark he thought ' How the hell this huma- no how the hell this guy made a cure? that even Lady Tamayo couldn't make for a long time. '

Tamayo stand up with an excited face and, shouted " It's real?! " she had a tear formed in her eyes.

( END- )

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