The Purpose Of My Existence

Chapter 45 - Aftermath

(A/N : Banzai!! I survived lol okay last chapter in this Arc as you can see I never followed the story, only in the beginning, I mean following the story was Uhmm...kind of a pain? so I made my own and b*llshited all the way and here we are! I thank you, for your support because if isn't for you guys I wouldn't have the motivation to right okay I'll start.)

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After Kagaya killed Muzan, the former Slayers celebrated at the Former Demon Slayers Headquarters, Mark was the one who cooked, they were doubtful at first, since they never tasted Mark's dishes, unlike Shinobu and the others who were excited to eat his dishes, it's been a while since they did!

The people was drinking wine, they were already drunk at the first cup! Inosuke was challenge by a certain person to drink wine by saying his a coward, as Inosuke drank the wine he got drunk!

Inosuke was screaming alot of crap " I'm the strongest! I I...I killed 1..2...3... whatever I killed more demons than you!! " and so on.

Tanjiro got drunk also, but his is different from Inosuke, he got even more honest than before! he walked straight toward Yui and Kanao.

The girl noticed Tanjiro was walking toward them, Yui " Tanjiro-kun are you okay? you look so red! "

Kanao changed alot, because of that time she is more talkative " Yes ...are you okay? " she said with concern.

Tanjiro smiled " I'm okay I'm okay! thank you for worrying! "

The two girls sigh, suddenly Tanjiro kneeled which made the girls panic, but before they could say anything, Tanjiro " You know....I liked you both I can't choose between you girls...but not until Mark-nii said that I could take more than 1 I decided...PLEASE BE MY LOVERS! " Tanjiro inner self was screaming in embarrassment.

The people looked at the scene with interest, they even started betting.

Random Guy " I bet to drink 1 liters of wine, that he'll get Rejected! "

Random Dude " Same here but I'll drink 2 liters! "

Mark who was cooking smiled and said " He'll get accepted if I lose....nope I'm not gonna. "

The people shooks their head, expecting him to lose BUT they didn't think that they'll lose, but they are dead wrong.

Yui and Kanao looked at each other, as if they had the same thoughts and they nodded, they both said " Yes! "

The two has truly fallen for him and didn't mind sharing him, since they treat each other like sisters.

Tanjiro got dumbfounded, he truly didn't expect them to accept, he got his eyes with tears he smiled happily and said " I swear to both of you I'll make you happy! he stands up and hugs the girls.

The two girls were happy and they blushed a little after all hugging them in the public is a bit...

Those people who betted at Tanjiro rejection got dumbfounded, they all thought ' What the hell! the brat is so lucky! I'm jealous! two beautiful chicks damn it! '

Mark grinned and said " Now... fulfill your bets! if not huhuhoo~ who knows.. " those people shivered and started to do their bets.

The most funny bet was, being nȧkėd while dancing, the person wanted to bury a hole and crawl into it.

The people was laughing so hard that they almost died because of laughter, Zenitsu was super jealous of Tanjiro, his eyes were having some bloodshots he screamed " AHHHHG!! TANJIRO YOU LUCKY BASTARD!! NOT JUST ONE BUT TWO?! WHY ISN'T IT ME?! "

Mark finished cooking and the people was having foodganism, it was such and amusing sight, they were having fun at that night it was unforgettable moment for them.







Morning, there were still plenty of people who was sleeping they were too drunk! heck there were even a couple thst had a sėx last night and was heard by everyone, but they weren't too rude to interrupt it.

Mark woke up his womens, because it was time to tell them, as they arrived at a certain room, they weren't sure by they were nervous atmosphere.

By the way, Mark also brought Tamayo last night so all of his 4 lovers are here.

Shinobu was the first to ask " Mark..what is it? your making us nervous for some reason. "

Kanae/Kie/Tamayo nodded, they also felt that too, Mark just smiled and said " No need to feel nervous actually, I'm going to explain something... "

And so he explained, he explained that he wasn't from this world and he needs to go back to do "something" he didn't tell anything related to Daine, the womens we're shocked, they knew Mark wouldn't lie, infact he never lied ever!

Tamayo " Unbelievable... your actually not a person from this world. "

Shinobu " ....It actually make sense now I know why you were totally different from the rest. "

Kie " I never thought of this... simply unbelievable.. "

Kanae " Since you told us about it, your bringing us aren't you? "

Mark nodded " Yes but I can only bring 2, don't worry I can come back anytime in this world. "

Kie " I'm not going, i can't leave my childrens. "

Kanae " Is it possible to bring in another time? I still had something to do. "

Mark looked at Shinobu and Tamayo " So your going with me? "

They nodded, Shinobu " I have nothing to do here anyway...I would like to see your world. "

Tamayo " I wanted to see your world too I want to explore it! "

Mark " Okay, it's decided! Kanae, Kie I'll come back to you girls later. "

Kanae/Kie nodded, and Mark said " Come here you two. "

Shinobu and Tamayo walked toward him, and stops at a few inches in front him.

He said into his mind " Daine, now. "

Daine [ Okay. ]

Suddenly, the trio suddenly felt the world was spinning and Mark thought ' Even though I'm superior than before..I couldn't get used to this feeling! '

They had finally arrived at his world, Tamayo was on the verge of puking and so Shinobu, but they can see an unfamiliar place, items and more they were in Marks room! were he used the coupon!

( END- )

Okay give me some 3 ability or item, which is going to be his reward on killing Muzan.

[ World Box ] Please put your options in the comments or in the paragraph section I might choose it.

1. (Anime) World Mission Coupon, ( Seven Deadly Sins World! )

2. ???

3. ???

4. ???

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