The Purpose Of My Existence

Chapter 88 - HENTAI!!!

Mark looked at Jericho, and then he thought 'Let's ask for directions.' he said.

"Me? I'm just a passenger, I'm kind of lost mind telling where is the entrance above?"

He said it naturally, and Jericho unconsciously answered him.

"It's right over there go straight and you'll see i-"

Jericho suddenly realized, and shouted in her mind 'Why the hell did I tell him that?!' Mark nodded and said.

"Okay then thanks!"

As he was about to walk, Jericho suddenly appeared In front of Mark and she didn't hesitate to slash Mark with an incredible speed, however her slashes doesn't seem to hit him at all! Mark gracefully dodges the her slashes, to him they were really slow. Jericho couldn't believe and thought 'Why can't I hit him?! he dodges my attack like it was nothing! this pisses me off!'

Jericho slashes turned more fierce, she increased her speed, but nothing changed. Mark got bored from simply dodging, he doesn't want to beat Jericho badly because, she is really similar to Shinobu! and so he moved his hand toward Jericho.

Jericho thought 'Oh no! I can't dodge it!' she was getting ready to endure his fist, she thought that Mark would punch her, but expections isn't always right, and Mark hand is near at Jericho forehead, he suddenly flicked his fingers toward her forehead.


Jericho Immediately stopped her attacks, and drops her sword, she suddenly shouted in pain, as she covered her forehead.

"Ouch! it hurts! You bastard! that was dirty!"

Mark looked at her with a helpless look, and then Jericho could clearly see his expression.

"W-what's with that helpless expression of yours!"

Mark shooks his head and said, "I guess, you are really a little girl."

His words made Jericho enraged! she a Holy Knight is being treated like a girl?! unacceptable!

"Nonsense! I'm not a little girl! which part of me is little?!"

"Let's see first of all your height, you are shorter than me, you lack experience, you dropped your sword just because I flicked your forehead, if I had the intention of killing you...then you'll die without a doubt."

Jericho got silent, what he is said true! she couldn't refute him, and Mark continued.

"But I guess the part of you that isn't considered little is your ċhėst."

Jericho suddenly got a confused expression, she thought 'My ċhėst..?' suddenly she looked down at her body and suddenly she turned crimson red! she only has her bra and panty! her armor was gone! when did remove it?! he's fast! no he's a pervert! she shouted with an embarrassed tone.


Mark sneered at her, and said, "I'm not interested in that body of yours!"

It's mainly because his womens are a lot better looking than her, besides he really doesn't feel anything looking at Jericho's exposed body, it wasn't his intention to remove her armor, just a coincidence, coincidence my ȧss! he just wanted to see how big is her bȯȯbs compared to Shinobu, but it was proven that Shinobu is definitely bigger than Jericho's!

Hearing his comment, she couldn't help but felt hurt, she might been acting like a man, but she is a genuine woman after all! it hurts her pride saying her body is unattractive!

As she was about to say something, suddenly the ceiling collapsed, but she didn't notice it, she wasn't aware of her surroundings, because her attention was all in Mark, seeing her being unaware of the collapsing ceiling, Mark sigh he isn't the kind of person who save people, however it was a special case because mainly it was his fault that Jericho isn't aware of the danger.

Mark didn't hesitate to carry Jericho, in a bridal carry, he doesn't do this often, some of his women didn't experience this, however this time was exceptional, what is he going to do? drag her like a trash? that's pretty rude, if she has her armor then that would most likely would happen to her, but she is only has her bra and panty therefore, he did this.

He didn't even get the chance to see, Ban reaction, he sigh, he knew that this dungeon would pretty much collapse later, he dashed toward the wall, while carrying the daze Jericho, this time he doesn't care of destroying it, since it's pretty much gonna get rekt.

Mark and Jericho finally got outside, and Mark looked at the collapsing Dungeon, while Jericho Is heavily breathing while looking at his face, her heart is crazy beating.

Thump thump! Doki doki!

Suddenly Mark dropped Jericho like a trash, and she falls, her ȧss fell in the ground she groan.

"Ah! You bastard! how dare you drop me?!"

Her heartbeat suddenly got slower, and that good feeling disappeared, currently there are anger all over her face! however it didn't all exactly disappear.

Mark choose to ignore her, and continued to look at the collapse Dungeon, as the dust slowly faded he saw 2 figures going straight into his direction, he grinned.

It was Meliodas and Ban! he could tell the difference between them, though Meliodas gained height he was still a lot shorter than Ban, and that's the same case for Mark as well! after all this Sin Of Greed height is 6'11 nearing 7ft.

Mark said, "You finally reunited huh? I guess this calls for a celebration!"

Meliodas grinned and said. "Sure it is! we didn't even celebrate our reunion and Diane let's party later!"

Ban didn't recognize Mark, that's normal because he kept the matter 3000 years a secret after all, and so the he introduced himself.

"I'm Mark the same as you, Meliodas is considered my best friend, he is one of my few male friends, nice officially meeting you Ban."

Meliodas smiled and he gives Mark and thumbs up, Ban realized that something changed about his Captain, of course not his appearance, he meant his personality, he seems unrestricted, and not that captain that he met decades ago who hides his true feelings, as if he bears a lot of problem in his mind, the Meliodas now is free spirited, and not really acting.

And so they get to know each other, and seems to forget about Jericho who is currently at a dumbfounded state, her job is to keep the criminal in the cell, who is pretty much is Ban, but there is no Dungeon nor Cell, so how the hell would she caught him? besides she looked at the blonde haired guy abd thought 'Isn't that Meliodas?!'

Remembering Jericho, Mark looked at her dumbfounded expression, it was amusing, he really need to give clothes seriously, he remembers that he has a lot of girls clothes in his storage, he took a quick look and found a suitable dress for her, yes a dress so she would look good, not her usual tomboy style.

"Here wear it, don't complain."

Mark throws the dress at Jericho, and without waiting the 3 guys disappeared, leaving her alone in this deserted place! she shouted.


However no one heard her shouts, and then she muttered, "I didn't even get to know your name.."

( END- )

I'll add what happen between Meliodas and Ban next chapter, the reason of the collapse, some of you might know it already but whatever.

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