The Pursuit Of Power

Chapter 10 - Can I save her or not?!

"It's about your sister. She's fallen into a coma..."

Hearing these words, Yuuki's world turned black and white as everything lost its color in his eyes.

"...where is she..." mumbling so quietly that the Doctor barely heard him, the Doctor led him to a different room and walked in before holding the door open for him.

Being told something and seeing it for yourself were two different things, Yuuki's expression looked like his soul had left his body as his face paled dangerously and if any of them were to touch him they would feel a deathly chill permeate their bodies.

"...Can I be alone please..." Making it sound like a statement rather than a question, Yuuki got the Doctor and Nurses to leave the room though they were outside the door in case of an emergency.

Walking to Hana's side, Yuuki's fingers traced her facial features as he stared at her beautiful face emotionlessly.

Unknowingly, tears welled up in his eyes and released themselves before forming into a stream of liquid that poured down his face.

{Don't worry, her body has fallen into a coma but nothing else is wrong, her body is stained with your aura.}

"What do you mean?"

{It seems that your aura is the cause behind her illness.}

"So... this is my fault... I was the one who did this... I-I killed our entire family..." His illogical thoughts were corroding his mental strength.

{No! Yuuki it's not your fault! Don't be stupid and look at the facts! Your parents were Hunters, they knew they were putting their lives on the line to take care of you and your sister! A-and Hana too! It's not your fault Yuuki so don't be stupid and think about it properly.}

"But, I could've stopped my parents from entering the Red Gate. If I was not a part of this family maybe... maybe they'd still be living a happy life."

Not being able to convince him, Hina had to say the only thing that could take him out of this pit of self-wallowing and sadness. {You can wake her...}

"...How?" Seemingly haven woke up from his stupidity, Hina continued.

{If you can get your intelligence stat to 100, I believe you will unlock something. After all, your hidden skill is related to your 100 charisma.}

"What are you doing?! Let me add the Stat Points!" Roaring mentally, Yuuki made sure to not yell with his mouth.

{Are you more of an idiot than I thought you were? Are you not aware of the effects of adding more than 3 Intelligence a day? Your mind would be destroyed if you can't handle the pain!} Speaking urgently, Hina had to explain to Yuuki that his actions would have terrible consequences.

"Do you think I care for pain whilst I see Hana like this? This hurts me more than anything you can imagine... WILL YOU LET ME SAVE HER OR NOT!?" Stubbornly screaming, Yuuki caused Hina to give in as she strangely believed in his words and allowed him to add the points.

Having 81 spare points after leveling up to level 19 after defeating the Yeti and after completing two Daily Quests, Yuuki put them into Intelligence, and instantly, his mind blanked.

Soul-stirring currents of pain rung out through his body and threatened to destroy his mind if he withheld for even a moment.

Not crumbling even a little under the mental pressure and pain, Yuuki's entire body collapsed and his torso fell onto the bed.

'I CAN'T GIVE UP. HANA NEEDS ME.' Repeating these words repeatedly as though they were a heavenly mantra, Yuuki felt the currents of pain stop. He did not realize when they stopped, but as soon as he almost lost his concentration it struck again as Mana was s.u.c.k.e.d into his body from the surroundings at a rate almost visible to the human eye but was visible for Hunters.

Witnessing a mass amount of pale-blue liquid looking substance suddenly form and stream into a Hospital room, Hunters reported the event to the Hunter's Guild after having some suspicions due to the previous Red Gate incident that happened just a few days ago.

Hanging onto his life by a fraying thread, Yuuki got closer and closer to the jaws of death whilst his [ Muscularity ] skill took effect and adapted to the pain of Mana forcing into his body.

[ ???? ] (???) Passive/Active

- Soaksd asjdnwjns sjkadfn

- Ojfirue cdfsakjd asjdo

There was a difference as this one was a Passive/Active skill.

"W-what now..?" Stuttering as remnants of the pain was still fresh in his mind.

{Wow. You are psychotic... *Ahem* Now you just need to condense your Mana into a liquid and massage every inch of her body. When I say every inch I mean -every inch, every centimeter, every millimeter of her body~

Ah! Sorry, it just happened accidentally!} With his mental defenses extremely weak, Yuuki felt his face flush unwillingly as he massaged his forehead to deal with the stress of having Hina around.

Nonetheless, her voice calmed Yuuki down as he waited for a moment before starting.

"Can I do it through clothes?"

Facepalming, Yuuki sighed internally before shaking his head and deciding to just close his eyes.

"Excuse me, but you don't need to stay next to the door, if anything happens you can be assured that I will immediately seek your help."

"Sure, we will give you the space you would like." Easily agreeing, the Nurses surprised themselves as they walked to deal with some other patients absentmindedly.

"Was that..?"

{Yes, that was your Charisma Passive Skill.}

Undressing Hana after laying her down so she faced the bed, Yuuki began.

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