The Pursuit Of Power

Chapter 16 - Venom, lots of Venom

In [ Stealth ] Yuuki used 10 Mana per second which meant that with his new Mana Pool, he could sustain its usage for another 980 seconds as 200 Mana was used to enter it whilst another 10 mana was used every second after.

Echoing into his ears, screams allowed him to know that the others had met their demise to the venomous swarm of all types.

Slowly roaming around the cave, the creatures began to fight each other. Yuuki observed the power of their venom as he had no room for carelessness. His Skill [ Longevity ] only granted him poison immunity and not venom immunity. There was a difference between the two, as Venom was injected whilst Poison can be afflicted via touch, inhalation, and ingestion.

[ Stealth ] would not last forever and every second that went by made Yuuki feel extremely tense. 980 seconds was only around 20 minutes so there truly was not a lot of time for Yuuki to be safe. Soon he would be exposed to - what seemed to be - a thousand creatures, that was excluding the boss, the [ Twin-Tailed Chimera ] which was the same rank as the Yeti.

Looking at the boss, it suddenly turned towards his direction. An intense pressure overwhelmed Yuuki and beads of sweat formed over his forehead and dripped down as he did not dare to make a move. He could understand that moving would kill him. Silently standing, Yuuki was in a position where the least amount of creatures were and after scanning the nearby ones, Yuuki was relieved to see that they were at most, B-Rank.

Looking at the runic magic circle on the back of his left hand, Chad emerged and was also in Yuuki's [ Stealth ] which made Yuuki's palpitating heart calm down. 'Chad I choose you!' Chad was currently looking like an absolute unit as he curled up under his master's feet in the form of a Husky-pup.

"Chad get up and turn into an Alpha Wolf please." Merely nodding his head lethargically, Chad got up and started growing outwards and became the form that Yuuki recognized from before with some changes. His black claws became icy-blue whilst his eyes were the same icy-hue. 'Was he affected by my Ice Affinity?'

{Yes, previously he only looked like a snow-wolf and now he is one. Yuuki, I think that you should stay in stealth and try to level it up, don't you think so too?}

"Yeah, I agree with you. Maybe I could get rid of the Mana consumption too. Alright Chad, kill the nearby creatures as quietly as you can, let's make a safe zone first. Observing the Boss which looked away, Yuuki witnessed dark streams traveling along the surface of its body, and whenever it did kill anything - which it rarely did - the black streams would invade the body of the creature and cause it to disappear.

Closing his eyes, Yuuki mentally decided that in 12 hours, he would get out of this dungeon. 2 Hours had passed by already and Yuuki's tense mind was affecting him. After all, having never been in a situation like this before, Yuuki had trouble staying calm. In a Red Gate time passed by quicker in there and slower outside. Though, in a normal gate, time flowed normally.

Icy-blue cuts appeared here and there on nearby creatures and caused some creatures to instantly die whilst others' bodies twisted and turned before collapsing after falling into death's grasp. Chad's name was slightly underwhelming for an Alpha Wolf, but it was especially the lack of a badass name which made him even more badass.

The boss had the body of a scorpion whilst it had two snakes heads for tails. Extending its mandibles now and again, the creature's pressure was enough to cause a C-Rank Hunter to quake in their boots, however, Yuuki was not ordinary.

For some reason, an intense will to fight appeared within him, and his fear was overwhelmed by the d.e.s.i.r.e for power. Surely enough, defeating the boss would allow him to rank up, right? Thus, Yuuki's Stealth was about to run out when a dim sound went off in his head and a panel appeared in his mind's eye and did not obstruct his vision.

[ Stealth ] (C) Active

Lvl: 1 --> Lvl: 2

- At the cost of the user's Mana, the user will disappear from view and enters a state of invisibility where the user can sneak around as the user's entire presence is hidden.

- 10 Mana/s --> 5 Mana/s.

On his left, a snake began to shed its skin. Chad had not gone into that area and yet the creatures in that area were all dead. After shedding its skin, the snakes previously green skin turned into a malicious purple color.

[ Gladiator Cobra ] (A-Rank)

"Two A-Ranks? Hehe, this is going to get pretty difficult. I want to tame that Cobra but I have to kill that Scorpion as it is the Boss of the dungeon. At least, I think so anyway."

{You're right about that, the Scorpion has to die, or even if you tame it, you cannot get out of the trap. But in the future, you could tame the Bosses possibly. I reckon, right now you can only tame about 19 more, so save up the other slots and grab some elites right away.}

"Yeah, alright thanks."

Rather than showing his normal fl.u.s.tered reaction, Yuuki smiled instead. Asking about the change in his behavior, Hina got a reply which stunned her.

"You're happy now right? If you felt sad I would feel sad too. I don't know why but I just know this."

{...I think...I would also feel the same...}

Sighing, Yuuki's smile remained plastered on his face as he squinted his eyes and stretched his arms and legs. [ Stealth ] was about to run out and whilst Yuuki was alright with getting hit by the Venom, it would be torture for Chad as he would only feel the constant misery and die after his Mana depleted.

Clutching the Leviathan Dagger tightly in his hand, Yuuki burst forward with speed, and finally, his Mana depleted. As it did, his mind blanked momentarily and a stinger was sent towards his torso which he barely managed to dodge after twisting his body with inhumane reaction time. Cleanly slicing through the scorpion's exoskeleton, Yuuki killed it instantly.

Green blood stained the ground but did not burn it and Yuuki had to turn to face the thousands of creatures facing him. The two A-Ranks paid him no attention. Completely ignoring his presence whilst reducing the pressure he faced caused Yuuki's heart to skyrocket as his veins were filled with adrenaline.

Rather than feeling scared, he projected an intense fighting will and noticed 1 Mana unit was regenerated. Already seeing himself coming out of the Gate alive, Yuuki wore a happy smile.

As he lifted his foot, something within him snapped...

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