The Pursuit Of Power

Chapter 23 - Kamish (2)

Delusional thoughts traversed Yuuki's mind and Hana coming to his side only made it worse as she clung to his arm and his fantasies instantly worsened. Painfully getting water in his lungs, he violently coughed it out before his red face slowly grew back to normal.

Rubbing his eyes with the back of his palm, Yuuki was very agitated by Hana's appearance as Hina's mischievous words were even worse. Recently, strange thoughts entered his mind but he instantly ignored them most of the time, however, in this scenario he was left with a mesmerizingly beautiful person in front of him and a seductive voice entering his ears which further amplified the results.

'Since when was Hana this...pretty?' Yuuki thought as he sat down on the couch and relaxed his hurt throat. As he looked at the Beast Dimension circle, Raven's aphrodisiac venom came to his mind and his thoughts again strayed but this time he barely managed to cling back to normality as he stopped thinking and just sat and rested his throat.

"Yuuki, are you alright now?" Hana kneeled by his side as she inquisitively looked towards him.


"Yeah, my throat still feels a little funky but other than that I should be fine." Taking his time to space his words out as the pain made it weird to talk, Yuuki looked at her innocently without any strange thoughts pervading his mind.

"Well, I tested the water and know someone is not trying to poison us, it's perfectly safe. Yuuki do you know why it happened?"

"Why do you want to know?" Curiously looking towards her, Yuuki asked.

"Because once I know why it happened, I can stop it from happening to you forever."

"It was just an accident on my part so you don't need to worry about something so small. Sit here."

Breathing in deeply, Yuuki continued after Hana sat down next to him.

"You don't need to worry about me, on the other hand, as your older brother it's my job to keep you safe and to take care of whatever you need. You live your life and I will make it so you can live it however you want to. Alright?"

Hearing his words, Hana put on an adorable pout that for once, caused Yuuki to behave differently. Easily lifting Hana and putting her in his l.a.p, he successfully made her blush in embarrassment as he tightly wrapped his arms around her and held her closer. Feeling her smaller body which seemed so fragile within his hands gave Yuuki an indescribable feeling.

Instinctively following this feeling, Yuuki's arms which were hugging her back, slowly lowered his arms. Moving towards Hana's supple lower body, Yuuki stopped himself at the last second from doing something he might've regretted and gently released Hana and saw her crimson-stained face and ears. The hue on her face caused that feeling to come back and this time, Hana's body emanated heat which pulled him in again.

Not being able to resist, Yuuki's face moved towards Hana's. Seeing his movement, Hana's heart skipped a beat as she moved her face closer. Right as their lips were about to make contact, Yuuki's lips touched... her forehead and he successfully controlled himself and did not go over the line any more than he already had. Like that time in the hospital, Yuuki massaged her back and accidentally applied Mana to his hands. Doing this caused Hana to quiver and shake as she bit her lips to suppress the erupting sensation of delight.

Despite wanting to forever hold her in his grasp as that feeling stayed, Yuuki forcefully calmed himself and embraced her again but stroked her hair softly before letting go of her and placing her back down and entering his room silently. Sensing her shaking, he thought he went over the line and fell onto his bed again as he attempted to distract his thoughts from replaying the embarrassing scene which caused him to dive into his pillow and bury his face.

"Ugh! I'm her brother so why am I taking advantage of her? Does she not need me to take care of her? Now I'm a bad person. Making moves on my sister, what kinda chump am I? She probably felt scared there and what was I about to go and do?"

{To be fair, I wouldn't resist if someone as handsome as you were to do what you almost did to Hana. Even on the street. In daylight. I don't think any sane woman would to be frank.}

"What are you saying?" Unable to take a compliment from anyone other than Hana, Yuuki's embarrassment further grew, and to resist it, he buried his face in his pillow deeper than physics logically allowed him to.

{You know what I'm saying, it's not like you're blood-related anyway. So why do you feel so bad about it? You know she loves you.}

"I only found out before. Just then, she also moved closer as if she was anticipating something. I barely noticed but still... why does she even have these kinds of feelings for me and how long has she had them? Ugh, it doesn't matter anyway, I just have to be a good brother and protect her."

{Well, do you want my opinion on the matter?}

Sighing, Yuuki nodded slowly.

{Think about it from her perspective. Firstly, you're very, very handsome and I do not exaggerate that this is one of the factors. Secondly, she was a shy girl from what you remember and did not engage in a simple conversation with anyone other than you and your parents. Thirdly, once she fell ill, she probably thought she was going to die when they could not figure it out at first, the work you had to do, risking your life every time you entered a Gate. All of these reasons, and many more, are why she fell in love with you. Is that her fault? Do you think her feelings should be ignored? To her, you're her entire world, everything she knows. I'm just telling you how she probably feels, think on it...}

"...I see..." After listening to her words, he instantly started thinking of what was about to happen on the couch and his thoughts ran wild as they were led by that feeling earlier. Feeling a burning sensation spread evenly across his body, Yuuki forcefully calmed himself once again.


"Hina, you see this? A real dragon appeared a couple of years back! Its name was Kamish and it was outrageously powerful. Five Hunters survived out of the hundred's of Hunters sent to kill it. Each of the Hunters sent were the strongest Hunters from many countries. But can I tame something that's been dead for so many years?"

{I... The System gave me some information regarding your Beast Taming skill.}

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