The Pursuit Of Power

Chapter 40 - Well, he's dead now.

[ The Monarch of the Iron Body ]

The iron-golem turned out to be a Monarch.

"You also died..." Kamish turned towards the Monarch and its eyes glimmered with understanding.

"Oh, just this guy is left?" Yuuki moved his hand forward and his eyes glowed with a fiery hue before a red flame appeared within his hand. Shortly after its appearance, the flame changed color and became orange before it became yellow and then finally, white. Condensing the flame and forming an arrow, Yuuki had finished.

At this moment, though the white flame was the size of a hair, once Yuuki sent it forward and it made contact with the Monarch, it was instantly lit in white flames that immediately destroyed it without a second passing by after contact was made.

The entire process took less than a millisecond.

[ You have leveled up ]

[ You have leveled up ]

[ You have gained +1 Greater Lucky Spin ]

The same message repeated itself until Yuuki reached the level 69. (nice)

"Well, Kamish. I will be your new Master. Any complaints?"

"Well, I was thinking-"

"Great, you have none! Alright bye!" Waving as he exited the Coliseum, Yuuki appraised his new titles which were just gained along with his new stat page which was very different from before.

[ Pyromaniac ] ( In Use)

[ Lord of Darkness ]

- When the title is in use, gain +1 to the chuuni secret stat and 20% bonus to Darkness spells

[ Mr. Freeze ]

- When the title is in use, gain +1 Ice Cream every hour in inventory and a 20% bonus to Ice spells

< Status Page >

Job: Embodiment of Power

Titles: Pyromaniac (In Use), Lord of Darkness, Mr. Freeze

Level: 69 (4%) (nice)

Hp: 29500

Str: 295

Agi: 295 = 413 = 516 | 774 [Slaughtering Steps ] and [ Agility ]

Int: 319

Cha: 319

Per: 295

Vit: 295

Stat Points: 386

Skill Points: 6

(A/N- I messed up something in the ability of the stat increase from his Job. It was meant to be a 100% increase in stats upon his next level up but I wrote 50%.)

"Nice boss fight..." Chuckling as he sat on his bed and leveled up [ Samsara ] for 5 skill points which then flooded his mind with the next 100 Lives. However, all that remained from the Lives were the necessary things. Nothing extra from those Lives other than the power he gained within them remained from his Lives after the upgrade.

Slowly inhaling and exhaling before getting up, Yuuki seemed the same yet there was something different before that difference disappeared. His eyes lit up as he smiled.

"Hana, come here." Calling out to her before she entered his room, he made her lay on his bed and close her eyes after she got into a comfortable position where her body was completely relaxed.

"What I want you to do, is to breathe. Breathe in and hold it for five seconds before releasing it for five seconds."

Doing as he said, his calming voice allowed Hana to perfectly follow his following instructions until she felt his hands on her abdomen.

"Now, focus on your breathing and only on your breathing. Do not let your focus stray from the task you need to do, okay?"

"Sounds good."

Yuuki manipulated his Mana into a gaseous form and this allowed it to flow into Hana's body so that he could move it from the inside. Feeling the heat from the Mana, Hana was able to keep her focus and kept on breathing.

Meanwhile, Yuuki carefully let his Mana go through all of Hana's Magic Circuits through which Mana flowed, and to do this, his hands roamed all over Hana's body but not in a sensual way.

"Keep breathing." Softly speaking so she kept her focus, Yuuki was able to activate all of Hana's Magic Circuits one at a time.

Time passed slowly as Hana felt warm energy flowing like water within her. As her Magic Circuits were now activated, Yuuki's Mana was now traveling around the Circuits to make them accustomed to having Mana go through them so that she could use Magic after being taught.

After developing this technique, Yuuki was able to increase anybody's aptitude for using Magic with Yuuki's already being inhumanly perfect.

Once he was done with getting her Circuits to become accustomed to Mana, he began the next step, stretching the Circuits.

Placing his thumbs on the area above her bellybutton, he pressed down lightly on her skin which caused her to inhale sharply but she kept her focus and her breathing continued as he kept moving his thumbs which caused the warm energy to concentrate which made it feel like Yuuki's thumbs emanated intense heat that was comfortable.

"Come on, keep breathing. Don't stop. Relax..." Placing his mouth next to her ear as he instructed her, he also began breathing, in the same way, to make her follow him rather than having her control the breathing entirely as she could lose her focus but it was harder this way for that to happen.

"We're almost done, keep it going." The reason he had to keep her in check was to ensure that he did it right. Stretching her Magic Circuits sounded like it would cause pain, but instead, it caused p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e...

Yuuki did not know why it did so, but it caused p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e and he could not change this. Maybe it was because of the foreign Mana or maybe some other reasons. His experience with using the technique was very limited as he remembered using it on some other female but did not remember anything about them. It did not matter as the Samsara Lives were not real, or so he was told at the start...

Anyway, he continued pumping his Mana through Hana and he finished the process.

"Okay, we're done."

As soon as Hana heard his words, she jumped onto him and attacked his lips with hers passionately. Responding to her kiss, he held her tightly by her waist before flipping their positions and softly stimulating her erogenous zones. Doing so caused Hana to arch her back and let out a generous amount of m.o.a.ns that aroused Yuuki.

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