The Pursuit Of Power

Chapter 5 - Hunted

Running as fast as he could, Yuuki knew that the wolf howled to let the other wolves nearby know there was something to kill. As he ran, all he could think was how stupid he was to leave out the blood. He completely forgot there were other predators in his exhaustion and that relaxed mindset attracted wolves.

White blurs sped through the forest catching up to him in mere seconds. Their rank was much higher than his as they were at least B-rank Magic Beasts meanwhile, Yuuki was an E-rank Hunter, the weakest Hunter at that.

The wolves could've easily caught up with him and killed him in an instant, but they seemed to be playing with him as a child would play with their food.

Occasionally, the wolves would leap out and dash just before his back which caused him to dodge and almost hit the trees. Nonetheless, his legs did not stop moving as he dashed forward with speed greater than he had previously.

Blood leaked out from his shoulder as a wolf assaulted him from the front whilst another was behind. Yelling out in pain, Yuuki kept running when he saw the forest, and the floor stopped past a certain point. A cliff...

Yuuki felt no fear as he ran, instead, adrenaline poured through his veins whilst only the instinct to survive thrived inside his mind. Bursting out with speed he did not even know he had, Yuuki arrived at the cliff before turning around to see the wolves all surround him and block off all points of exit for him and they closed in with one of the wolves which seemed to be the Alpha licked the blood off the floor whilst the other wolves made way.

Deep down, he knew this was the end for him. A stupid mistake was going to cost him his life and he could not even do anything about it.

'Hana... if only big brother wasn't so useless you would have a normal life, if only I stopped Mom and Dad from entering the Gate they would still be alive. Everything wrong with your life is all because of me...' Blaming himself, Yuuki did not understand how unlogical his thoughts were.

'If only, if only I had power...'

Desiring for the power to live a life full of infinite comfort, Yuuki's hands trembled in rage rather than fear.

Resolutely gripping the handle of his dagger in a reverse-grip, Yuuki decided he would take at least one of them down with him.

Despair had not overwhelmed Yuuki so he decided to throw the Alpha off the cliff and attack another with his dagger whilst they were paralyzed by shock.

Indeed, as he expected, the Alpha walked to his side and when its guard was at its lowest and when the least amount of its body was touching the floor, Yuuki sprung into action by grabbing its hind legs and with as much force as he could muster, threw it towards the abyss before him.

The weak howl of the Alpha which was full of dread echoed into the ears of the wolves which led them to suddenly move forward. As Yuuki was off-balance, he tripped and followed the wolf down as gravity pulled him causing him to reach terminal velocity before and the air hit his face so he maneuvered to put his head first to allow for an easy and painless death.

He had accepted his demise by the hands of gravity. In return, gravity broke every bone in his body as he struck the surface at the bottom of the cliff.

Blood leaked out from his every orifice and pain enveloped his entire body.


At the Hospital, countless Hunters surrounded the Red Gate and witnessed it become blue again which could only mean that the person inside died. The reason they came to this conclusion was that the Red Gate would open after 7 days or if the people inside died and it had not been 7 days.

Goto Ryuji was a famous S-Rank Hunter who had the chance to become a National Level Hunter and he came here to deal with the Red Gate after the Hospital staff looked for Yuuki with news about his sister but instead of Yuuki, they found the Red Gate.

Goto turned to his team and with a silent nod, moved forward to enter the Red Gate which appeared to have blue swirls rotating within which truly made it look like a normal Gate.

However, as Goto's foot was about to enter the Gate, it became a Red Gate again.

"...what?" Shocked, Goto struggled to understand why the Gate sealed itself again.


{Perfect Host Located}

{Perfect Power Pursuing System Attaching}

{Restoring Host's Body}

Yuuki's body trembled as his heart started beating again and his eyes blinked multiple times in succession. Breathing shallowly, he failed to comprehend why he was alive and well.

Lifting his torso, Yuuki shakily looked at his unwounded shoulder in shock. He felt the worst pain imaginable as every single one of his bones shattered and pierced his inner organs, so it was normal he had a hard time understanding why he was okay.

{Removing Host's Soul Seal}

[ 23H: 59M: 56S ]

{Perfect Power Pursuing System hibernating due to low levels of energy left after multiversal spacial warping and will open once the Host's Soul Seal has been removed. Please survive Host, I will tell you more once I reawaken from hibernation. Best of luck, Yuuki.}

Suddenly hearing a gentle female voice, Yuuki's spine shivered and he clumsily got up and looked for the origin of the voice but found no one around except him and the almost dead Alpha Wolf.

Walking over with unsteady steps as he still had trouble believing he was alive, Yuuki got to the Alpha wolf and saw how much pain it was in. He had already... died, but the wolf hadn't yet. Pitying it, Yuuki decided to put it out of its misery with his dagger.

Crimson blood spilled from the Alpha's body and yet, Yuuki still could not do it as he saw the look in its eyes. He crouched beside it and held his dagger over what seemed to be its jugular vein.

"I... I want to stop the pain. S-so... I'm going to kill that okay?"

Communicating with the wolf through verbal words, Yuuki could see it understood him and somehow also understood the underlying tone behind its look.

"It's not like I can heal you and take you with me and call you Chad because you are an Alpha. Even if I wanted to." As soon as he comically said these words, a pale golden glow covered the Alpha's body as its broken bones seemed to gently snap into place.

Standing up, a green name popped up over the Alpha's head.

[Chad - Rank/B]

"Wait what...."

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